friend just took her wisdom teeth out this morning, what to get her?

United States
xbox is a joke
So close friend of mine got her wisdom teeth out this morning and I'm going to visit her after I get off work today at 5 and I'm trying to see what to take her.
not trying to be romantic or anything, so like no flowers and roses and all that bull:censored:

I was planning on taking movie(s) and ice cream and crap load of Jellos but I wasn't sure if ice cream would be good if they just got out of surgery 9 hours ago. I have never had my wisdom teeth pulled so I'm clueless and any tips is much appreciated.

thanks fellas!!!!!!
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Also, I haven't been following up with movies lately, but any recommendations on some good family friendly movies? I wanted to bring Wolf of Wall street but nah not appropriate lol. and she has seen Frozen already a lot. thanks
I'd take flowers anyway. Make it a small bunch so it comes across as more of a kind gesture than romance.

I will think about it. I am super super super skeptical with flowers. I think they are too into the face honestly.

I have never been a big fan of taking flowers to girls - it is extremely cliche lol. i feel like it's a nice thing if they are teenagers/young adults, and we are, but idk man I just do not like flowers unless she's my girlfriend or something haha
I will think about it. I am super super super skeptical with flowers. I think they are too into the face honestly.

I have never been a big fan of taking flowers to girls - it is extremely cliche lol. i feel like it's a nice thing if they are teenagers/young adults, and we are, but idk man I just do not like flowers unless she's my girlfriend or something haha

Do you want her to be your girlfriend? ;)
Movies and soft food, like jellos, make sure it does not contain a lot of sugar :)
I have never been a big fan of taking flowers to girls - it is extremely cliche lol.
It is very used because it is a way to tell them that you care about them
i feel like it's a nice thing if they are teenagers/young adults, and we are, but idk man I just do not like flowers unless she's my girlfriend or something haha
Then what's stopping you? unless you don't want to look awkward, or are not looking for a realtionship with her, nothing should stop you from doing that, just bring her a pair of roses, or whatever flowers she likes, not a bunch of them
Movies and soft food, like jellos, make sure it does not contain a lot of sugar :)

It is very used because it is a way to tell them that you care about them

Then what's stopping you? unless you don't want to look awkward, or are not looking for a realtionship with her, nothing should stop you from doing that, just bring her a pair of roses, or whatever flowers she likes, not a bunch of them

gosh I really really have to think about that dude lol. SOO cliche! hahaha. but I just might.. idk

Do you want her to be your girlfriend? ;)

she is the crush of my life lol. I first met her at church in 7th grade and first time laying my eyes on her I was like "Wow, she is different" so here I am 22 years old about to graduate out of college and I still freaking love this chick. lol. but yeah not trying to show my soft side here or anything so yeah short answer is yes I'd definitely like to see myself dating her in the future sometime :)
hahahahahahaha sorry bud!

& I will check out these Toffee things. never heard of them :S thanks fellas

Noooo. Nothing sticky or chewy.

Bring a small bag of ice and say, "I brought something for you to suck on," while producing it from your front pocket.
Noooo. Nothing sticky or chewy.

Bring a small bag of ice and say, "I brought something for you to suck on," while producing it from your front pocket.

yeah im looking for something that she wouldn't have to move her jaws much so something that can slide right on in and be cold & delicious.

in this weather, i wish my front pocket fit that description :( but man would it have been romantic lol
she is the crush of my life lol. I first met her at church in 7th grade and first time laying my eyes on her I was like "Wow, she is different" so here I am 22 years old about to graduate out of college and I still freaking love this chick. lol. but yeah not trying to show my soft side here or anything so yeah short answer is yes I'd definitely like to see myself dating her in the future sometime :)

Flowers it is then.
She is the crush of my life lol. I first met her at church in 7th grade and first time laying my eyes on her I was like "Wow, she is different" so here I am 22 years old about to graduate out of college and I still freaking love this chick. lol. But yeah not trying to show my soft side here or anything so yeah short answer is yes I'd definitely like to see myself dating her in the future sometime :)

Flowers are always a good idea when getting some eye-time with a gal - and a good movie will also help. Ice cream is okay.
Try to give her the kind of attention that is not obtrusive; women are a lot more susceptible to humour and chivalry than raw sexiness.
Anything but hard or sticky food. When I had my wisdom teeth removed I ended up with bread and Doritos stuck in the holes because I started eating normal food too soon. :lol:
Flowers are always a good idea when getting some eye-time with a gal - and a good movie will also help. Ice cream is okay.
Try to give her the kind of attention that is not obtrusive; women are a lot more susceptible to humour and chivalry than raw sexiness.

She's one of those chicks that I don't think about sticking it in as soon as I see her (unlike 99% of my other crushes lol). but yeah I feel ya I think it went really well last night.
I ended up getting her some strawberry ice cream, jellos, and Trix yogurt (lol :) ) and ended up putting on Ice Age 3 hahaha. I hate those movies but whatever that's not why I was there lol

but thanks for all the advice guys! I didn't take any flowers this time and I think it's for the best. i just didnt feel natural/comfortable about it and I think that's one of the most important things when being with a girl - gotta be natural and comfortable or else they won't be comfortable.
but maybe next time!

Drugs or booze.
Anything to numb the pain.

serious question: is booze okay to drink for her? it'll mess up with her drugs wouldn't it?
If she's taking any painkillers or other drugs I'd avoid alcohol. I can recommend hot soup, I found that was the nicest thing. Ice cream is also good, basically anything liquidy and soft that tastes good but will give some actual nourishment. Sweets are great, but not being able to easily eat solid food means you can get very hungry. And I'd say go for the flowers, I'm not usually a fan of them but this is the perfect situation for them.