Wisdom Teeth

Are wisdom teeth something comes out for everyone? If so nature really screwed up on that design huh? I have never even had a tooth ache before, not to mention never brushed my teeth until I was around 14. Bad childhood, got to an age where I realized I needed to do it and started then. Zero parenting when I was growing up, unless you call learning the ways of a fiend parenting:tdown:

Some people are born without wisdom teeth altogether. I've heard that it has to do with genetics. Others never have to have theirs taken out. It's all about the jaw formation. From what I've heard, a long time ago wisdom teeth were just the farthest back molars, growing in with all the others. But overtime people started becoming vegetarians and not using their back teeth to chomp on stuff as much, and before you knew it you got wisdom teeth.
Mine are full in and I use them everyday, my diet consist of mainly pork and chicken and sometimes turkey and beef. I do eat veggies also, I'm not a T-Rex :)
Yeah, it's just jaw formation type from your bone structure and DNA links aswell like Driving Park said and not everyone gets them. And like Gil said if you do have them, sometimes it needs to be cut out (my impacted one from the broken jaw needed to be cut out!!) and it's very very painful for them.
I neglected to have my wisdom teeth removed when I should have. The result was that they came in and pushed all my other teeth forward creating crowding and crooked teeth. (I have never had a perfect smile which is why I didn't give too much thought to the wisdom teeth removal.)

When I went to the dentist to have him look at another tooth I was informed that the wisdom teeth would have to be removed first before they could complete the work on the problem tooth. He offered to do it right there. I actually don't mind the dentist, so I asked for a mirror and watched him hammer, crack, twist and eventually yank out four very large teeth. It took some effort as the roots became twisted with those of some other teeth. Also, general anaesthetic never works well on my so I could feel some pain as the procedure went along.

Left the dentist and went back to work, then that night went to the dojo for my regular practice, where my partner kept hitting me in the jaw (that jerk!)
I had all 5 of mine removed in May. Kind weird that some people have none, some have 4 and you can have up to 8!
I've got 3 wisdom teeth, and they're all 3 pretty much in now. I can't be bothered to pay for an extraction. Plus, I got my braces out only a year or so ago, and I've been wearing retainers ever since. My wisdom teeth get to hurting and give me headaches sometimes, so I just keep wearing my retainers when I can to keep it all in place. I should have stopped wearing them six months ago but my wisdom teeth keep moving and messing everything up. If I could afford it I'd get them out right away, but I can't.