Friends list

  • Thread starter Pharlap
United States
Boise, Idaho, U
When we go over to GT6, will we be able to keep our current friends list?
I've searched but cannot find anything on the suject...
Er... I don't see why not, seeing as how the friends list is not a GT feature, but a PS3 one.

(Ninja-edit) Beaten by a small insect!
When we go over to GT6, will we be able to keep our current friends list?
I've searched but cannot find anything on the suject...

Are you talking about the vicious rumour that GT6 will also be on PS4?

If so, then yes. I think it will transfer to PS4 and if it doesn't, friend requests can always be resent to your most fovourable friends 👍.

Oh by the way, GT6 on the PS4 will probably be GT7 and it won't be out for yonks.
Friendslist is a system level, or rather network level feature that is not tied to a particular game. All your current friends in gt are also friends in the playstation network and therefore in all other games on Sony Consoles that integrate PSN. It is confirmed that PSN (and your PSN ID and friendslist) carries over to PS4. So, however GT6 turns out, you are set.
Tx guys....GT5 is the only online PS3 game I currently play..4 now.
Forgot about friends being a PS3 feature.
Thanks again.
I expect that we'll be ableto choose a real name to be displayed instead of the alias for lobby games. The GTA demo teased this...

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