• Thread starter Furinkazen

Round #19:
~ @LancerEvo7 strike for moving into an incorrect position for the restart.

~ @Matty strike for not maintaining speed.

Round #20
@LancerEvo7 strike for contact with Matty.

Strikes Update:
~ @LancerEvo7 moved onto 2 strikes (previously 0), triggering a 2 point penalty Overall.
~ @Matty moved onto 2 strikes (previously 1), triggering a 2 point penalty Overall.

Note this weekend that strikes will not apply, however time penalties will be applied to race results instead.


@Ninners almost has it (previous calculations had an error) and needs just a single 13th place finish to confirm the title.


Looks like @cnd01 has Independents but eyes will be on the three-way battle for 4th between @Yeratel84 @DK @AudiMan2011 .


Hyundai set to take another Manufacturer-Teams title.


Brands GP next.

RE those who expected Mighty Minis, reconsidering at moment as might just want a little break in all honesty, but i'll sort something soon.
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~ Original decision had @Matty given a strike for not being in the correct spot for the restart after being overtaken on the restart.

Having spoken again to the other (not-involved) steward ( @Panoz ) and then afterwards consulted @GTPorsche (who is considered an external steward now in case, only involved in appeals, due to not competing any more), the original decision of a strike has been upheld. A driver who was overtaken during the pace lap should make an attempt to retain position before the (re)start.

"if Driver A (Matty) doesn't maintain their position, that's on them.... if Driver B is maintaining pace with the field and Driver A isn't, then it's not Driver B's fault for Driver A not maintaining pace.... (if the overtake was made on a pace lap start) then that's the perogative of Driver A to take their position back..."
Okay I have a few issues with this penalty.

A: I wasn't 100% sure what position I was meant to be in on the restart as I was in a fight on track prior and no positions were told beforehand.

B: It was a pace lap, so I took off slowly and a little gap formed, which I had closed by turn 1, add to that the confusion about whether Jon took my place or was it his?

C: I'm being double punished, Jon gained a position and received a strike, I lost a position and received a strike.

D: I'm supposed to fight for the position on a pace lap? Potentially cause a crash in doing so and get an even harsher penalty?

E: I've been made aware Jon was told the penalty before it was decided and fought to have it lessened successfully.

What was I supposed to do? Gun it off the grid on a pace lap? Fight halfway round the track for a position we both would have thought was ours?

I settled in, didn't cause an issue, reported it after the race *to check* if Jon took my place, which I still wasn't sure about, and got penalized for being in the wrong position. That's not fair.
The Abridged 17OCA Dictionary for n00bs!

That's right, it's me again, because I guess I just can't get enough of this 🤬. The upcoming dictionary mainly focuses on this season, since I haven't kept up with the prior GTS ones virtually at all, and because some entries on the old one are probably outdated or just plain irrelevant. So everything's new and everything's thus in bold.

To those who wonder, I watched a variety of people's streams to catch just about every race.

Akmuq: Confined to a limited schedule this season. No longer the finish line troll that he once was.

Blue Moon: Why not run the oval layout next time? Let Niop and RPH dominate for a bit as well. Either that, or the weird Disney World-esque oval with the random right hand kink, that'd keep my eyes glued to the stream the entire distance.

BMW: The TOCA Snail that loses ground even in the draft on a long straight.

Brands Indy: A TOCA favorite since GT6 despite being as interesting as watching paint dry.

Carbonox: The greatest backseat driver in the world. Spends most of his time cheering RPH on, telling him he sucks, and mulling about how much better the old days of TOCA were - you know, back when there was actually a quality game (called GT5) involved. And back when practically anyone but Furi had a shot at winning at just about any moment.

Cnd01: The PRAWBLEMS! man of the series who always seems to make some type of CONTACT! with any cars he passes. Rick Allen would have a field day calling these races.

DaxCobra: I blame him for just about everything that's wrong with the game, the driving standards, and the stewarding.

DNF: For when you're just fed up. I don't blame you, tho.

DNQ: Wait, there were enough people in some races that a few did not qualify?

DNS: When your console :censored:s a brick before you even get the green flag. Or, you know, whatever they call it when there's a standing start.

DQ: Disqualification, or RPH's middle name. Being divebombed by the car behind you is a great way to rack up three of these at once.

Driftking: An old champion. No longer behind the wheel of the Asuka, though, but he's still there. I got to see his new car's rear end an awful lot from the RPH view.

Foxed: The TOCA Poet himself. Nearly pulled off an Interlagos upset, but then Nin happened.

Fuji: Stop, go, stop, go, just the perfect venue for touring cars. Unless you're Kosmic, stay far away from the BMW if you intend to race here.

Furi: The man who played 4D chess and won the title for FAS by sacking himself from a driver's seat in the past. Not much has changed since then - he masterfully avoids winning like a cat would avoid cold water.

Furi Logic: A sense of hopefulness that is never quite fulfilled and this is from his latest woman. :lol: OK, this one was too good to not utilize. Credit where credit's due, tombrooks97.

GTPorsche: Won at Fuji, but quit soon afterwards. Perhaps the right choice considering some of them driving standards.

Hyundai: Remember when in TCR International, there were those non-specced Hyundais competing for a bit and just driving around whomever they pleased? (I use whom because I'm an intellectual) Well, watching Nin's Hyundai go makes me have flashbacks of those.

ILOSE: So much paint has been exchanged that I hope everyone has insurance, and this guy is the perfect planner for it. Also known as "Better than Spurgy", this hardcore expert makes his professionalism known through lackluster grammar and a colossal ego.

k: k

Kosmic: A cool bloke and all that, but had to struggle immensely on the one weekend (Maggiore) where I was following his stream instead. Apparently he did win R3, but by that time the stream was down, so I'm officially cursed as far as seeing a live winning performance goes. :(

Lancer: Won twice with Nin in second to prove that team orders don't belong in ECM's repertoire.

Matty: Displayed a lot of breast cancer awareness in 17OCA with his pink livery. You gotta tip your hat to him for that. On the other hand, getting passed on a pace lap was an extremely dirty move, and Furi noticed that too if the penalty's any indication.

Ninners: The new Spurgy. Making things boring since 11OCA.

Niop: Historically claimed a win on a clockwise circuit despite Nin's harassment late in the going. That's something.

Panoz: I don't have a ton to say about him, 'cause he keeps his nose clean most of the time, but as evidenced by the post a short way above me, he's definitely got sass when the situation asks for it.

Rob: The straight line demon who carried FAS to its only win of 17OCA. Wait, I thought he was supposed to be #2?

Rolo: The former Monza troll returns for a one-off. An 11th place at Brands GP is, I believe, actually the highest finish for any part-time driver all season long, so I guess he's still up to his old habits in some form.

Roots: The Canadian representative. I felt salty when he punted Matty at Laguna's last turn, and that's honestly all I've got to say here.

RPH: Has been disqualified from this list for having the audacity to have a PS4 break down mid-season.

Spurgy: Not really relevant for this season's dictionary edition, but I just wanted to let him know that he's still an alien.

StreetKing: Driftking's brother, if the names are any indication. Seemed to go off-roading a lot throughout the season - who's responsible for all of those incidents, I can't tell, these feeds don't come with instant replays.

Timmy Turner: Another pink car. Probably caused more incidents than he had points in his part-time schedule.

Yera: The self-proclaimed Keke Rosberg of TOCA, due to his morbid age. Despite leading a lot of reverse grid races in 17OCA, I believe I saw him in the gravel, facing the wrong way, or in the wall more often than any other driver.

You hate to see it.

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