From Forza to GT Sport

  • Thread starter StillGotIt
United States
Hey Everyone,
Been reading these boards and am taking delivery of a PS4 tomorrow to start my GT Sport journey. I’m a long time Forza guy but they lost me with the driver suits and loot boxes which, to me, suggest a direction I’m not interested. In reading these boards and watching some YouTube It would appear that GT Sport is more focused on racing which is how I want to spend what little free time I have. I know these games all have issues - none is perfect - but I’m looking for a change so here I go. As a newcomer to the game, is there anything you would recommend to help jumpstart my transition? I was thinking about just going with the flow of the game, doing the challenges first and maybe some Arcade mode to just drive a little. I also have a 300 series thrustmaster servo (to replace my tx) so here we go. I know I need to get on PSN network as well. Haven’t played since GT5 so looking forward to it. Any tips or suggestions you may have would be welcomed. Thanks!
Welcome back to GT. I just recently got a PS4, so I haven't even played 2 weeks yet. I started with Driving School to get a basic feel for the updated physics, and then I moved to Circuit Experience to learn the new tracks. After that I felt comfortable enough to venture online. I knew that getting an "S" driver rating was the most important thing. Fortunately it doesn't take to long to achieve if you do your best to avoid other drivers and choose your Sport Mode events carefully (stay away from ovals). I played the Mission Challenges or experimented with the Livery Editor when there were no Sport Mode events that interested me. Next month GT League will provide another avenue for offline entertainment.

Also, you can win lots of free cars by completing the various campaign mode events. I didn't buy any cars until after I had completed the campaign mode, to prevent wasting credits on a duplicate.
Hey Everyone,
Been reading these boards and am taking delivery of a PS4 tomorrow to start my GT Sport journey. I’m a long time Forza guy but they lost me with the driver suits and loot boxes which, to me, suggest a direction I’m not interested. In reading these boards and watching some YouTube It would appear that GT Sport is more focused on racing which is how I want to spend what little free time I have. I know these games all have issues - none is perfect - but I’m looking for a change so here I go. As a newcomer to the game, is there anything you would recommend to help jumpstart my transition? I was thinking about just going with the flow of the game, doing the challenges first and maybe some Arcade mode to just drive a little. I also have a 300 series thrustmaster servo (to replace my tx) so here we go. I know I need to get on PSN network as well. Haven’t played since GT5 so looking forward to it. Any tips or suggestions you may have would be welcomed. Thanks!

First off, welcome to the 'Planet. :gtpflag:

I've got some good news for you: swapping from Forza to GT Sport is generally pretty easy, at least for me. They're largely similar, and while neither is on the cutting edge in terms of simulation physics, that doesn't mean they both can't be fun. 👍

If you're coming from FM6, you'll be pleasantly surprised by GT Sport's wheel implementation in terms of feedback and control. FM7 is a good step forward for that franchise, but I haven't had enough time with it and Sport back-to-back to draw comparisons yet. Nonetheless, the T300 should be a solid companion in GTS.

The bad news is — er, well, could be — this:

what little free time I have

If you're looking to get into GT for Sport Mode, be it the FIA pre-season stuff or the regular races, well, it could be a problem. The daily races are chopped down to only a handful of races each hour (Race A is 20min, Race B is 30min, Race C is 60min), and there tends to be at least one one-make race, which limits your choice of ride. It could be a fun combo, or it could be a diesel sedan around an oval (which yes, has happened). They switch daily, but that's something to keep in mind.

FIA races happen a few times at the top of the hour, or 10min past, depending on Cup. They're solid, longer races.

Those are all your options for Sport Mode. Outside of that, there's the user-created lobbies to explore. These won't affect your DR or SR, however. You can try your luck in there, though I'd recommend swinging by our dedicated online racing section.
Every circuit challenge gives you a free car. So I would do those first. Starting with the ones with the fewest sections. The Northern Isles one is literally one Gold and you get a free car.
Welcome! I'm an ex-Forza GT player too, and GT has differences which may surprise you.

Apart from just going with the flow as you say, I'd recommend the following.

Use Time Trial to polish your hot lapping. Be aware of the little colored triangle which indicates whether you are gaining or losing against your fastest ghost. Ghost can be toggled off/on by "up" on the D-Pad

Custom races are good for earning credits, mileage points and experience

There are essentially two "currencies", credits and mileage points.

Mileage points are used to buy car upgrades, wider range of adjustments of power and weight. Also, it buys you "special" cars, paint colors and stuff.

Weight doesn't affect the category of a car (such as N300), it's only power that changes the "N" number.

Each day that you drive 26.2 miles or more, you will receive a randomly chosen car for free.

Avoid spending mileage points on cars that you buy. Spend it on gift cars instead. Here's why. When you buy a car, you can resell it (albeit at a loss) and any mileage points you used to upgrade it go with the sale. Gifted cars have no value. So if you bought a car and the random draw gave you another the same, it only makes sense to get rid of the bought car. (Example, I have 4 Mazda Roadsters. One bought, the other three were gifts)

Tire quality doesn't affect car category, but does affect performance. Tires are free. Usually a level playing field will mean enforcement or encouragement of identical tire ratings. When you use Time Trial, using different quality tires for different runs means comparing apples with oranges. Best to stick to a "standard" type of tire for a given car. Many players will use RH (Race Hard) tires on, say, Group 4 cars, or SH (Sport Hard) on, say, N400 cars. If you chop and change, you may end up with confusing statistics.

You can use mileage points to buy wheels, however, unlike Forza, I don't think they affect either weight or performance. Cosmetic only.

The user interface in GTS (unlike Forza) will provide prior lap times.

You can save more than 10 race replays (yes, really!)

If you like in-game photography, you'll like GTS's camera and photo mode. It's far superior. "Scapes" is outstanding.

The suggested line in GTS is very approximate. The Blue turn points are more meaningful.

It's likely that over time more function, cars and tracks will be added for free. No guarantee that they'll be free, but quite likely. 1.06 and 1.07 are examples.

Have fun! There are quite a few positive and helpful people in this community.
Thanks for the great advice everyone. I did some Arcade mode last night (while the update was downloading) and enjoyed it. Very different to be sure. The game is beautiful by the way. My young son is STRONGLY encouraging me to stay on Forza with him so I suppose I will try to do both but really looking forward to GT Sport. Thanks again!
I played every Forza from 1 to 6, a lot. They started to lose me when FM5 came out, broken and lacking features. GTS is generally a bit better for the quality of online races. There is some contact and crashing at times, but it's nothing like Forza's trolling crashfests.
If you go to join a Sport mode race and entry is just about to close, I would suggest to not enter it without doing any practice laps, unless you already know that track and car combo intimately. Best to put down a pile of laps while waiting for the next race which will be an hour later (or choose a different race that you have time to put in some laps first). Going into a race unprepared is not a good idea.
All I can say to the OP is you're making a wise decision my friend. I just started playing Forza 7 last week and here's a copy and paste of my impressions of both games from the comparison thread in the F7 forums:


Hi guys. Well since we are allowed to compare these three games in this thread,, I'll go ahead and give my impressions on what I think so far....

I have NOT played more than only a few minutes of PCars 2 so far so I'll keep it out of this comparison. Anyway after playing both GT Sport and finally Forza 7(PC version mind you), I'm sorry guys but GT Sport absolutely OBLITERATES Forza 7....and it's not even close!!!

I mean, before playing both games I was certain I'd like Forza 7 better and almost didn't even buy a PS4 for GT Sport. But because it took so long for my PC parts to come in, I bought a PS4 and GT Sport to tide me over while I wait. I had a month long head start with GT Sport and I'll admit it may have made me slightly biased towards it, but after having finally played Forza 7 for the first time a few days ago, I honestly don't see how anyone can compare both games. GTS blows it out of the water both graphically and on the physics/handling side.

I'm using my Bodnar Direct Drive wheel with both games and cannot believe how much understeer the cars in Forza 7 have. Not to mention the weird braking behavior and how the cars sometimes break traction for no apparent reason, plus this weird thing with lift-off oversteer causing the cars to start drifting! I don't know what the heck is going on with this game. The cars simply handle in a bizzarre manner. It's not arcade and it's not sim, and it's not anything in-between, it's just.....strange.

The handling in GT Sport on the other hand feels sublime in comparison. Cars turn on a dime and respond to your wheel inputs perfectly. You feel everything the car is doing through the wheel and even catching slides is an effortless affair. Yes there can be a tad bit of understeer here and there on some cars, but it's nowhere NEAR as prevalent as in Forza 7.

As far the offline career goes, yeah I'll go ahead and give Forza the nod in this category. Very robust campaign and I really enjoy the whole car collect-a-thon aspect of it. Very RPG-ish and right up my alley. Haven't tried the online yet. As for the graphics, again....Forza loses big time to GTS. I honestly can't see how anyone can praise the looks of Forza. Maybe on a 4K HDR display it improves significantly, but on my lowly BenQ 1080P front projector, Forza pales in comparison to GTS. Hell I'd go as far as to say even some of Codemasters' older games like GRID 2, Dirt 3 and F1 2015 when set on max settings look better than Forza 7. The praise this game has gotten for its graphics just baffles me to no end, and I'm running it on an 8600K@5.3Ghz/1080Ti/32GB DDR4 rig with everything maxed to out. My PS4 pro is only 1/4th as powerful as my PC and PD has managed to build a game and squeeze out graphics that tear Forza 7 a new one! Unbelievable.

Anyway I just wanted to get this of my chest. I will continue playing GT Sport and I'd consider it my surprise hit of the year. The car handling, the excellent online match making and the beautiful graphics makes it a game I'll respect and love for a long time to come. Forza 7 on the other hand has disappointed me greatly. I honestly don't see myself coming to grips with the god awful car handling in that game. I don't even want to get started on the hoops I have to jump through just to get FFB out of the game to my wheel.....Forza 7 EmuWheel app *ON TOP* of GIMX! Absolutely ridiculous and even then the FFB STILL glitches out and stops working randomly at times. Ugh....what a shame.
I was a huge Forza fan since Forza 2 (F1 was trash), and was also a huge fan of GT until GT4 (which was just okay). Forza was awesome but has become so stale. It hasn't evolved since Forza 3 and the inclusion of Loot Boxes also made me reconsider my purchase.

For the first time since ~2005 GT is better than Forza (sorry, GT5 and 6 were trash. Utter, utter garbage).
Hey Everyone,
Been reading these boards and am taking delivery of a PS4 tomorrow to start my GT Sport journey. I’m a long time Forza guy but they lost me with the driver suits and loot boxes which, to me, suggest a direction I’m not interested. In reading these boards and watching some YouTube It would appear that GT Sport is more focused on racing which is how I want to spend what little free time I have. I know these games all have issues - none is perfect - but I’m looking for a change so here I go. As a newcomer to the game, is there anything you would recommend to help jumpstart my transition? I was thinking about just going with the flow of the game, doing the challenges first and maybe some Arcade mode to just drive a little. I also have a 300 series thrustmaster servo (to replace my tx) so here we go. I know I need to get on PSN network as well. Haven’t played since GT5 so looking forward to it. Any tips or suggestions you may have would be welcomed. Thanks!
Welcome to ps and welcome to the gts.
I was a huge Forza fan since Forza 2 (F1 was trash), and was also a huge fan of GT until GT4 (which was just okay). Forza was awesome but has become so stale. It hasn't evolved since Forza 3 and the inclusion of Loot Boxes also made me reconsider my purchase.

For the first time since ~2005 GT is better than Forza (sorry, GT5 and 6 were trash. Utter, utter garbage).
Loot boxes do absolutely nothing to the game, negatively, whatsoever.

All I can say to the OP is you're making a wise decision my friend. I just started playing Forza 7 last week and here's a copy and paste of my impressions of both games from the comparison thread in the F7 forums:


Hi guys. Well since we are allowed to compare these three games in this thread,, I'll go ahead and give my impressions on what I think so far....

I have NOT played more than only a few minutes of PCars 2 so far so I'll keep it out of this comparison. Anyway after playing both GT Sport and finally Forza 7(PC version mind you), I'm sorry guys but GT Sport absolutely OBLITERATES Forza 7....and it's not even close!!!

I mean, before playing both games I was certain I'd like Forza 7 better and almost didn't even buy a PS4 for GT Sport. But because it took so long for my PC parts to come in, I bought a PS4 and GT Sport to tide me over while I wait. I had a month long head start with GT Sport and I'll admit it may have made me slightly biased towards it, but after having finally played Forza 7 for the first time a few days ago, I honestly don't see how anyone can compare both games. GTS blows it out of the water both graphically and on the physics/handling side.

I'm using my Bodnar Direct Drive wheel with both games and cannot believe how much understeer the cars in Forza 7 have. Not to mention the weird braking behavior and how the cars sometimes break traction for no apparent reason, plus this weird thing with lift-off oversteer causing the cars to start drifting! I don't know what the heck is going on with this game. The cars simply handle in a bizzarre manner. It's not arcade and it's not sim, and it's not anything in-between, it's just.....strange.

The handling in GT Sport on the other hand feels sublime in comparison. Cars turn on a dime and respond to your wheel inputs perfectly. You feel everything the car is doing through the wheel and even catching slides is an effortless affair. Yes there can be a tad bit of understeer here and there on some cars, but it's nowhere NEAR as prevalent as in Forza 7.

As far the offline career goes, yeah I'll go ahead and give Forza the nod in this category. Very robust campaign and I really enjoy the whole car collect-a-thon aspect of it. Very RPG-ish and right up my alley. Haven't tried the online yet. As for the graphics, again....Forza loses big time to GTS. I honestly can't see how anyone can praise the looks of Forza. Maybe on a 4K HDR display it improves significantly, but on my lowly BenQ 1080P front projector, Forza pales in comparison to GTS. Hell I'd go as far as to say even some of Codemasters' older games like GRID 2, Dirt 3 and F1 2015 when set on max settings look better than Forza 7. The praise this game has gotten for its graphics just baffles me to no end, and I'm running it on an 8600K@5.3Ghz/1080Ti/32GB DDR4 rig with everything maxed to out. My PS4 pro is only 1/4th as powerful as my PC and PD has managed to build a game and squeeze out graphics that tear Forza 7 a new one! Unbelievable.

Anyway I just wanted to get this of my chest. I will continue playing GT Sport and I'd consider it my surprise hit of the year. The car handling, the excellent online match making and the beautiful graphics makes it a game I'll respect and love for a long time to come. Forza 7 on the other hand has disappointed me greatly. I honestly don't see myself coming to grips with the god awful car handling in that game. I don't even want to get started on the hoops I have to jump through just to get FFB out of the game to my wheel.....Forza 7 EmuWheel app *ON TOP* of GIMX! Absolutely ridiculous and even then the FFB STILL glitches out and stops working randomly at times. Ugh....what a shame.
Sounds like the issues you're having is down to your wheel, and the implementation the game has for it, rather than the way the game actually plays itself.
Loot boxes do absolutely nothing to the game, negatively, whatsoever.

Except for the fact that they are a pox on gaming in general. Microsoft/Forza are also the absolute worst when it comes to marketing to you from within the game. I am convinced they have entire teams devoted to implementation of that crap into their games.
Except for the fact that they are a pox on gaming in general. Microsoft/Forza are also the absolute worst when it comes to marketing to you from within the game. I am convinced they have entire teams devoted to implementation of that crap into their games.
What is it doing to the game exactly, in a negative aspect?
What is it doing to the game exactly, in a negative aspect?

I understand that you don't have an issue with them and that is cool. Personally, my opinion is that I despise them. This discussion always turns into a circular argument with both sides sticking to their guns. Sorry but I just don't want to get into it for the 100th time as there is zero chance we will change each others minds.
I understand that you don't have an issue with them and that is cool. Personally, my opinion is that I despise them. This discussion always turns into a circular argument with both sides sticking to their guns. Sorry but I just don't want to get into it for the 100th time as there is zero chance we will change each others minds.
Regardless of how you or I feel about them, I was asking how they negatively impact the game. Right now, they absolutely don't. I'm just a bit confused as to why you'd try to bring it up if you didn't want to talk about it in the first place.
Regardless of how you or I feel about them, I was asking how they negatively impact the game. Right now, they absolutely don't. I'm just a bit confused as to why you'd try to bring it up if you didn't want to talk about it in the first place.

You are exactly right. I realized I should never have brought it up but it was too late. You had already replied to me. :)

The main point of my comment was their marketing from within the game anyway.
You are exactly right. I realized I should never have brought it up but it was too late. You had already replied to me. :)

The main point of my comment was their marketing from within the game anyway.
And from a marketing standpoint, how is this negatively affecting the game. How is it even a marketing standpoint either if it does nothing to net them money?

I myself don't like them, and I also don't hate them. I've amassed 10+ mil credits so far and have probably spent a million on the packs just to see how they perform. I got that credits back with only one gift car that was given to me from it, and that's not counting any other vehicles that came with that. Since then, I've not used them and have not been pushed in any way whatsoever to use them. So for a marketing standpoint, it's odd that they'd do absolutely nothing to actually push them in a way to make them money, or make it obtrusive in game that you feel like you have to use them.
And from a marketing standpoint, how is this negatively affecting the game. How is it even a marketing standpoint either if it does nothing to net them money?

The 2 are not related, I should have separated that first sentence out. I was simply referring to things like how when I go to my car tab it always defers to the store instead of my cars. Making me tab over to My Cars 100's of times simply to get me to look at their store. Or the fact that they regularly show me advertisements for dlc in a game I paid cash money for. Those are but a couple of examples and they are in Forza Horizon 3, but I'm sure it is the same in 7. Maybe not since I don't own that one and have played only a couple hours of it.
Yes go through school and maybe some of the missions before you tackle races. I play both Forza and GTS (along with a bunch of other sim racing games) and cars in GTS drive differently than Forza. I've been playing GTS a lot since the past 2 months, and I went to play Forza 7 the other night and couldn't drive for crap.

Loot boxes do absolutely nothing to the game, negatively, whatsoever.
Loot boxes are absolutely useless in game, the only one you should go for is the mod cards loot box (about 50,000 cr) when you run out, then again I personally rarely use mod cards.
The 2 are not related. I was simply referring to things like how when I go to my car tab it always defers to the store instead of my cars. Making me tab over to My Cars 100's of times simply to get me to look at their store. Or the fact that they regularly show me advertisements for dlc in a game I paid cash money for. Those are but a couple of examples and they are in Forza Horizon 3, but I'm sure it is the same in 7. Maybe not since I don't own that one and have played only a couple hours of it.
When you go to the cars tabs, the store is nowhere in sight. That said, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. There's only one place in the game where car packs are advertised is the actual market place. Sometimes you'll get the usual pop-up on release date, but nothing more after that for that specific DLC. On top of that, makes it aware to you that their most recent DLC is out. They plaster it on ads, they post status updates on their game pages within the UI for Sony and Xbox, hell you see it on commercials.

So if you don't own the game with lootboxes, how are you going to comment on it and act as if it negatively impacts the game? It would be a perfectly fine thing to say if they somehow locked cars behind it and offered them for real money, making it a real issue. I'd definitely agree with you at that point, but it's not.
When you go to the cars tabs, the store is nowhere in sight. That said, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. There's only one place in the game where car packs are advertised is the actual market place. Sometimes you'll get the usual pop-up on release date, but nothing more after that for that specific DLC. On top of that, makes it aware to you that their most recent DLC is out. They plaster it on ads, they post status updates on their game pages within the UI for Sony and Xbox, hell you see it on commercials.

So if you don't own the game with lootboxes, how are you going to comment on it and act as if it negatively impacts the game? It would be a perfectly fine thing to say if they somehow locked cars behind it and offered them for real money, making it a real issue. I'd definitely agree with you at that point, but it's not.

Is this Forza 7? Because in FH3 it takes me to the auto store every single time and I have had to sit thru 2 ingame commercials for Blizzard Bay and Hot Wheels dlc already in my 10 hours of gameplay. If that has changed in 7 then I rescind my comment.
And from a marketing standpoint, how is this negatively affecting the game. How is it even a marketing standpoint either if it does nothing to net them money?
You don't consider someone seeing the word loot boxes in a game and NOT buying it as a consequence negatively affecting a game?

Hey Everyone,
Been reading these boards and am taking delivery of a PS4 tomorrow to start my GT Sport journey. I’m a long time Forza guy but they lost me with the driver suits and loot boxes which, to me, suggest a direction I’m not interested. In reading these boards and watching some YouTube It would appear that GT Sport is more focused on racing which is how I want to spend what little free time I have. I know these games all have issues - none is perfect - but I’m looking for a change so here I go. As a newcomer to the game, is there anything you would recommend to help jumpstart my transition? I was thinking about just going with the flow of the game, doing the challenges first and maybe some Arcade mode to just drive a little. I also have a 300 series thrustmaster servo (to replace my tx) so here we go. I know I need to get on PSN network as well. Haven’t played since GT5 so looking forward to it. Any tips or suggestions you may have would be welcomed. Thanks!

Welcome. I'd recommend Circuit Experience to learn the tracks and get some cars.
Is this Forza 7? Because in FH3 it takes me to the auto store every single time and I have had to sit thru 2 ingame commercials for Blizzard Bay and Hot Wheels dlc already in my 10 hours of gameplay. If that has changed in 7 then I rescind my comment.
I've never had that happen once outside the initial release of the packs. It's for any game I've played that they've released. I'll have to reinstall as I've uninstalled it because I've always found the Horizon series boring. I haven't played from before the release of the second expansion, but even then, when the first expansion released it was not as you say.

You don't consider someone seeing the word loot boxes in a game and NOT buying it as a consequence negatively affecting a game?
To sales? Sure. I definitely see it with how misinformed everyone is about how it actually functions within the game, negatively affecting it's popularity and presence and public image, as seen in the discussion here. To the actual core game and it's gameplay? No. If you think so, care to explain how?
Is this Forza 7? Because in FH3 it takes me to the auto store every single time and I have had to sit thru 2 ingame commercials for Blizzard Bay and Hot Wheels dlc already in my 10 hours of gameplay. If that has changed in 7 then I rescind my comment.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about on this, I haven't seen any of that in FH3.
To sales? Sure. I definitely see it with how misinformed everyone is about how it actually functions within the game, negatively affecting it's popularity and presence and public image, as seen in the discussion here. To the actual core game and it's gameplay? No. If you think so, care to explain how?
Not a clue mate. That's the point. Loot boxes could positively affect a game, negatively affect a game or not have any material affect at all. If you haven't bought it because of there presence. That's the point.
I've never had that happen once outside the initial release of the packs. It's for any game I've played that they've released. I'll have to reinstall as I've uninstalled it because I've always found the Horizon series boring. I haven't played from before the release of the second expansion, but even then, when the first expansion released it was not as you say.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about on this, I haven't seen any of that in FH3.

Literally yesterday I sat thru 2 commercials for Blizzard Bay and Hot wheels dlc. Got to your festival site and see which is the first tab and whether or not you have to tab over to "My Cars" or not. I'm not stupid enough to make this crap up.

Edit. One commercail for each dlc not 4 total.
Last edited:
I definitely see it with how misinformed everyone is about how it actually functions within the game, negatively affecting it's popularity and presence and public image, as seen in the discussion here. To the actual core game and it's gameplay? No. If you think so, care to explain how?
Ummm it is a bad thing because it locks gameplay options that used to be available to everyone behind a stupid gambling system. Loot boxes are a HUGE negative and why Battlefront II has bombed in comparison to the first from 2015. Also why so many were upset with Destiny 2 which also saw a decline in sales.

When you remove content from a game to be put behind a currency system it’s effecting gameplay. Go watch The Jimquisition if you don’t understand why lootboxes are bad.
Literally yesterday I sat thru 2 commercials for Blizzard Bay and Hot wheels dlc. Got to your festival site and see which is the first tab and whether or not you have to tab over to "My Cars" or not. I'm not stupid enough to make this crap up.

Edit. One commercail for each dlc not 4 total.
Wont be able to try that for about 8 hours unfortunately, but with a 4K HDR patch supposedly in development for FH3, I guess this is the perfect time to reinstall the game.

Never said that you're making it up, just posting that it's something that I've not encountered, but I' made sure to note that I've not played the game since the release of the first expansion pack, so things could have very well changed. You'd think it would be something that people would be extremely vocal about.

Ummm it is a bad thing because it locks gameplay options that used to be available to everyone behind a stupid gambling system.
No it doesn't.
Loot boxes are a HUGE negative and why Battlefront II has bombed in comparison to the first from 2015. Also why so many were upset with Destiny 2 which also saw a decline in sales.
It's a huge negative in that game, because they're actually doing what you're claiming is happening in Forza. News flash, it isn't. Destiny 2 also doesn't have loot boxes, it's been using the same system its been using since Destiny 1.
When you remove content from a game to be put behind a currency system it’s effecting gameplay. Go watch The Jimquisition if you don’t understand why lootboxes are bad.
You're right there, but extremely wrong in the claim you're making against said game.

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