Full Customization: Be Able to remove the Chasis Reinforcement

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United States
Hello Everyone. In my suggestion I'm talking about being able to remove the chasis reinforcement feature, the Engines upgrades and weight reduction upgradres were permanent in previous Gran Turismo Games but are no more in this title which is good since you won't have to be buying the cars twice or more to have them Full Stock or apply other tunes. So I'd like PD to complete this by allowing us to remove the Chasis Reinforcement upgrade, that way we have total customization on all cars at any time we want.

This will be great for Stock Car lovers and owners of the 15th Anniv. Edition, like me, who can get them fully stock once the Chasis Reinforcement is installed (You can Download the cars again but won't appear in the Garage).

PD Gave a step forward by making those upgrades removable, now it just needs to complete it.