- 3,051
- Massachusetts
- GBO-Possum
A. Clark - sci fi author
E. Caruso - classical singer
E. Caruso - classical singer
What about M.Holloway?2 of my b-spec drivers are named S.Irwin and M.Freeman
I saw N.Holloway too, she drives a Ferrari these days
I have E.Ferrari as one of my B-spec drivers!I just fired my first guy, and found e. ferarri after accidentally skipping g. best
Try do the same with Enzo Ferrari (not the real one, the E.Ferrari I was talking about) in a Ferrari 360!Try going against R. Kelly in a yellow Honda Civic!
i wonder if we have some Greek or Malagasy names. S.Papastathopoulos passing K.Resodihardjo would be great
So what did you end up choosing as the name for your B-Spec driver?
I cycled through the names for a few minutes and I came across J. Hendrix. Couldn't pass that one up!