Funny: Amazon Haribo Reviews

"Very funny" "Would read again" "ha!"
My sister told me about those Haribo gummy bear reviews. I thought she just stumbled across a troll group. I was wrong.
If they're sugar free, how do they cause flatulence?

Not just flatulence, but diarrhetic behaviour. It's because of the artificial sweetener they use, which is sorbitol. Most products containing sorbitol have a warning on their pack, but it seems as if the Haribo bears either have an extremely high amount of it in them, or people are munching away on 40-50 at a time.
Sister sent me a link to the gummy bear reviews the other day. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.
Yeah, it's a good thing I was the only one in the office this morning when I was reading them. The most eloquently written potty humor you'll ever find :lol:
I love how the listing says it can cause intestinal distress if eaten in excess, and yet they make the effort to sell them in 5 pound bags :ill:
Excellent stuff. I almost died when I got to the "underwear, clothes, furniture, pets, loved ones, ceiling fans" line.
Mods decided to split it off, probably getting too many posts about the same thing, and interrupting the flow of the FPT.