Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Crap, the second upload got messed up.


  • 1183572910476.jpg
    38.2 KB · Views: 59
  • 1183571418282.jpg
    39.3 KB · Views: 85
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The fact that the AUP still applies even in this thread getting through to anyone yet? 'Cos if the sock-puppets have to come out, the banstick isn't far behind.
It's a "Family Oriented" site, you want silly crap like that, go to S.A., or some other place that is not to be named.

OMG!! That thing is right near me! It's like 2 miles north on I-75 from the entrance I get on it. That's like 3 miles from my house.

And I think it's awful that they never gave Jesus legs. It looks like he's drowning in the massive pond he's in. Would've been funnier with a "IM DROWNING!!!!1!!1"
OMG!! That thing is right near me! It's like 2 miles north on I-75 from the entrance I get on it. That's like 3 miles from my house.

It's like 2 miles, it's like 3 miles. Don't tell us what it's like, tell us exactly what the distance is. If you're that close to it you should know.
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