Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers

Is hell considered swearing?

EDIT: Not censored automatically by GTP, so I'm gonna go with it's not
I don't know how 'Hell' can be swearing, it's just a fictional place. That's like asking if 'Middle Earth' is allowed by the AUP. :lol:
Then why do young kids say "H E double hockey sticks" and avoid saying it like the plague?
A giant ball of ice couldn't be called a sun, ergo no question to answer.

That aside, I would imagine it would pass through so far before the star would lose stability and result in a supernova-style explosion. No doubt Famine is about to come in and prove me wrong....
Even if we assume the giant ice sun is somewhere approaching absolute zero the heat of the normal sun would mean it would start melting somewhere in the region of 1 AU from it.
If you had a ball of ice the size of the sun, it wouldn't stay a ball of ice for very long. It would likely become a sun in very, very short order, as the immense gravity causes collapse and heating at the core, dissociation of the hydrogen and oxygen, and then... fusion...

I'm not quite sure if it'll simply collapse into a star or if it'll explode into a fiery fireball of deadly ice shards and steam. My math isn't all that good.
If you had a ball of ice the size of the sun, it wouldn't stay a ball of ice for very long. It would likely become a sun in very, very short order, as the immense gravity causes collapse and heating at the core, dissociation of the hydrogen and oxygen, and then... fusion...

I'm not quite sure if it'll simply collapse into a star or if it'll explode into a fiery fireball of deadly ice shards and steam. My math isn't all that good.

Checked the math. A ball of ice the size of the sun wouldn't have enough mass to go fusion by itself unless it was a bigger ball originally. That much ice would weigh less than 1/1,500 as much as the sun... Less than Jupiter.
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...But one way or another, eventually the whole thing will collapse in on itself, blow off its outer layers, and become a black hole. This black hole will keep soaking up water, spraying off X-rays in the process, until finally the municipal water department notices what you’ve been doing and shuts off your service.
