Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
I hate that "!" text tone. It's obnoxious to absolutely EVERYONE in the vicinity, as is every other ringtone in the world.

My phone has been on vibrate for months.
I keep my phone set to vibrate in quiet areas. In very loud areas, or in areas where I'm walking around, and as such won't notice the vibrating, I have the phone set to near max volume. If I get a text conversation going, I then set it to vibrate and place it in a different pocket, so I notice it.
Engineer: the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
I do have fried tacos from time to time. Chicken fried tacos... Not the norm, but not so that one would call non-flautas fried tacos rare either. I fold the tortillas in half instead of rolling them over. But enough about my "cooking" habbits.

NZ's not even mentioned :lol:. We're probably Lord of the Rings or King Kong :indiff:

Given how they see everything else, would you even want to be mentioned?
^ True. Tacos are not even fried (nor stuffed with cheese) over here. Flautas are.


I'm not sure Fox knows there are so many countries.
(Europe is 1 country, Africa is 1 country,USSR is still 1 country,...)