Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
You know, we had a member here by the name of TelepathicCow. It turns out he was an idiot and got himself banned. As were all the other accounts he registered with.

Now, the really weird thing is that he shares details with you. So you are spamming yourself on YouTube, and outing yourself here as an absolute Muppet.

That really is quite impressive. In a bad way.

Goodbye. Again.
You know, we had a member here by the name of TelepathicCow. It turns out he was an idiot and got himself banned. As were all the other accounts he registered with.

Now, the really weird thing is that he shares details with you. So you are spamming yourself on YouTube, and outing yourself here as an absolute Muppet.

That really is quite impressive. In a bad way.

Goodbye. Again.
You know, we had a member here by the name of TelepathicCow. It turns out he was an idiot and got himself banned. As were all the other accounts he registered with.

Now, the really weird thing is that he shares details with you. So you are spamming yourself on YouTube, and outing yourself here as an absolute Muppet.

That really is quite impressive. In a bad way.

Goodbye. Again.
You know, we had a member here by the name of TelepathicCow. It turns out he was an idiot and got himself banned. As were all the other accounts he registered with.

Now, the really weird thing is that he shares details with you. So you are spamming yourself on YouTube, and outing yourself here as an absolute Muppet.

That really is quite impressive. In a bad way.

Goodbye. Again.

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☑ Really Rekt

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☑ IndiREKT

☑ Tyrannosaurus REKT


☑ Grapes of REKT

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☑ REKT marks the spot

☑ Caught REKT handed

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☑ Call of REKT: Modern REKTing 2

☑ Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of REKT

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☑ Left 4 REKT

☑ Pokemon: Fire REKT

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☑ Fiddler on the REKT

☑ The REKT Files

☑ The Good, the Bad, and The REKT

☑ ForREKT Gump

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☑ The Green REKT

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☑ Terminator 2: REKTment Day

☑ The REKT Knight Rises

☑ The REKT King


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☑ Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the REKT

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☑ BatREKT Begins

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☑ The Wolf of REKT Street

☑ REKT's Labyrinth

☑ 12 Years a REKT

☑ GraviREKT

☑ Finding REKT

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☑ There Will Be REKT

☑ Christopher REKTellston

☑ Hachi: A REKT Tale

☑ The REKT Ultimatum

☑ REKTium for a Dream

☑ REKT Bull Racing

☑ Sebastian REKTtel

☑ Sergio PeREKT

☑ JeREKT de la Frontera

☑ ÖsterREKTring

What, no TrainREKT? :sly:

You're slipping man. :lol::lol:

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