Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
That's a behavioural fabrication by nature documentary makers, so they wouldn't anyway ;) [/KILLJOY]
How does closing a thread and then reopening the same thread solve an argument?
I'm pretty sure there was a week or two between closing the old threads and opening the new. Banhammering the offenders from the closed threads may have helped.

Pinched a nerve in my neck watching that one soar over my head.

*smiles and waves* Proceed.
The snowballs would just be larger (presumably) and higher (presumably) on the snowwoman.
So I can presume to presume that you gentlemen (presumably) are presuming regarding the location of snowballs (presumably) on snowmen and snowwomen?