Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Presumably how not to put on chainmail. From the Morgan Bible believed to have been created between 1240 and 1250.


Religion is weird.
Medieval people were just weird. :lol:

Something to note when you examine medieval manuscripts like these, medieval people tended to not give a damn about historical accuracy when it came to artistic depictions of past events (kind of like modern Hollywood). You will often find images of Saint George slaying a dragon in full plate harness with a couched lance, often in a green, European countryside setting. If he existed, he would supposedly have been a Roman soldier in North Africa. The dragon is usually depicted as the size of a small crocodile, interestingly.

Ironically, medieval people not caring about what past time periods actually looked like can give us an excellent insight into what their time periods looked like. :lol:

You could make a whole thread about funny images from medieval manuscripts. Like this one that shows a man-at-arms taking the pommel off his sword and throwing it at his opponent in a tournament setting, thus ending him rightly:


Or the many images of knights fighting giant snails:

You could probably take a few billion off for the fact that you don't have to send your security camera to space. Check to see what kind of deal it is on Prime Day.
ALMA cost 1.3 billion and it's here on Earth. But that was 66 telescopes so say 20 mil if I only needed one. Bargain.
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