Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
I can't wait for the news on Saturday.

Anyone worried that the world will come to an end Friday (Dec. 21) can scan the heavens online this week for any signs of death from above.

The online Slooh Space Camera will broadcast a series of live cosmic views all week, beginning today (Dec. 17). The free webcasts will help the public keep watch for any monster solar storms, impending asteroid strikes or other potential agents of the so-called "Mayan apocalypse" that doomsayers claim is set for Friday.

"Rather than merely offer scientists' dismissals of the many silly doomsday scenarios that have now been heard by almost everyone in the world, and which have reportedly produced panic in Russia, Slooh will take a 'let's see for ourselves' attitude," Astronomy Magazine columnist Bob Berman, who will participate in the shows, said in a statement.

Watch it live!





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Sir Jackie Stewart, musician, commentator and clay pigeon shooter

I remember hearing about JYS' deodorant/cologne ad many years ago, but never wanted to picture it.

Stranger than fiction.
If someone is that dumb and blind to friendzone someone like that, then they're probably not worth dating in the first place....
Why in the hell do I never live next to that kind of neighbor?
Perfect for the paranoid Pet owner, or the weird person that thinks anything "exotic" is just adorable.
I wonder if it comes with a "hand" attachment.

You know.. so its more realistic... when patting.... the cat..