How many does one have to witness/partake in before being able to call oneself an expert on this subject?
RACECARSo...assuming this is true, I'm basically drinking out of a window.
At least BBC doesn't shove opinions down peoples throats.
You reckon? They're the worst for it in the UK. Every news article is turned into an attack on the Conservatives and their 'cuts'. Journalists have had their jobs threatened by Labour party officials for daring to use the word 'savings' instead of the Labour-approved terminology. The biggest stick used to beat them with is the NHS, but somehow Labour seem to ignore that NHS spending is actually increasing.
^Yeah, the funny seemed to not affect me. (Don't get it)
I get that it's Jurassic park? But what's happening? The T-Rex smothers the raptor with a pillow and then runs away? Huh?
No he throws one out of the window, and looks at the other as if to say, " your next"
To which it runs off through the window.
No, he smothered it with a pillow.
I think it is referring to "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
I think it is referring to "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
With the last part atleast
*Edit* The simpson version is quicker to watch: