Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Engine in the back?
I guess not, it's an FR layout car. I don't think it's some kind of rear-engined custom. :D
Probably a wreck from a junkyard turned into a stylish BBQ Stove. Pretty much slammed and undriveable on the local roads. :D
But these wheels...
I had a resume writing course in high school.
As did I. Most of the mistakes though, are the way these young adults, mainly fresh out of college kids, present themselves during interviews; wrong attire, poor verbal skills, distractions, etc. Again, things I always assumed were common sense.

I'm not sure whats worse, the form or the fact he/she has a MySpace.
It's funny that this pic has now been posted here and on FB, especially since he lives a couple minutes from me and he just recently had a M*A*S*H* themed booth at the local Halloween event.
I'm sorry, I just don't see the funny in those pics.
I think we've been over that topic enough. Clearly some find it amusing so ignore it, don't make it a big deal every time it comes up.

As did I. Most of the mistakes though, are the way these young adults, mainly fresh out of college kids, present themselves during interviews; wrong attire, poor verbal skills, distractions, etc. Again, things I always assumed were common sense.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming Common sense is left in Today's young adults.
Public service announcement.

This is a funny picture:
This, meanwhile, is a funny sentiment, placed on top of a picture (and let's be fair, a picture that's actually two video stills):
It's funny, but the funny is in the reading of it - the picture is simple context.

This, however, is just words:
Yes, it may be saved as a jpg, but there is nothing pictorial about it. There is no picture, you're just reading.

This thread is called the "Funny Pic Thread", not the "Funny Thread". Please ensure your funny pictures are pictorial in nature.

And now, back to your regular programming...