I think this topic really tests what people think about being free to be who you are because the topic of Furries shows that some people do have limit of freedom.
My general opinion is that, just like someone from another country practicing their own culture; I'm totally fine with it as long as it doesn't conflict with what I'm or other people are doing (example, I'm fine with a Furry hanging on its own or with people who allowed the Furry to be with them but I'm not fine with a Furry harassing people just because it is in their "Fursona")
Well, we always have this idea on being what we want to be and not caring what the general audience thinks as long as you are comfortable with what yoh are doing but it seems that some of the same people revolt on the idea of Furries.How so?
This makes no sense to me... you're going to have to explain what a Furry is...?
EDIT: I see they're "people who dress up and act like animals". So wallies, then?
I know, that post I made was terrible.Just for the record - neither dressing up or acting like animals is a defining property.
Fans of human shaped animals in whatever have you - films, videogames, or just general concept is more like it. Most I've met or talked to tend to be very nice honest people, though we have our fair share of insane people, but usually you can pick them out right away. That pink latex guy is a rather good example...