FYI you can turn off individual songs from the menu

  • Thread starter Magog
Agreed about BGM music, everything in the GT Auto is absolutely terrible...what were they thinking with some of these "covers(?)" of classical music tracks? They make the game feel kiddy, cartoony and just sound irritating. It's a shame because I don't want to disable all the music but crikey, those need to go as does most (not all, some are great) of Lennys stuff IMO too.
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Apparently different sections have different music tracks allocated to them. It’s quite jarring compared to GT Sport which only switched the music when entering GT League.
Yeah which makes being in the livery editor for a long time incredibly frustrating as the same few songs loop
So I'm reminiscing on some old gaming music I love and making a Spotify playlist. I think I might end up turning off menu music in GT7. Only a few of the songs have really captured my interest but I can't really listen to them because the music changes every time you change menus which is still bothering me.

In the process I was going through GTS music on Spotify and I noticed something weird. Many of the songs feel very familiar at this point but they also feel...tainted. Like, for some reason the music reminds me of 2020 and 2021, it reminds me of just sitting at home wasting time. Sure, I was playing a little GT here and there but a lot of the time spent listening to those songs wasn't necessarily to have fun but just to get through the day if you know what I mean. Kinda weird. Much of this other music I'm adding to my list - some GT2/3/4, some wayback Need for Speed 2 and High Stakes, some SimCity 3k and 4 - gives me a completely different vibe, one of real nostalgia and good times as a kid.

Maybe the whole 2020 debacle is still too fresh but some of GTS's soundtrack kinda feels tainted for some reason. Weird.
Am... I the only one who doesn't actually mind the menu music? Granted, I'm not big into electronic music, but I find Lenny Ibizarre's remixes of classic orchestral music interesting, to say the least. shrug

About half of the songs are by that Daiki Kasho guy.
It's because he has a huge fanbase over in Japan, a lot of the World Tour players like/love him...

...and simply because his music is just that damn good to listen to? IMO, anyway.