PSN Name: tomhart9
Do you have a mic: Yes
Do you use your mic: Sometimes
Can you drift: Yes
Can you tune: No
Can you use Photoshop: I have basic skills with paint.NET which is a cheap man's photoshop
Can you use video editing software (sony vegas for example): No
Can you take good pictures:
I have my moments, bit hit and miss. Have some good drift pics I'm uploading soon though
What is your real name: Tom
How old are you: 17
What do you do in real life (school, work, college ect): College
What time zone you in: GMT
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Tesco Morrisons or ASDA (UK only): Sainsbury's
What is your favourite movie: Zoolander
What genre of music do you listen to: Almost anything except pop
D&B, Dub step, Dance, electro, rock, indie stuff
Do you drift RWD: Yes and 4WD
Rate your drifting 1- 10: 7
Rate your tandeming abilities 1 10: ?
Better at following or leading:Following
Favourite track: Eiger Norward Short track
Do you use controller or wheel: Controller
How often are you on the PS3 in a day: Few hours most evenings
How often are you on GT5 in a day: ^^^ that much, unless I'm taking a break from GT5. It's the game I'm playing most ATM
How often are you on the GTPlanet forums in a day: Check it most mornings and evenings
Do you own a Xbox 360: No
Do you play COD:No
Why G-Force: Top one on the "New Drifters" thread
Apart from PS3 what do you like to do in your spare time: Football (soccer), cycle, generally hang out with friends
Describe your personality: Sarcastic
Do you have a capture card: No
What question would you have liked us to ask you: Do you actually own the original, first ever copy of GT1!!??
What is the answer to that question: No...