G25 problem?... or is it...

  • Thread starter MightyMan
Hey guys,
Noticing something funky with my G25
whenever I shift from 1st to 2nd, its 75% the time a mis shift.
when i shift from 3rd to 2nd, (or any other gear for that matter) I usually never mis shift.

Makes me wonder...
is it me or the steering wheel?....
i just got my g25 yesterday so i dont have too much experience but i did play with it for a few hours. I noticed that when UP-shifting you pretty much have to be COMPLETELY off the Throttle. But when DOWN-Shifting, you are allowed to gas/Rev for Rev-matching. It took a bit to get used to as i pulled a few miss-shifts myself. Only Gripe i had was when you miss shift you have to start all over, hit the clutch, put the shifter in neutral and then back into gear. Besides that it's a great wheel. If i shift as i do in my real car when spirited driving, it misses in the Game. But it's easy to get around it. Hope you're enjoying yours as much as i am mine. :)👍
did it start doing that recently or it's been awhile?
cauz i know since the last gt5p update the removed powershifting wich cause to misshift a lot!
i just got my g25 yesterday so i dont have too much experience but i did play with it for a few hours. I noticed that when UP-shifting you pretty much have to be COMPLETELY off the Throttle. But when DOWN-Shifting, you are allowed to gas/Rev for Rev-matching. It took a bit to get used to as i pulled a few miss-shifts myself. Only Gripe i had was when you miss shift you have to start all over, hit the clutch, put the shifter in neutral and then back into gear. Besides that it's a great wheel. If i shift as i do in my real car when spirited driving, it misses in the Game. But it's easy to get around it. Hope you're enjoying yours as much as i am mine. :)👍

Thats useful to know...
Thanks for the help guys.
i have noticed on full throttle starts until the wheels have stopped spinning you cant change to the next gear, be it 2nd, 4th 6th etc.

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