G27/G25/(DFGT?) - Undocumented wheel lock settings - Guide

  • Thread starter OdeFinn
I've been wondering the same thing. The only thing that I've been able to come up with is that maybe the wheel wears faster under certain circumstances using these settings. I can't figure out why that would be, though. In any case, as with all undocumented features, the unexpected may occur.

Yes all can be happening, like Fanatecs CSW wheels on full FFB and 0-deadzone + centering spring maxed means month to two life time.
Reducing FFB somewhere near 5 and my wheel is much cooler than using on "normal modes", and I don't have to worry at my wheel is going to die.
Logitech probably wants to save their asses from situations where customer is putting all maxed and drives some 24h-race on gravel with it.

Personally using FFB=5, Powersteering ON, Sensitivity=5 or 6 when using O-mode(670°).
Sensitivity 7 and FFB 10 would make nice for warming up room, not suggesting to use so high FFB :)
I've tried the 1080, 900, 720, 540, 360 on the T500 with F1 at Monaco and nothing for was better then 900.

Immortalpilot has tested this and prefers 900 as well. Finds the tires wear quicker with the other settings without gaining anything. Might really come down to personal preference.
I have test for the time trial and the f2007 car
For cars its bad dont work good
For f1 have drive same times maybe can drive faster with 670 but the tyre wear is much to high you need very much tyres with it and its not really faster for Gt5 900 is the best 670 make to much red tyres
@Lock2Lock : I can change max steering angle on GT5 2.14, default on all cars is 40 ( too much IMO ) , Do you think with changing max wheel rotation lcok, reducing the steering angle will help with the tire wear, and better consistency in cornering ? What other effects will it make on less steering wheel rotation ? Any benefits ? New possibilities there :)

I mostly use 28 to 35 now on most cars for grip driving, while drifting between 50 to 70 :D - using stick, higher angle requires more steering sensitivity for stick controller - needed for drifiting as more angle means need a quicker steering input. While less angle for grip, I can make do with -1 or -2 sensitivity and better overall feel of the car - tested on S15 Track tuned car I made.
@Lock2Lock : I can change max steering angle on GT5 2.14, default on all cars is 40 ( too much IMO ) , Do you think with changing max wheel rotation lcok, reducing the steering angle will help with the tire wear, and better consistency in cornering ? What other effects will it make on less steering wheel rotation ? Any benefits ? New possibilities there :)

I honestly think it would be up to the driver. If you can be smooth with it, yeah sure it could improve consistency. Tire wear, well once again it is up to the driver, for basically the same reason.

Me, I am going to stick with the full 900 degrees. Like I said before if I notice it like that, it drives me insane.

I do however like the advanced feeling of the 1+2+O setting, the wheel feels so much better with that. But I just can't stand not having the full rotation.
Ok, after a couple hours testing and a night racing in SNAIL here is my verdict. I like the S setting. Its fast for racing, and I may switch up to O for the next set of races, but I like not having to my hands around the wheel while a race. S is also great for drifting. Exactly what was needed to get me back into it.
...needed someone to test on G25 also.

I've got a G25 I wanna test this with. Just to be sure; do I press all 3 buttons together at the same time?
You don't have to press them all at the same time. At least not on the G27. The STOX button can be pressed after holding down the 1 & 2, or Start & Select button. Not sure how those buttons are labeled on the G25. I usually hold down the 1+2 then spam one of the STOX buttons a few times until I think it took.
I have test for the time trial and the f2007 car
For cars its bad dont work good
For f1 have drive same times maybe can drive faster with 670 but the tyre wear is much to high you need very much tyres with it and its not really faster for Gt5 900 is the best 670 make to much red tyres

Understand feeling, had same type of feeling when tested on "wrong" sensitivity of controller, after changing controller sensitivity to 6 when using 670 steering got better tire wear than org settings, but when having 7 on sensitivity steering was bit too "sharp" and burns tires 'coz of that.

can you test settings like mine on 670 degrees(1+2+O);
Simulation ON, Powersteering ON, FFB=5, Controller sensitivity=6
Then give some feedback from that test.
Great, then have to get some G25 report is this working also on them, if it is working also on them I would be pleased(or they) :lol:

It does work on the G25 too. Had my buddy do it a few minutes ago.

Preduced the same results as my G27.
I tested it on PC while ago (not in game)

those combinations locks the wheel:
[1+2] + T = 225° of rotation
[1+2] + S = 450°
[1+2] + O = 675°
[1+2] + X = 900°

Thats for you fat. Just gotta read the thread.
I was unable to get my DFGT to change settings. Tried for about 20 minutes and gave it up.

Was able to generate the below pictures with the D-Photo Measures Free app for android. The app would not measure full travel past 180° so I had to add or subtract the value shown and enter it manually. Please keep in mind the vertex and line angles could be off a tad.

"T" setting - Picture shows lock left so 200° lock to lock.


"S" setting - this is one where the value displayed needs to be subtracted from 360° - It shows 142° but I say, accounting for vertex and line angle position errors, it's 140°. So left lock is 220° for a 440° lock to lock.


"O" setting - another where the value must be subtracted from 360° to get a left lock of 330° and 660° lock to lock.


"X" setting - This is one where I edited the number for full left lock. Again, accounting for vertex and line positioning error, I say 430° left lock for a 860° lock to lock. The pattern for the others is +120° so my errors could be to the tune of 20° more and it's really an 880° lock to lock.



I want to thank you for sharing :). I have been waiting for this for 2 years.


Thanks for the pics :).

When I tried the 220 degree lock to lock setting on Daytona my Nascar had very little deadzone. This caused the wheel to shake back in forth like a Red Bull car would. 440 degrees and higher seemed fine.
Good pics, still leaving "~" on measures :)
Really weird at some DFGTs it works and some not.
Testing and testing, and bit more testing..
Anyone care to test the 220 degree and 440 degree with my NASCAR 12 degrees max steering angle - on share on my account, a fellow member who raced NASCAR in GT5 liked the car :) I'm curious about the effect of having more realistic steering angle on car when driven with steering wheel input device ( full 900 degree, 440 and 220 ) :D

Real life NASCAR has from 8 to 23 degrees, while in GT5 all cars comes with 40 degrees ( locked ), unless using certain edit :D

Also have Ferrari 458 Italia Twin Turbo and Devil Z replica on share with 27 degrees steering angle for track/road racing.

( front wheel maximum angle when turning left or right, GT5 uses inner wheel degree measurement )
I tried it on my G25 & it worked. I'll never use it though as I really like the bog standard 900 degrees of lock, always have.

Great find all the same. 👍
I tried it on my G25 & it worked. I'll never use it though as I really like the bog standard 900 degrees of lock, always have.

Great find all the same. 👍

That is what I'm thinking. I mean it's a great find,but I've tested it out and it seems to be only good for F1 cars. Maybe I haven't tested enough but I think that once you are used to the 900 degree it's hard to feel an advantage. Maybe it's all what you get used to but I seem to keep burning up the tires when I try to shorten the steering ratio.
I tried it on my G25 & it worked. I'll never use it though as I really like the bog standard 900 degrees of lock, always have.

Great find all the same. 👍
That is what I'm thinking. I mean it's a great find,but I've tested it out and it seems to be only good for F1 cars. Maybe I haven't tested enough but I think that once you are used to the 900 degree it's hard to feel an advantage. Maybe it's all what you get used to but I seem to keep burning up the tires when I try to shorten the steering ratio.

Yep, F1 seems to be the only car I would use this for.
I use it for f1, drift and rally to be sure, but I'm on the fence on using it for anything else. But I was used to a quicker wheel prior to the g27, so the transition to a different ratio wasn't hard. If you are used to 900° though, I can see how you would start burning through tires. if you were used to taking a car to the verge of understeer, then it would be easy to over step into understeer when you shorten the turning effort. I bet if you took the time to learn the wheel in a new setting that you put forth to learn the wheel in the first place, you wouldnt have that issue. But, why bother if its not really going to make you faster?
It's also good for those of us who may have lost a step or two in reaction time and hand/foot speed. I find I can bring the tires to traction limits much easier and if I step over the limit I can recover much faster. Oversteering events that used to result in spins or offs have now become squiggles on the track. While it might not have made me faster, it's improved my car control tremendously. The "O" or "660°" setting just feels so much more natural to me. Even knowing that my RL daily driver has 900° lock to lock doesn't change this feel in game.
Give me another decade and I'll need the the "T" setting to compensate for lost reaction time!

Edit; and probably a sports car or two...