G27 & Porsche GT3: which one is louder overall?

I'm playing GT5P here with the G27 and I'm happy how quiet it is.
But I can still hear the gears when turning the wheel, so I asked myself if
maybe the Fanatec Porsche GT3 produces even less noise.
I already tried google to find something about it, but some people say the GT3
is louder others say the G27 is.

Could it be true, that turning the wheel is louder with the g27, but the FF-motors produce less noise than those in the GT3? Which one is louder overall?

So did anyone here had the chance to compare the these two wheels?

For me, the noise level is of great importance. I cant stand any noise coming from the wheel.

Thanks in advance.
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I have the Fanatec GT3RS wheel; I bought it because I normally play at night. I can tell you that my wife has not complain about me making noise ( and believe me, that says a lot). It is a great wheel and Otis super quiet.
I tried the G27 in a store and it makes a lot more noise than the Fanatec (still, it is much quieter than my DFP).
Thanks for your reply jjsahagun.

When I had to make my decision between the two wheels, I watched a lot of youtube reviews. I noticed there, that the Fanatec GT3 made a lot of noise during calibration, and this is where the G27 is very quiet. But is this only true for calibration and during driving the GT3 does make less noise? Does that make sense? Because my G27 is during driving exactly as loud as it is during calibration.
Good, I was able to answer the question myself:

The Fanatec makes a lot more noise, so I will keep my G27.

I would say, noise level from the FF is the last thing Fanatec has to improve and then I would switch to their products.