Game data corrupt when transfering from Slim to Fat

  • Thread starter 3s1k
United States
United States
So haven't played gt5 since spring 2011. I had it backed up to both ps3. Fat level 24 being the secondary and slim level 28 being primary. My son got into the game so I logged in the the fat and updated to current update and sent him some cars and realized "hey I think the slim ps3 has more cars" so logged in but did not update and seen I have way more cars and more complete. So I saved the slim Level 28 save data to a flash drive and proceeded to install it on the Fat level 24 ps3.

It asked if I want to overwrite the existing so I did and started the game. It wouldn't load and said game data is corrupted. It said it found a backup and restored that and I was back to level 24 which was already there.

I just worried if I update my slim level 28 ps3 with the current update I will lose my data since I read its tied to my PSN account. I am using same account on both machines.Any ideas? BTW when updated GT5 it had 20 items so I think it was last updated about 5-6mo after it was originally realeased
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I think it's because your using two different GT game data versions, you have to update the slim to get it to work with the fat game data. Game data's (the updates) have to match each other.
Do I have to redownload everything on the slim ps3 or can I just copy the game data over? Just asking cause the update took all day to download and had 22 files.

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