Gamepads/Controllers, what is yours.

  • Thread starter Meythia
Hi, I recently recieved a (customised) Hypr Controller to use with my PS5 which now is in direct comparision to the Sony Edge.
What are their pros and cons?
Sony DualSense:
the default options only pro is its low price, the con being that it has nothing to standout to its direct competition.

Sony DualSense Edge:
  • lower battery lifetime, about 4 hours so half of the default DualSense
  • backside grip material seems to be glued with some very cheap stuff as it is already coming of (ordered Jan 2023, so not even 2 years), deforming and spilling over

The lower one isnt that bad, as my hand barely touches it, but the upper part is annoying - so much that I cut of the overspill so it fits back into the moulding again
- also on the pricy side, at 240€ they are definitly not an "instant buy" and one has to look for how they are worth their tag

- SOFTWARE! I cant praise it enough, but the Edge controller has a different software that makes me wonder why this is not available for the default controller (and the answer propably either is because it simply isnt the same board or because they just dont want).
Customizeable option that the DualSense could also have are
L2/R2 trigger ranges upper and lower
Stick deadzone
Stick reaction curves
Things that only Edge has:

- profile buttons

to quickly select between 4 controller layouts (of the above meantioned options), one of them 4 is always set to be default.
These layout are stored ON the controller, so when you take it to a different PS5 it all works the same

  • sticks themselves can be exchanged, in the box are "default", "long default" and "dome" (which is DualShock2 I think)
  • stick modules can be exchanged if the develope drift for a price of 25€ a single piece (which while it still is expensive is at least cheaper than needing a new controller ...), though before I would even consider this propably increasing stick deadzone by 1% or 2% is already enough without feeling too different to play with
  • textured L2/R2, not a big change but it feels much better than flat buttons
  • textured Touchpad, again not a big change but also slightly better feel
  • 2 backside buttons to copy any selected frontside button, they can not be used as additional buttons to increase the amount of bindings, they simply serve comfort to be in better reach than other buttons (like the 8 faceside buttons)
-L2/R2 have a 3 step stopper to increase reaction speed independent of how the software is configured

HYPR Signature Designer:
battery is the same as DualSense, so not a con

  • price depends on setup, about in the same range as the Edge, but can be higher
  • the "rings" around the sticks could be a bit more sturdy, it appears I have already created a slight nudge by "pressing forward too hard"

- really depends on how you order it,
for me it basically is its backside

  • that is some good gripping texture (unlike this cheap Edge stuff)
  • 4 buttons to copy any other button (again no additional binding, just comfort)

- also I ordered with Hall Effect sticks which means supposedly no wear/no drift possible and autocorrecting to center
... I propably should have ordered them as "light", they feel heavier than Sony which makes them (currently) less precise

Compared to the Edge:
unfortunalty it runs with the default controller software, unfortunatly touchpad and L2/R2 dont have any additional texture.
Weight is the same as DualSense, so lighter than Edge (I prefer a bit heavier).
Backbuttons are a matter of practice, though again I prefer Edge for feel, but 2 vs 4 is a pro for Hypr and there is a different backside button layout available that maybe would have been a more suitable choice.

Are they worth it?
DualSense - no other choice but to accept what is delivered
DualSense Edge - yes, but Sony still feels cheap at some parts, I cant go back to default anymore
Hypr - this was an experimental purchase, but it feels better than anticipated and for some games I prefer it over Edge yet in others it is the opposite. In my case this relies on the amount of backside buttons I want/need to use and then either Hypr wins, Edge when I want more control and precision in general.

Any other controller experiences from the forums?
Talk about Xbox, PC, Nintendo, whatever if you like?
Interesting to read but i don't see any reason why not to stick to the Dualsense. I guess there are more specific requirements of some gamers.
Many moons ago, I had a Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad. I then had this PS2-style PC gamepad that served me quite well for some time. I'd later get an XBOX 360 controller that was comfortable in the hands and played my PC games very well. Now, I use an XBOX One controller that feels comfortable and plays my PC games very well.

I tried using a PlayStation 3 controller for my PC and my Chromebook, but I just can't play much anything well with it besides the PS3. So if you want to use a great gamepad for your PC, I recommend any XBOX-type controller. I haven't tried a PS4 or PS5 controller yet. I still am saving to get a PlayStation 5 (Disc Version).
Before I became a dad I had small collection going. I had:
  • One Dualshock 3
  • Two Dualshock 4s
  • One 8bitdo M30 (the only way to play the Mega Drive collection on Steam)
  • One Play Sega controller (which is a USB version of the 6-button Saturn controller)
  • A pair of Vive wands
  • A pair of Index controllers
  • A Namco NeGcon
  • A Gcon 3 for some reason
  • An Xbox Elite V1 which shed all its rubber pieces but was too expensive to throw away
  • An Xbox 360 controller that I think was a very good fake
  • Saitek X-52 Pro
  • Saitek X-65F - the coolest controller I never got working
  • Logitech G27
Now I just have a Steam Deck and one of my DS4s for when I dock it. And frankly I'm happier that way, it's so much simpler.
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When I do use a controller on PC that's not specialized for a task (like racing wheels or motion controllers) I use DualShock 3s pretty much exclusively, and have for like 10 years now; barring a period late last year where I spent a few months giving a Series X controller that Best Buy had on sale for half off a try. I was particularly happy in that period of time of like 2015-ish where Gamestop was liquidating their PS3 inventory because I was able to get 6 spares for something like $60.
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