Gamer killed over game weapon

  • Thread starter McLaren
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God damn, they're taking vides games way to seriously....

*Here's another current event! A house across from my street caught fire and the fire department is on it at the moment!

The article is from June 8th, 05, dude.
Alright, who sold my Sword of Light +1?!
Dumb@$$es!! A vampire stole my full mith in RuneScape, but did I go back and stab him? No! I went back and got my sorry level 36 ass kicked again! :lol:
Old article, but it shows how into games people get. Some people that played Everquest killed themselves after a player in the game that they were friends with died in the game or something like that.

(Leaving a friend alone in in the living room with GT4 running.) WHAT?!?!? YOU SOLD MY MINOLTA??? I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pfft, you can get that Toyota back easily. Just don't sell the Nissan R89C or the black F1 :)
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