Games for big kids...

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス
Just read this article in the paper this morning - grown-ups playing kids games in the streets, involving anything from waterguns to pillow fights, some using mobile phones and even GPS's... the average age of the players of some of these games is about 25... I'm not sure, I think I'd feel like a complete pillock running around central London with a watergun to be perfectly honest. However, I can see the appeal.... I remember many years ago when I was about 17, I visited the National Museum in Edinburgh, Scotland with my cousins, and it somehow turned into a bizarre mixture of hide and seek and tig (or tag), but obviously, being in a museum, we couldn't run anywhere - so the key to the 'game' was stealth. It ended up being a bit like 'Paintball' (but with no paint - or balls...) or Laserquest (without the lasers), and I still remember it as quite an exhilirating experience...

I had supposed that by the age of 31 I should have 'grown out' of these sorts of games, but this article has made me think twice...💡
Well, there's always Airsoft... shooting at other 25-40 year old guys in a jungle-like vacant lot, the rat-tat-tat of automatic weapons and the zing of BBs flying by at near-lethal speeds. I've got one, but I'm much too chicken to actually go out and get shot at.

I kind of like the "Shoot me if you can" idea. Easy to do... everyone wears a clothing article their marker or identifier on it, and tries to hide in crowds whenever out in public. If anyone can get a clear shot of the marker with a mobile phone (not obscured by other people), that counts as a hit.

Hmmm.... wonder what our local boards would think of that?

Schooling, Babysitting, Detention & Corporal Punishment for Adults would be unusual.

Taking your Gat to the boulevard for some neighbourly Paintball is average.

Grow down will ya !
I hate being told to "grow up". I don't want to. Why should kids get all the fun? I get strange looks when I go out on my bike. People think I'm weird because I play computer games. Should I just go home from work, put my slippers on and do a crossword before having an ovaltine and going to bed with a good book?
Good points daan (not that I'm an adult but still) 👍

I would'nt mind playing Urban water pistol fights, sound fun :)

Some people think I'm weird because I prefer Gran Turismo over Gran Theft Auto :(
I hate being told to "grow up". I don't want to. Why should kids get all the fun? I get strange looks when I go out on my bike. People think I'm weird because I play computer games. Should I just go home from work, put my slippers on and do a crossword before having an ovaltine and going to bed with a good book?

Someone should make a T-Shirt with this written on :sly:
There's a vast difference between being childlike and childish.
Atleast one thing these games have over other types of multiplayer games (such as online RPG's etc.) is that they might actually be quite healthy physical activities - of course, you could also run out infront of a car trying to avoid being squirted by a water pistol :dunce:
Well, there's always Airsoft... shooting at other 25-40 year old guys in a jungle-like vacant lot, the rat-tat-tat of automatic weapons and the zing of BBs flying by at near-lethal speeds. I've got one, but I'm much too chicken to actually go out and get shot at.

I kind of like the "Shoot me if you can" idea. Easy to do... everyone wears a clothing article their marker or identifier on it, and tries to hide in crowds whenever out in public. If anyone can get a clear shot of the marker with a mobile phone (not obscured by other people), that counts as a hit.

Hmmm.... wonder what our local boards would think of that?
It doesn't hurt as bad as you think. Oh yeah, it hurts, just not as bad. I've been hit in the ankle, my shoulder, my arm, and one time unfortunately where no one wants to get hit :ouch:. You get over it :lol:.

But on topic... Thats kind of odd. But there should be nothing against adults having a full fledged super soaker brawl.
Touring Mars
Just read this article in the paper this morning - grown-ups playing kids games in the streets, involving anything from waterguns to pillow fights, some using mobile phones and even GPS's... the average age of the players of some of these games is about 25... I'm not sure, I think I'd feel like a complete pillock running around central London with a watergun to be perfectly honest. However, I can see the appeal.... I remember many years ago when I was about 17, I visited the National Museum in Edinburgh, Scotland with my cousins, and it somehow turned into a bizarre mixture of hide and seek and tig (or tag), but obviously, being in a museum, we couldn't run anywhere - so the key to the 'game' was stealth. It ended up being a bit like 'Paintball' (but with no paint - or balls...) or Laserquest (without the lasers), and I still remember it as quite an exhilirating experience...

I had supposed that by the age of 31 I should have 'grown out' of these sorts of games, but this article has made me think twice...💡

can you say" Paintball "? Big kids get to shoot at each other and live !
I hate being told to "grow up". I don't want to. Why should kids get all the fun? I get strange looks when I go out on my bike. People think I'm weird because I play computer games. Should I just go home from work, put my slippers on and do a crossword before having an ovaltine and going to bed with a good book?

No you got to grab a beer and throw down with your beetches..beeeetch !

Turn around beeetch I gota use for you , besides you got nothin better to do and I'm bored !

Wassup homey ? You ain't a player ?
Touring Mars
Someone should make a T-Shirt with this written on :sly:

They had a CSI New York with this kind of thing on a year or so ago. You had someone you had to track down and "kill" and then, of cours someone was really killed... Interesting concept,without the really dead part, and I don't think age would have anything to do with playing this or not. For me it is time. Or lack there of, actually.
Paintball hurts. Tried it once. I was actually pretty good once I got over the fact that I hate getting shot at (twenty hours a day of Counterstrike and a lot of practice at the target range actually paid off).

Still doesn't change the fact that I'm too chicken to want to get shot at, though. I've only done BBs once, and that was gas BBs years ago. May not hurt that much, but I still hate it. Thus, my BB gun lays in the closet collecting dust.

I'd like to play a game of assassins. In the dark. With eggs. Now that's fun. :lol:
For my bachelor party we started at noon and played three games of Lazer Tag before going to Hooters where the waitresses then proceeded to make me dance and twirl a hula hoop.

Anyway, the point is that ten fully grown men went and played Lazer Tag where we teamed up and chased little kids around, blasting them with lasers. We lost. We came to an agreement that it must have been the beer, because there is no way we could have lost if we had been sober. :sly:

But I agree that I am tired of how every time you meet someone if video games come up you get that look. I mean, what the heck am I supposed to be doing with my free time if it isn't having fun? I'm sorry I don't have a barn to build or the money to buy a classic car to "rebuild" while it rusts in my driveway. At least I don't get lost in some MMORPG and forget that I have a family.

Once I went to this party with my wife where everybody there had a significant other of some form and somehow the conversation got on to video games and ALL the women started talking about how childish it was. I asked them what I should be doing. I said that I could sit at home by myself cutting up pictures and pasting them into cutesy little scrapbooks that have little Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bear, or any other pre-teen girly obsessions.

My wife didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.
I take it the wife scrapbooks? :lol:

Agreed. If we weren't playing games we'd just be looking at porn.

Why do we play games again?
You should see the looks I get when I tell people I like to run around slaying goblins in TES my crowd thats just like saying I like to wear make up at night and wear panty hose while I bugger chickens and sacrifice them to to the love god s.

pantyhose is kinda cool ....
Airsoft skirmishes > All

Abandoned Supermarket parking lots are fun, especially when the police don't give a rats ass :lol:.

It's fun going out into the woods and having Airsoft wars. Especially the part where you can hide under a pile of leaves with just your barrel sticking out and nail everyone you see (thank you lord for the 2x scope and black spraypaint):lol:.
Nerf = Styrofoam Darts that my grandmother could outrun.

Airsoft = .20g, 6mm pellets moving at 350+ FPS.

And Airsoft is for wussies?

Airsoft can break skin/make you bleed.
Styrofoam darts your grandmother could outrun? Who have you been nerfing with? My sniper rifle can fire a foam dart 75 yards at 25psi, and at 25 feet at the same pressure it can pierce a soda can. Don't even ask what it can do when loaded with heavier ammunition (custom stefan darts) or higher pressure.

As I said, airsoft is for wussies. If 350fps breaks your skin, you might be albino.
RE: Airsoft... we blow up soda cans all the time. It's not that hard.

We blow up beer bottles, too. :lol:

350 fps is standard for some stock and slightly modified Airsoft guns. My cousin's gun makes at least 450 fps, pushing on 500+, but he can't use it in competition anymore... too dangerous... :lol:
Nerf = Those toy guns kids buy at Wal-Mart for $25


RE: Airsoft... we blow up soda cans all the time. It's not that hard.

We blow up beer bottles, too.

350 fps is standard for some stock and slightly modified Airsoft guns. My cousin's gun makes at least 450 fps, pushing on 500+, but he can't use it in competition anymore... too dangerous...

If you're implying that you've ever caused a glass bottle to break by shooting it with an airsoft gun, I call bull****. I have a .177 pellet rifle that fires just over 1,000fps and it won't bust a glass beer bottle at anything other than point blank.

450fps? Too dangerous? Are you serious? For who, toddlers? You guys can even FEEL those things hit at 450fps?
Well, there's always Airsoft... shooting at other 25-40 year old guys in a jungle-like vacant lot, the rat-tat-tat of automatic weapons and the zing of BBs flying by at near-lethal speeds. I've got one, but I'm much too chicken to actually go out and get shot at.
Whats the point to have one then? I have 2! And i've done airsoft in backyards. AND around are hills, which is basically a free forest to do whatever!