Day 2.
ECU removal.
28 ECU Before
Automatic Transmission part number 89661-21330. The manual transmission part number is 89661-21320
Removing all the ECU and wire/plugs for reference.
33 ECU Removed
You need the 2 body harness plugs otherwise you cannot power the ECU and a few other inputs and outputs are missing. You can see in foreground the out of focus plugs and the background in focus harness. This is where I cut the harness to get as much length in the wires for these plugs as possible.
32 Extra ECU Wiring
This is what I extracted from the car. Most I won't use but I like to have these for reference later.
34 Extra ECU Wiring
Dropping the struts out to get the subframe out. I did end up unbolting them fully before I moved the engine out of under the car. Unlike the MR2, the brake hoses are bolted to the strut instead of threaded through a welded on metal bracket.
29 Strut Removal
Dropping out the subframe is quite an exercise vs an MR2.
1. Unbolt the steering column near the firewall behind the engine.
2. Unbolt the triangle braces on each side on the rear bolts. These also have the long rear bolts as part of the the 3.
3. Unbolt the front subframe bolts. I had already undone the longitudinal subframe front bolts yesterday...
4. The powersteeing lines also need to be disconnected. The low pressure return hose isn't too bad to get to behind the intake manifold. Unclip the clamp and as the subframe comes down it pulls off as does the steering column connection. Well it would if I didn't have to drop the engine at the same time due to the axles being stuck in the hubs. Sure I could have pulled more suspension off, but I didn't. The high pressure line needs the pressure sensor removed, which also acts as the banjo bolt. 24mm spanner, that's my biggest spanner. Then it comes off no problem.
5. Fuel lines off filter and return line.
6. Main engine harness to be pulled through the fire wall.
30 Subframe lowering
36 Pulling Wiring Harness Through Firewall
37 Pulling Wiring Harness Through Firewall
38 Pulling Wiring Harness Through Firewall
Before I could fully drop it out I had to cut the exhaust as the 14mm bolts were no longer 14mm, more like 13.5mm from the rust they experience.
39 Exhaust Flange
40 Exhaust Flange Cutting
41 Exhaust Flange Cut
As the GEN4 3SGTE doesn't have a front engine hook I used a spare hook from my old GEN2 3SGE and bolted it to the head.
35 Extra GEN2 engine hook
Hooked up the engine hoist to this hook and the standard hook on the rear that also acts as the boost control solenoid mounting bracket.
42 Engine Ready to Drop
Lowered it all down onto my pallet with wheels. I had to add some extra blocks on top to make the subframe clear the engine hoist legs.
43 Engine and Subframe on Pallet
This is something that is quite different to the MR2, a liquid filled engine mount on the front of the engine.
44 Liquid Engine Mount
And the engine is down and fully disconnected. I did forget to remove the gear shift cable off the longitudinal subframe so this got a little caught on the way down so I just cut it.
There is some off bracket system holding it to the subframe that I haven't even bothered to look at how I was to remove it properly.
45 Engine Down
Lifting the car is a different exercise than how I do it with an SW20. The SW20 has welded mounts on the chassis that the main bolts fix to as the pass through the rubber mounts on the left and right. On the Caldina, there is nothing! I would normally strap a chain or strop to the main bolts and lift the back of the MR2 from the side and pull the engine out the other side but as the Caldina is very different, the front bumper cover has to come off. Not too difficult as it's only really held to the car with 4 10mm bolts and a few others holding the plastic undertray and well well liners to it.
Wrap a few chains around the bumper bar and lift the car up. The rear wheels are still on and raised so as you lift the car it safely rotates on them rather than pivoting on some small metal axle stands.
46 Lifting Car
47 Getting Some Height
48 Almost Up
Having carpet on the floor is not for some things, but spilling coolant on them was a fail as is the design of my pallet with wheels. It's so low that the weight of the engine compressed the carpet enough to bottom out the pallet. This required a lot more force to pull the pallet out of under the car, but I got there eventually.
49 Engine Out
50 Empty Engine Bay
The engine has 307,000km on it, the cam belt we definitely changed at 103,000km in Japan prior to importing it here, but there is no evidence of it being done since. I notices some odd wear marks on some of the belt but the top surface and teeth are all intact and good condition. Either way, it's all getting replaced, just curious to note.
51 Interesting Cam Belt Damage
Next step was to remove the driveshafts from the gearbox and transfer case. Lefts side, easy, just pull on it and it pops out, right side, easy for the first part, pull on it, it pops out, but it's so damn long!!! Getting it fully out was a bit harder with everything still attached to the subframe and the ball joint refusing to come off.
52 Removing Driveshaft
Eventually it all came out but no prior to having to unbolt the swaybar and steering rack to release the transfer case prop shaft snout!
53 Removing Driveshaft Long
Prior to putting the subframe back in so I could roll the car out of the garage, I had the wife take an obligatory person in the engine bay photo. This Caldina is now baby powered. Welcome to this crazy world, Elliott! He was born during Level 4 COVID-19 Lockdown. Special little guy!
55 Baby Powered Caldina
Putting the subframe back in was quite difficult, but having the engine hoist, a load leveller from Pierre and a hammer worked.
54 Putting Subframe and steering back in
End of Day 2. More to come.