General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Overnight on Twitch, I saw this Tekken 7 Rage Art Tournament from the Philippines. What was so interesting about it was the popularity of the Tekken series in the Philippines. The tournament was about halfway done when I checked into the stream. Some 3K people were viewing it, and there were about 79.5M views to it. It was pretty fun to watch some of the tournament rounds using the PlayStation 4 version of Tekken 7.
Filipino Character lol. The Philippines has a small turnout compared to Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China. I think the next biggest tourney is South East Asia Major.
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I saw a stream on Twitch of Killer Instinct. Not the classic KI, but the new age Killer Instinct. It was pretty cool! Since it's a new age version of a classic series, of course everything has to be epic and wild. The particle effects are crazy in this game! I swear some combos are like watching a fireworks show. The quality of the combos is pretty insane. Being the nostalgic type, it means I tend to favor the classic more than a modern remake. So to that point, I still would rather play the first KI than the newer one, though the new Killer Instinct looks great.
I have been trying to study up on fighting game series I am not familiar with. One of those is the Guilty Gear series. I admit I have gotten into Guilty Gear XX (or Guilty Gear X2) for its music. And normally, I don't listen to rock that much, and not any hard metal. Though... I do enjoy certain metal covers of game songs at times. Besides the music, the Guilty Gear games are pretty stylish with the menus and the battles. I also fancy GGXX for its very cool versus theme before matches. It just sounds like GO TIME music. Like something's about to go down big.

I saw some videos on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And from what I've seen, Deadpool is hilarious! I am not a comic book fan that much, so I can't really say I'm educated much on comics. The game can simply be described a generational leap much like the transition from Street Fighter III to Street Fighter IV. Good action in MVC3. It's a game I probably would own if I wanted to go get it.

Melty Blood and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure were two games I looked up on YouTube. It is "Melty Blood: Actress Again" I have followed on Twitch while also seeing a video review of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure." Jojo is bonkers! I don't know the story all that well, but it's a very unique fighter. As for Melty Blood, I am slowly learning the different characters. It is pretty crazy how Melty Blood characters can have over 20+ palettes for characters! Characters made for MUGEN can have a maximum of 12 palettes. That's still a crazy amount of colors to choose from for given characters.

And finally to end these random musings, and speaking of MUGEN, my attention shifted towards screenpacks and lifebars and such. Haven't made anything, but I will probably share stuff on my Weebly site or in any of my blogs. I kind of designed a prototype stage to be like a boxing event or a wrestling event in a ballroom setting. Not much else since. I think if enough interest in generated, I may start up a MUGEN discussion thread for those making characters for the popular PC fighting game engine.

And... those are my general fighting game musings of late.
Most of my fighting game relevance to this post is mostly about playing around with MUGEN. Recently, I learned of a fighting game I finally found out what the screenpack is from. The game's screenpack in question was for the game "Eternal Fighter Zero." There is a very stylish MUGEN screenpack I've seen based on Capcom vs. SNK 3. This CVS3 screenpack for MUGEN includes a stylish lifebar package along with a little scoring system after rounds have been complete.

So basically, I am trying to build my own MUGEN. I am kind of building two, actually. One is me FINALLY working on my old concept from 2008; the other is what I will be using to house my primary MUGEN content. The latter will utilize the HD version of MUGEN 1.0, and I am playing around with the ever-popular "Everything vs. Everything" HD version along with trying to utilize concepts from the BrokenMUGEN screenpack (namely the combo counter). I think I have mastered building prototypes of material with a combination of Photoshop, GIMP, and Paint.NET. I have a few concepts in mind for any material I do release for MUGEN- even including a racing-related screenpack for the game.

I even educated myself a bit on a few SNK characters. Remember that I am not as experienced on SNK fighters, since I mostly have played Capcom fighters. So I looked up characters like Ash Crimson and Saiki. We get so used to talking about waifus on SaltyBet on Twitch. Well, I thought of the likes of Ash and Saiki were feminine. Nope. However, they are very nicely feminine-looking fighters. I do see a lot of Ash Crimson and Ash edits in the SaltyBet MUGEN fights. But usually, the most edited SNK fighters are either Kula edits, Rugal edits, or Geese edits.

That's all. Carry on about your day... :)
@Tornado , I did and its on sale for $45 on steam.
Haven't touched this since playing the demo at PAX last year:

No idea why it captured so dark. I think it might be the best one since XI, but it plays with more of a 2002 UM speed/character weight that I definitely preferred over the 2003 and newer games. Definitely much better than XIII was. It's not particularly pretty, but I hated the art style of the last two.
This FG is on the to-buy list whenever it releases on steam as requested by the casual players in my circle:



Despite how casual it is, if we cannot figure out how the heck to control your own character, enjoyability plummets really fast. That's one thing they don't recognize.

I imagine it's a lean left/right with bumper/triggers, and each joystick controlling each arm, the hands being the only hitboxes.
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Finally a DBZ worth waiting for. Basic Fireballs seem like a hit of a button ( like how dust/drive are.) I wonder if the button layout is going to be similar to Blazblue.

It's pretty much the DBZ game I've been waiting for almost two decades. I used to fantasize about a true fighter DBZ game, with MVC mechanics and a Guilty Gear/Blazblue look. And here it is. I was excited for MVC Infinite, but who would've know that a DBZ game might end up being in par or even better than it.
Today at a secondhand bookstore, I picked up "Virtua Fighter 5." Though I have "Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown," I always wanted to play the original VF5. I just completed a one-credit attempt using my favorite character- Kage. I was fairly rusty, but I still knew a bit on how to use Kage after my experiences playing "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution." VF5 is at least 10 years old. Still, it is just as fun to play as VF4E. I managed to make it to about... level 6 in my Arcade play before losing to Lau in my one-credit trial. I still remember the early PlayStation 3 days when VF5 was offered on kiosks at stores. So maybe I'll be playing VF5 to gain experience and get back to my VF4E form playing VF5.

Now a MUGEN update... I managed mostly last night to make my own select screen for my MUGEN roster. It wasn't pretty or perfect, but I had to try a few different things to learn different ways to make content. I used an adaptation of the base MUGEN in learning to make new content. So I didn't really bother with making a proper main menu. I even want to practice making a Versus screen. But really now, I am in the process of trying to build a proper series of controls to make a base template for making characters. I even made a dummy character used primarily to practice designing a character. The ultimate goal- make a character or set of characters to populate the MUGEN world with more fighters. Oh, and don't worry- I'm not going to make any cheap, move spam-happy, OHKO (one-hit knockout) characters. I even have a separate MUGEN which I intend to use in the creation of series.

I am also working in MUGEN to design proper in-game fight material, like lifebars. I was working with HD-spec MUGEN previously. So I will be working more with 640x480 scale material In making stuff for MUGEN on the fighting front. I could downscale the HD-quality material I was trying to make, but I will just make absolutely new material instead. I am using a combination of Photoshop and GIMP to plan out everything. It isn't really that hard. The only things you have to be concerned with is trying to make the material while also learning how to code everything properly. I have even downloaded other material just for studying and coming up with new ideas to maybe offer for download. So while I'll be designing my own MUGEN, I have interest in offering my creations to others as well.

That's all. Keep playing them fightin' games! :)
Playing a bit more through Virtua Fighter 5, I got re-adjusted to a lot of the characters of past VF games. One thing I never realized was just how quick the kickboxer Brad Burns is. I loved him in "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution." It is usually Jacky who is the speed demon, but Brad is just as quick with his punches and even his kicks. While the Tekken games are fun, I guess I've loved the Virtua Fighter games for more realistic 3D combat. Should we get a Virtua Fighter 6, I wonder what else we could see in terms of new characters and content.

I also tried playing VF5 with the announcers. While the announcing adds some extra appeal for fights, it can be a good bit annoying hearing announcing while having a focused fight. It is a pretty realistic deal. Only thing is, I'd rather just whip the other fighter without hearing commentators.

Outside of VF5, there was even a "Marvel vs. Capcom: Fate of the Two Worlds" (or whatever it's called) box I saw on the PS3 area of the secondhand bookstore I been to. I contemplated on getting that game but chose to pass on it. Don't hate it or anything... I just never really been any real comic fan.
I have made some decent progress learning how to make characters for MUGEN lately. I am mostly getting the hang of designing sprites and then assigning them certain Groups for certain situations. I made a dummy character primarily as a placeholder for more proper character designs. A very basic fighter, from start to finish, can honestly be done within one day. Perfecting a basic character can take quite a bit longer. If there were jams for designing MUGEN characters much like there are gaming jams for game development, I can assure you it is very possible to design a more-than-decent MUGEN character within a day or two. That's why when I come up with an overall package I am comfortable with, all I would need to do is simply design a set of sprites for my characters to take advantage of. It would speed up the development process significantly. I am more focused on mechanics more than art right now in MUGEN.

On a different note, I introduced myself to the classic NES fighting game "Joy Mech Fighters." Sadly, this game never made it to the United States (that I know of). It was a game from 1993 featuring a bunch of robots that don't have limbs. It seemed to be as fun a fighting game as almost any other. So look up "Joy Mech Fighters" on YouTube to get an idea of this rather popular game.
EVO is going on this weekend; and as of this post, I'm watching stuff like the latest Guilty Gear being played at EVO 2017 on Twitch. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2, I believe is being played. Wow! Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 looks impressive! It is a 3D type game, but looks like a very beautiful, very detailed 2D game. Almost like a total evolution of when cel shading was popular in the 2000s.

As for any MUGEN updates, I haven't done too much except for think of a control system for a fighter. Also been trying to find some sort of way to get some proper sprites done for when I create actual characters rather than prototypes.

You folks enjoy EVO 2017! :)
I was just looking around on TV and saw "ESPN Programming" on ESPNU. Turns out... it's live coverage of EVO! As of this point, they're showing a "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii U" match between Bayonetta and Diddy Kong. It's cool how eSports are a real thing. I'm going to enjoy seeing as much of this EVO tournament action as I can.

[UPDATE] It's Smash Bros. Wii U.
^ As for the matchup that you mentioned, here's how it ended - you won't believe what happened...

I have to wonder though - why is ESPN (in general) showing EVO? I thought they're home to baseball, football and basketball (and college sports through ESPNU).
The Street Fighter V action at EVO 2017 was very cool. I saw pretty much all of the matches. I surely congratulate all of the World Champions of EVO 2017. I hear that this November, there will be a Capcom fighting game tournament in Boston. So more CAPCOM fighting love coming later this year.

I thought it was cool to see old Super Smash Bros. Melee played competitively at EVO 2017. I would usually be under the mindset that people only cared about the latest games rather than older ones. That would be like if more people played "Street Fighter: 3rd Strike" rather than "Street Fighter V." A saw a few matches of SSB Melee at EVO 2017 both on TV and on Twitch.

Outside of EVO 2017, the always fascinating realm of M.U.G.E.N. was active as I was watching the popular Twitch channel SaltyBet and saw a batch of new characters in multiple Matchmaking events. A lot of the brand new characters mostly seemed like edits or completely new characters as part of a new tier of fighters. Some of those characters were some interesting ones. Sadly, a lot of the new characters won in sweeps (it's usually best-of-5). Some matches weren't even competitive in the least sense. Despite this, it was all still great to see more new characters ready to beat each other down in MUGEN. I still kind of find it hard to believe this game has been around since 1999. It was about the mid 2000s that I started playing MUGEN. The content-making side of mine has only been rekindled as I became more involved in making material for this game. Any kind of content is a short-term goal; possible full game(s) with MUGEN is a long-term goal for me.

[OMISSION] Did you know that today is M.U.G.E.N.'s birthday? Conspicuously looking on YouTube Gaming, I saw MUGEN was released on July 17, 1999. So MUGEN is currently 18 years old today! Some GTPlaneteers are about as old as MUGEN is today. Wow!
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^ As for the matchup that you mentioned, here's how it ended - you won't believe what happened...

I have to wonder though - why is ESPN (in general) showing EVO? I thought they're home to baseball, football and basketball (and college sports through ESPNU).

Its part of the Esports block on ESPN2. I think it was a few years back that they started to show EVO on ESPN2.

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