Most of my fighting game relevance to this post is mostly about playing around with MUGEN. Recently, I learned of a fighting game I finally found out what the screenpack is from. The game's screenpack in question was for the game "Eternal Fighter Zero." There is a very stylish MUGEN screenpack I've seen based on Capcom vs. SNK 3. This CVS3 screenpack for MUGEN includes a stylish lifebar package along with a little scoring system after rounds have been complete.
So basically, I am trying to build my own MUGEN. I am kind of building two, actually. One is me FINALLY working on my old concept from 2008; the other is what I will be using to house my primary MUGEN content. The latter will utilize the HD version of MUGEN 1.0, and I am playing around with the ever-popular "Everything vs. Everything" HD version along with trying to utilize concepts from the BrokenMUGEN screenpack (namely the combo counter). I think I have mastered building prototypes of material with a combination of Photoshop, GIMP, and Paint.NET. I have a few concepts in mind for any material I do release for MUGEN- even including a racing-related screenpack for the game.
I even educated myself a bit on a few SNK characters. Remember that I am not as experienced on SNK fighters, since I mostly have played Capcom fighters. So I looked up characters like Ash Crimson and Saiki. We get so used to talking about
waifus on SaltyBet on Twitch. Well, I thought of the likes of Ash and Saiki were feminine. Nope. However, they are very nicely feminine-looking fighters. I do see a lot of Ash Crimson and Ash edits in the SaltyBet MUGEN fights. But usually, the most edited SNK fighters are either Kula edits, Rugal edits, or Geese edits.
That's all. Carry on about your day...