General Help

  • Thread starter BrudusV
I need some general help tunning all my cars. i have a bunch of cars in my garage and they all have diffrent settings that i don't know much about. i just need some general guidance on how to set them all up. if i had to put myself in a catagory i would have to call my self a grip driver. what really confuses me is shock bound and re-bound. any advice like this this high or set the rear of this low will be GREATLY appericated
Hi BrudusV

For general help on tuning (getting to know what does what and how to dial it in to your liking) there are a couple of excellent threads over at that may be of help to you.

One is GasMans Tuning Guide (linked from the main page) and the other is the GT3 Tuning Class thread in the General Discussions forum. The latter tends to drift towards the technical, with some fairly simple equations for determining base settings for such things as Spring Rates in relation to Ride Height etc but don't let that put you off.
email me and I will help you out. I'm not trying to be patronizing but if you can't 'feel' the difference between other settings, damping isn't going to help you. All of my cars are very fast with the exception of the lotus elise and toyota GT1 which I am currently working on and not happy with. But you have to realize that driving is very personalized and the car must be setup for you. I can help you understand the settings and give you a good baseline to start though.