Thanks! I have bad hands...
There's more, but Imageshack was being slow.
If I had an Impala, that's what I'd do, except for painting the Chrome silver. I did that because some of the trim was glue on chrome, and some would have to have been painted or leafed. I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg on Chrome foil and screw it up. Really, it was an endeavor into two tone painting, because the top of a '60 is relatively flat. I wouldn't mind that paint scheme though!
And, I don't have that goofy rear trim on Biscuit.
And, The 305 is beating, and according to the mechanical Genius, it will be ready in a couple weeks.
He called me and told me that he was getting ready to turn the motor off and he was getting ready to drop it in last week. That's a step forward, but a new 2 piece driveshaft needs to be cut, and the brakes need totally redone, and it needs an exhaust system.
I... can't... wait....