- 224
- GoVassago
TimBradbarely, in my case
jeeez... what have you done with this dull french john doe..?
TimBradbarely, in my case
dude i cant wait to see thisTimBradProbably less that i thought, but it looks like a ricer civic with hemerroids
TimBradProbably less that i thought, but it looks like a ricer civic with hemerroids
TimBradJust the last shots of a subaru to go then i'm renaming over 70 pics and uploading! damn you for 3 emails with 5 cars on each ryosuke! lol
Upped some Trueno pics.ToyotaDrifterI love this thread! Anyone have any more pictures of the Trueno or SupraTT
TimBradlol, well, if you wanna, you can paypal me any donations to keep my webspace/keep my gf happy while i do this! lol timxv@aol.com
I do it for free also but I guess I dont count since I dont have a real "site".Hombleracerwow... you do this for free...? and I've transferred money everytime...? you should start charging for this.. at least from ryosuke...
Thanks for the compliment! 👍jruddDRT2RM, your pictures are incredible. I appreciate the work that everybody has done on this thread, but yours is a cut above the rest. Beautiful.
Glad I can help. Just a random fact but I have 1162 images at Imageshack and 1110 of them are believed to be GT4 wallpapers I have "collected" so us non GT4 owners can cherish the game. But I just got thinking " Wow I have this many Images and add about 60-130 images per day! I wonder how many Images per day I will add when I get the game?Hombleracereveryone who make our requests come true really deserve their share of credit.. 👍 I'm not forgetting anyone.. not even you, pimp racer.. you're making the life easier to live, at least until my copy is in the house.. gonna post some of my shots here then.. and until then, PM me with some special requests...
Hombleracerok, now you've made me feel bad... naahhh... while we're at it, another request.. this one as a challenge to keeno_uk... when you're so fast, can you check this out: http://z-o-g.org/gt4usedcars/oldtimer/nissan-bluebird-ht-1800sss-79.html
I had one of those some years ago, is it possible with dark blue/black and a wing (if combo is possible)..?
TimBradkeeno, you dont save!! just buy the cars that ppl want with your money, do NOT sell them, just restart the console and you come back without the cars and with your money! (turn off auto save) pics & movie for my site going up now, give it 10 mins then blitz it ppl
well I like the megane it might come handy plus I can alwasy sell my mclaren mercdes SLR actually no I won't be doing that
TimBradJust the last shots of a subaru to go then i'm renaming over 70 pics and uploading! damn you for 3 emails with 5 cars on each ryosuke! lol
Hydesure u can push it past even 450HP
but whats the point when the car cant handle the power???
its a FWD car
I think we should have told him earlier!Hombleracerfeel sorry for you... I had no idea you saved everytime.. sorry mate... now you know.. 👍