General TT Photo Mode Thread

  • Thread starter Sambert
Here is my GSX-R 750. I forgot what I was racing, but in another race my gixxer pulled hard on a GSX-R 1000 using the wheelie trick.

EDit: I believe it to be an R6
Who else is *loving* this game? I have been riding sportbikes for around 4 years, and i find TT highly satisfying..

Here are some pictures of Gixxer glory :)

What a fantastic bike

Notice the big grin on his face?

Just another inch and ill be draggin elbow (I did *not* crash after this pic)

Too close for comfort


Drifting 101

Advanced Drifting

Tire companies love this bike

Here I am, setting up for the next corner

This is me winning the Racing GSX-R 600

Love it


Thats all for now, let me know what you think!
Oh, you all LOVE the pictures of the driver getting OWNED. It's nice PD put in this detail because let's face it. Riders aren't glued to motorcylces. I don't get any entertainment value in watching a rider get thrown off of his/her bike. There are some beautiful pictures of the night racing at Special Stage Route 5 or whatever it is. Since it's the weekend, let me see if I can either buy or rent Tourist Trophy, perhaps. If I do either, I'll be sure to share my opinions in another thread.

Nice pictures. Keep it moving.
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cod_father - what you call an addvanced drift is actually a saved highside ... heh.

I think you got the wrong guy for the comment:)

Anywho, a couple direct from the best photo option.


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cod_father - what you call an addvanced drift is actually a saved highside ... heh.

hehe, whatever you wanna call it ;)

Drifting in motorcycle racing is not a means to an end, it is a side effect, but should not be used as a 'style' of riding. This isnt to say you should never slide, or that drifting is not usefull sometimes.. but it shouldant be a goal.

It is wicked fun however.
Bought the game yesterday, ran Novice all-gold, ran all the challenges I could access, no actual races yet. Coupla shots, one from an arcade mode 1-on-1, and one from the TZ125 challenge. I like the "close" racing in the 125 shot. A little Philadelphia Experiment going on there.

guys i dont get it, those screens are in game shots right.. how do i get the game to look like that on my tv.. i have a 42" LG plasma, if i buy a component cable so i can use the 720p or 1080i will it look like that ..someone tested on component HD rezotuions or a RGB cable with be better ?

@quati , how can i view replays at that ql bro ?

Gameplay DOESN'T look like this. These are photomode images pulled from replays. Gameplay looks like the game, simple as that. Save a replay, open it in the Photo Lab, and that's where these come from. They are NOT screen shots of gameplay. Read through the whole thread, search the forums for photomode. Look in the GT4 forums for Photomode, too, it's basically the same thing but has been around longer, maybe better explained.

On another note, I got curious about this thread and how it might apply to TT, so I tried it. Apparently not as useful, since the bars and gauges are just too close, but here's some I came up with:

One rear view shot gave me this:

while another (from same replay) gave me this:

I couldn't make selecting left or right side shots work.