General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Dips are awesome. I remember when I couldn't do one. Usually when I do them now I use a belt with either 10 pounds or 25 pounds and do them :D. Doing them without the belt and weights feels like a breeze after you do a set with the belt.

With flys the main thing is not to lock your arms so that their straight. I usually bend them a tad and that's usually fine for me.
DA: Your still sore from a few days ago? I dunno why but I rarely feel super sore. For me the only time I ever feel really sore the next day is when I work out my legs and do squats (Is it because I rarely do legs?)

But sure I'll feel a little bit of stretch in my chest a day or two after hitting it hard, but its not the same soreness I used to get when I started working out.

Does that mean my recovery is good and my preworkout drink is doing its job? Or am I continuing to over-train and thus not feeling any soreness?

I worked out triceps today and they are sore, but they won't be that sore tomorrow and the day after they usually will feel 100%.

(Post is all over the place, I know, sorry I'm going to sleep!)
I am sore after every workout, usually for two to three days. Part of that is due to a technique called Peak Contraction. I flex every muscle as hard as I can at the top of every rep. Every single time. In addition, every rep I do, I'm concentrating on the muscle that is moving. For instance, last night while doing leg extensions, at the top of every rep, I'd flex the different areas of the Quad to take advantage of the weight I was using.

As for you, I suspect the reason you're not sore, is because you're not doing something right. That's about as ambiguous an answer as can be given. I'm not there to see how you do the exercise or the rep, but suffice to say, that if you are doing as many sets as you are, and still aren't sore, something is not being performed correctly. This also means that you are wasting loads of time and energy. You're burning calories, but your muscles aren't growing.

A couple of things that I can suggest that might be at fault.
You need to change your routine and use different exercises, this will hit the muscles in a different angle and thus stimulate them into growing.
You're doing the exercise while watching the weight, stop this and pay more attention to the muscle. With Squats, you have no choice, that requires so much of your body, that our muscles get pounded. Whereas Bicep Curls only require a small group of muscles.
Get more sleep. Your body isn't getting the time to rebuild. No soreness = no growth.
Leave the Cellphone in the car, and speed up the workout. 45minutes of weight lifting is what you really need. Add 15 minutes of cardio at the beginning to get your heart rate up and warm up your body.

As for pre-workout drinks, skip the expensive stuff and get some cold coffee, or (if you really need to...) some no-doz. These will gear you up plenty.
I am also sore after every workout for at least 2-3 days and I do the EXACT same thing Der Alta does. I dont "lift" the weight I flex that muscle with weight at the end of it. I will use bench press as an example. I see so many people that let the weight come down real fast then power, basically throw it back up. I take my time and slowly lower it then flex my chest while lifting the weight and flex even harder at the top. Your mind / muscle really have to meet together. Its just as much mental as it is physical. Concentrate on that specific muscle and dont let other muscles cheat to lift it. If you break that barrier you will have major gains and be very sore.

Also another thing that gets me very sore is I always push my very last set of each exercise to complete failure. Which means I have to have a spotter for the very last set of each exercise. If I am doing 4 sets then the 4th set I push until I fail. Its always best to experiement and see what works for you. But I know for a fact this method of "flexing" the weight is very effective. And as DA said, get your rest and make sure you eat. Your body gets injured in the gym and heals the entire time you are out of the gym. Its very important to eat / sleep so the muscle can repair and grow.
I am definitely guilty of pushing the weight on some exercises. I've tried fixing that a few times by focusing on doing less weights and doing it "right" but I know I'm missing something or less I would have much more results by now.

I think my problem is that if I do for example normal bicep curls with dumbbells, I will take 35 pounds and do 3-4 sets till failure each time. Should I instead focus my workout so that I only reach failure on my last set? Ex. Using 30lb dumbells consistently pushing out a number of reps? At the same time I've always heard that you have to use more weight for size, less weight for definition, so where do you make the distinction?

Now that I think of it, I do all my sets to failure, but I never stop if I reach a certain rep count. I know I do a minimum of 5-6 reps each time but if I can go further I usually push out as many reps as I can every set. Is that my problem? I think that sounds like over-training?
I am definitely guilty of pushing the weight on some exercises. I've tried fixing that a few times by focusing on doing less weights and doing it "right" but I know I'm missing something or less I would have much more results by now.

I think my problem is that if I do for example normal bicep curls with dumbbells, I will take 35 pounds and do 3-4 sets till failure each time. Should I instead focus my workout so that I only reach failure on my last set? Ex. Using 30lb dumbells consistently pushing out a number of reps? At the same time I've always heard that you have to use more weight for size, less weight for definition, so where do you make the distinction?

Now that I think of it, I do all my sets to failure, but I never stop if I reach a certain rep count. I know I do a minimum of 5-6 reps each time but if I can go further I usually push out as many reps as I can every set. Is that my problem? I think that sounds like over-training?
Sounds like we might not be on the same page when we say "failure" When I say I fail on my very last set I mean I fail, someone has to take the weight off of my body or at least help me 85% of the way. I push that last rep on that last set until I just cant go any further at all. Complete failure.
Its one thing to push and know you cant do another set. But to fail is to fail. And you do not want to fail like that on every single set. Save the massive failure for the very end of that exercise.
Damn, now that I think of it my failure isn't failure lol. My eyes are opening finally.

I used to 'fail' to the point where like my biceps would be numb to the point where a 10 pound barbell was extremely difficult to curl. I haven't had that kind of soreness in a while.

By failure I meant that for that particular set I can't do another rep without wreaking havoc on my form so I stop.

I guess thats my problem. This is good we're making progress :P
Well I tried what Der Alta said I should try; Lift the bar up from the lowest racking point. Best thing a man can do to comfort his ego is when the bar starts to curve and the whole rack shakes when you rack the weight, 'nuff said. Seriously, I felt straight out bad-ass! I actually struggled more with my grip than anything else, I might consider using either chalk or get some straps as I had to rack it before my fingers started to give away.

Going for it again on Monday. After that I'm planning on setting new records on my deadlifts as many times as I can before school ends and the gym closes down :( Then I'll be forced to join the other gyms that are so stupidly expensive if I want to keep working out :indiff:
If your struggling with your grip for dead lifts do that one where one hand faces in and the other faces out (it's late and I don't remember what its called)!
An underhand grip? ;)
No, he means a mixed grip.
Double overhand

Speaking of deadlift, I went to deadlifts after pull ups last night. This was my 2nd week for "official" barbel deadlifts and it is feeling great!!! For those that dont know, I slipped a disk really bad in my back last year and could barely walk for about 3 months. So I have been slowly slowly creeping up with deadlifts trying not to injur my back. I was able to do 4 full sets and the last 3 sets I used 155 for the deadlift and did it 8 reps on the last set. Clearly I will need to add at least another 20lbs next week. So this is a huge accomplishment and my back feels great today. 👍
I am definitely guilty of pushing the weight on some exercises. I've tried fixing that a few times by focusing on doing less weights and doing it "right" but I know I'm missing something or less I would have much more results by now.
Excellent, this means you're taking a step in the right direction. You've identified that there is a problem, now let's find the solution.

And here's part of it.
I've always heard that you have to use more weight for size, less weight for definition, so where do you make the distinction?
This is one of the greatest myths in Bodybuilding. Working the muscle increases size. What goes in your mouth is where you get definition. Perhaps the best statement I have heard is "You can't out-train Bad Nutrition". Eating a proper diet with the right mix of Proteins, Carbs and Fats is where you'll see the best gains in definition. Oh, and cardio.

When you vary the reps it works your muscle differently. Thus not allowing them to adapt to a specific exercise, and continuing to grow. Your body is designed to adapt. To everything. Which is exactly why you need to vary a wide range of reps and sets and exercises to keep growing. One of my favorites is a 100 rep set. It varies slightly, but for the most part follows this amount of reps per set.
Example: Leg Extensions
30 reps
25 reps
20 reps
15 reps
7 reps
3 reps
Totaling 100 reps. I'll usually follow this up with 3-5 sets of leg curls. After that, my legs are spent.

Now, the other important aspect. Cardio.
Cardio makes your metabolism speed up. A Speedy metabolism means you can utilize food faster after you eat. When you're eating more food, your body can rebuild better, stronger and faster. Thus, better gains in size. It also means that you metabolize fat quicker. Yes, Cardio helps build muscle and increase definition.

Speaking of deadlift, I went to deadlifts after pull ups last night. This was my 2nd week for "official" barbel deadlifts and it is feeling great!!! For those that dont know, I slipped a disk really bad in my back last year and could barely walk for about 3 months. So I have been slowly slowly creeping up with deadlifts trying not to injur my back. I was able to do 4 full sets and the last 3 sets I used 155 for the deadlift and did it 8 reps on the last set. Clearly I will need to add at least another 20lbs next week. So this is a huge accomplishment and my back feels great today. 👍
That's great news!

Well I tried what Der Alta said I should try; Lift the bar up from the lowest racking point. Best thing a man can do to comfort his ego is when the bar starts to curve and the whole rack shakes when you rack the weight, 'nuff said. Seriously, I felt straight out bad-ass! I actually struggled more with my grip than anything else, I might consider using either chalk or get some straps as I had to rack it before my fingers started to give away.

Going for it again on Monday.
Yes, Straps are necessary when you do deadlifts. I'm usually good without them (just chalk) until about 315lbs. Anything more than that, and I use straps. I also use them for a few other exercises. Chin-ups, Low Rows, barbell squats, heavy leg extensions, shrugs.

Those and a belt are two essential pieces of lifting gear.

Last night for me was bi/tri night. Due to my elbow, I had to stop halfway through my tricep workout. Hopefully it'll heal over the weekend and I can get back to the heavy weights again. :(
Damn, now that I think of it my failure isn't failure lol. My eyes are opening finally.

I used to 'fail' to the point where like my biceps would be numb to the point where a 10 pound barbell was extremely difficult to curl. I haven't had that kind of soreness in a while.

By failure I meant that for that particular set I can't do another rep without wreaking havoc on my form so I stop.

I guess thats my problem. This is good we're making progress :P
Now that you have identified what you are doing wrong you will be able to improve it. 👍

I mentioned something a few posts back about the flyes feeling strange. The problem I have with them is that they do not feel that great on my left shoulder socket. They work my chest great but I just keep the weight light for now. My shoulder socket is slowly getting better each week so I feel after a few weeks I will be more comfortable with flyes. I found that rotaing my wrists in different directions helps too but it can just be such a strange exercise for me at times. I will keep experimenting and I will figure it out. I might even substite flyes for dumbell bench after doing barbel bench next week. I have the same pain once in a while when I do 2 handed tricep extensions but it is getting better for sure.
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Last night I worked out chest and biceps and my main focus was low weights, more reps and focusing on form. I think I've been doing bench press and flat bench dumbells wrong the entire time. I made sure that my arms were perfectly perpendicular to my body like they were aligned with my shoulders when I did it and I feel soreness there today.

Before this when I benched my arms would tuck in towards my chest, which I think put more of the weight on my shoulders then anything. Instead of benching 55 lbs on each side I stuck with 25's and 35's and got a much more intense workout and my chest was definitely feeling it :D

I can't wait to go back in lol
I did it!

Not 100 kg, but one-hundred-and-two-and-a-half-goddamn-kilos!

No straps, no belt, no chalk. Just a raw lift. Is it wrong to work out with a sleeveless shirt, though? I need to be careful I don't turn into a douchebag now that I'm starting to lift heavier :lol:
I did it!

Not 100 kg, but one-hundred-and-two-and-a-half-goddamn-kilos!

No straps, no belt, no chalk. Just a raw lift. Is it wrong to work out with a sleeveless shirt, though? I need to be careful I don't turn into a douchebag now that I'm starting to lift heavier :lol:
Congrats!!! That is so awesome!! 👍

This is inspiring me to set some goals of my own. I want to be able to workout with 200lbs for my deadlift and 200lbs for my hack squat. Also if I can get back to the point where I am working out with 175lbs for my bench I will be very happy. Not going for max or anything, I just want to be able to lift them for at least a couple reps on my last set. Those are officially my new goals. Well along with hitting 190lbs for bodyweight. But I still wont let the "number" get in the way of my workout. The workout is most important but now that I am climbing up in weight and my back is healing, I am ready to start lifting some serious heavy weight again. Its been about 8 years since I lifted really heavy. Hopefully within a few months I will hit these goals. Or at least by the end of the year.
Thanks a lot guys! A lot goes to all of you for posting these big numbers and inspiring me to be able to do the same. My accomplishment is minimal compared to some of the weights you guys move, but the fact that I did it after squats and deadlifts makes it so much better. My quads and glutes are absolutely destroyed, and I can safely take a nice and relaxed weekend.

Amazing how a difference it was to Monday; Monday I didn't dare to go beyond 92,5 kg. Today I just blasted right passed it. A 105 kg was in it, but since I did squats and deadlifts before these attempts I decided to give my legs rest, and even perhaps go for 110 kg next week. I'll be giving 107,5 kg an attempt for sure! 👍
Damn, I'm pretty beat today.

First I spent 30 min going pretty hard on the heavy bag.

Next, 45 minutes of lifting. Did chest and triceps today with the usual abdominal and lower back exercises thrown in.

Finally, I spent the last three hours playing hockey with only two subs on my team the whole game.

I'm gonna sleep well tonight. Also, I probably need to fit in another meal now tonight to make up for all of these calories I've burned off.
After all the inspiring posts, I was pumped for my friday workout and wow it went very well. Friday is shoulders / legs. I started with military press and could not believe my strength this week. Last week I finished with around 6 reps with 75#. This week I hit one of my goals and finished with 4 reps of 100#!!!! 100# reps with military press!! I felt strong as heck and what rush it was to lift the 100# above my head like that!! I thought that was good enough and then went to do hack squats. A couple posts back I said I wanted to eventually work out with 200# reps with hack squats. Well I came very close friday. I finished my last set with 165# x 7 reps. So I truly believe I might be doing 200# reps sometime in the very near future for my next goal.

Then to top all of that, I weighed in on saturday and gained 2 more lbs!!!! I am now 186 of my goal to hit 190!!!!! Such a great week. All gains and I am just feeling stronger and stronger each week.
Yesterday was long day on the road, and I wasn't sure how I'd do at the Gym, but I've been slacking on the workouts, hence I knew I should go.

It was Back day, so I did a quick elliptical warm-up (15min) and then hit the weights.

Bent-over Rows, Superset with Chin-ups.
3 sets, 135lbs x 10 reps, + 10 chin-ups.
Low Rows
100lbs, 20 reps
135lbs, 15 reps
165lbs, 8 reps
195lbs, 6 reps
205lbs, 4 reps (assisted on the last two)
225lbs, 10 reps
315lbs, 10 reps

The last set was a new personal record, as previously I've only managed 6 reps at 315lbs. This means I'm climbing towards my goal of 500lb deadlift.

My lifting goal, aside from the BB trophy, is to join the 1000lb club. That's 3 lifts, totaling a combined amount of 1000lbs. Deadlift, Squat and Bench. I'm currently at a 405lb deadlift, 275lb squat and 225lb bench, for a total of 905lbs.
Nice work guys 👍

It's been ages since I've worked out with my friend, but today he was going to work out so I suggested we'd try a 1RM at benches. My goal was 70 kg, I'd be very happy with that. 60 kg came barely off my chest, and 65 kg was impossible to get off the chest. Very disappointed seeing how all the skinny guys come in and work out with my 1 RM. Feel kinda embarrassed to walk in there with my wide shoulders and crank out only 60 kg :indiff:
5/12/10 Chest / Triceps

Small gain with chest, major gain with triceps.

Went up another 5# in wide grip bench and finished my last set with 145# x 4 reps. I do wide grip to work the chest more which results in lower weight than a normal bench. I will be starting with 150 next week. My goal is to workout with 175# on wide grip bench.

Flyes also felt much better this week. I used 25# and usually they hurt my left shoulder socket but they felt great yesterday. So thats really good news. Might be able to use 30# next week for flyes.

Did skull crushers again this week with 70#. First set was 10 then the 2nd set dropped right off to 5 reps. then 4 and another 4. So I will probably be at 70# skull crushers for at least 1 more week.

The huge jump came with 2 hand dumbell tricep extensions. I was using 40lbs last week for this but yesterday I felt really strong in this exercise and went up to 55# and finished my 4th set with 7 reps of 55# !!!! So that means next week I will be starting with 60# dumbell tricep extensions!!! Oh and then I finished the night off with 5 un-assisted dips, then 4 then 4 more. :)
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Worked out chest last night and boy am I sore. I chucked my ego out the door and have been doing less weight, more reps. Even on my bench I now realize that I'd be doing almost 160 lb but I was doing like 5 reps and barely feeling the workout. Now I'm doing 135-145 lb and doing sets of 7-10 and my chest is SORE!! 👍

Camaroboy, for the dips, try doing your first or second set with a belt and a 10 or 25 lb plate. You'll probably be only able to push out 3-5 reps but after that doing dips without weight will feel like a breeze.
Nice work guys 👍

It's been ages since I've worked out with my friend, but today he was going to work out so I suggested we'd try a 1RM at benches. My goal was 70 kg, I'd be very happy with that. 60 kg came barely off my chest, and 65 kg was impossible to get off the chest. Very disappointed seeing how all the skinny guys come in and work out with my 1 RM. Feel kinda embarrassed to walk in there with my wide shoulders and crank out only 60 kg :indiff:
This is something you'll always run into. There is always a guy bigger/stronger than you at the gym. In very little time, you'll be on the other end of that statement. Someone will be Maxing out, with the weight you warm up with.

I've been on the low end of that stick for a lifetime. To give an analogy, "I excel when there is a Rabbit to Chase, and Dogs to Outrun."

A year or so ago, It was evening, and the owner of the gym was going through his workout. He's using weights and pushing himself to the limit to get ready for a show. Needless to say, he wasn't being quiet. After 15 minutes, everyone else had left the area except for me. When he finished his set, I commented that he had scared everyone away. He asked why I was still there. He may intimidate me, but he also gives me a goal to aim for.

I can clearly recall a time last year where I barely managed 315lbs for 1 rep on my deadlift. Last night I pulled ten reps. A year ago, I struggled with 2 chin-ups. Now, I'm doing 3 sets of 10.

Bram, you will gain. This is a Marathon, not a Sprint. There will be a day, when someone calls you "The Tree Trunk"
I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!!! I hit my deadlift goal already!!!!


165 x 13
175 x 10
185 x 8
200 x 7!!!!!

Whoooo hooo I hit my deadlift goal already and on top of that I did it 7 times!!!!!!The bar was also starting to bend. :):)
Thanks Pako! Hard to believe a year ago I could not even walk from a slipped disk in my back and now 200# deadlifts!! I am going to try 200# hack squats tonight. Or as close to that as possible. :)
Havent heard from you in a while. Looks like you have made some major gains according to your pic.
Yeah, that's awesome man! I would say you have made some pretty major gains from where you've been. Did you ever have surgery or on your back or did you manage to get things put back together without it?

Eh, they don't feel like major gains, I'm just trying to get back to where I was before I ripped my bicep tendon off. I would say I'm getting there....left arm is about 90-95% back to where it was. Body weight, however, is down from 249 to about 232 according to today's weight. Everything is coming back though. Here is a run down of this weeks workout with just max weights listed:

Flat Bench: 315x8 w/ spot
Dumb Incline Press: 90'sx10
Cross Cable Flys: 50'sx10
Preacher Curl: 145lbx8
Seated dumbbell curls: 55'x10
Deep Smith Squats: 315x10
Hack Squats: 520x10
Leg Press: 845x15
Smith Military Press: 315x6
Arnolds (dumbbell): 65'sx10
Hammer Strengh High Rows: 320x10
One Arm Bent Over Row (dumbs): 120x10
Barbell Shrugs: 675x10

Honestly, I am close to where I was a year ago, but the loss in weight has made me feel brittle at times. Summer time is always hard to bulk up too much, but that's ok. I am really trying to watch my nutrition and hope to strip some body fat and put on 10-15 lbs of lean muscle mass by this fall. So far I am injury free and hope to keep it that way. On bench, my goal is to be 315x10 for three sets, no spot, before I start going up in weight. Right now my shoulders are good shape and hope to keep them that way.

Other than that, hope to keep training hard and would love to get ripped one day. :)
After seeing all this talk about dead lifts I thought I'd get serious about them today. My first time deadlifting I did 85 pounds (a few weeks ago) I was doing 135 lb and was going for sets of 6-8, so I'm sure if I was pushing it I could bump it up another 20-30lb.

I'm gonna try that "rippletoe" program for the next few weeks and see if it improves my strength.