Genius GT5/Home idea.

  • Thread starter paskowitz
United States
New York
I know there is a "things other than cars thread" but from past experiences ideas usually get lost in a matter of days. Second I am not trying to be arrogant with this genius idea. I have talked to many people and even gotten recognition from the community manager of Home on the official US Playstation Forums. I really believe it is a solid idea. Anyways, I would like to know what you think of my concept, so please comment, critique and criticize.

Warning: This is probably never going to happen, but if it did, it would make GT5 the most EPIC racing game ever...

I was playing GT5 and I just thought of a great idea. Ok so, for this idea to work PD and Sony would have to do a lot of HUGE things first: private rooms, Home integration, better connectivity, community features etc. I was thinking that ya know everyone loves to go a watch races, the sound of the engines, the smell of rubber and hot dogs, the girls, the cars, the drivers..., but not everyone can travel to France or Japan or California every year. In GT5 you would go to large events like the 24 hours of Le Mans from Home (PS Home not your own Home). Call it the GT5 Le Mans space. There would be a huge version of the race track in Home that you could explore with your character. Go to the food court, watch videos of a race in real life (maybe even live or stuff like GTTV) playing on TV screens, other people interested in the race walking around, maybe real drivers could make a Home character and you can talk to them, museum, gift shop etc. From Home you can register to take part in a race, which would take place during scheduled times. Once the roster is finalized that group of people can jump into GT5 and begin the race. Not only that but if people want to spectate they could also join the race (join the actual GT5 game) and then they could switch cameras between each driver, the stands, the pits, a helicopter etc. They could chat within the spectator lobby. But here is the kicker (this would be very hard to do for Sony and PD). The actual race in GT5 (mentioned above) would then be broadcasted over the internet, to Home on the TV screens. (I think Home now has integration or at least the frame work to be connected to the web) Le Mans is just one example but this idea could be applied to any race (imagine rally!). Winners of Sony sponsored races could win prizes for Home and or real life. It could be a space you may have to pay to enter but hell I would pay almost any amount of money for a feature like that. I could go on and on... This idea is big and is dreaming but I think that if Sony and PD are willing to put in the time and money it could happen.👍
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Well dont get me wrong but i think MANY people (including me) had this idea.
And a not so extrem version of what you described is very likely, just look at the EA square.
that would be awesome, but if they were to do something like that it would be in the full game not prologue.

it would take quite a while even if they just worked on that.
Not sure I completely understand what you mean, but imagine if you could walk around the track as an actual spectator watching the race. I think that's what you mean though.:dunce:
I don't know about this. Being able to watch online replays would be enough for me.

Well, I guess your idea is pretty cool though. But as you mentioned, PD has a lot of other more important things to get done.
Sounds great but very very very very very very... complex :)

I had an idea of a huge online open lobby where everyone can drive around, talk to people like free roam in GT5. Too complex to make but still a dream 👍
Brilliant idea! Sometimes when I play PS home for fun, I think 'why cant PD incorporate some racetrack into home, like Daytona speedway. Thats not my favourite track, but it might attract people who don't play GT5p to visit the "area". You could sit in the grandstands and watch races, and keep your car in the padocks, so when you wanted to race, you could go jump in your car.....I know that PD must be backed by Sony, so why not work together to create something really awesome. I think that would be a major hit. 👍
Yeah, or imagine your own personal space being extended with a garage where all your cars from GT5 are stored. Then you can walk around them with your friends and talk about the cars you own. And each time you acquire a car, your garage gets bigger.
whats wrong with real life...
i like the idea but i think id rather my real life than a game, its going to become a problem in the future that people are going to interested in virtual version of what exists in real life and the real things are going to be neglected...
you could then say well why dont you go drive real cars instead of GT, well its because in GT you can take a car to its limits without risking to die... but something as normal as going to a track to watch you can do quite comfortably...
games for me are supposed to recreate what is not possible in real life (monsters, awesome crashes, shooting stuff without dying so on...) thats why i think Home is a bit crap because instead of playing Home why dont people just go out with their friends and play real bowling or do real shopping its sad in a way..
anyway thats just my 2 cents on the whole situation, your idea is still cool.

The whole point of this was that some people (me) are probably never going to actually get the opportunity see Le Mans in person. This would give you the next best feeling of Le Mans besides actually being there. Sure you could watch it on TV but this would be so much better. I agree virtual worlds take a lot of people away from the real world but it is a good opportunity to expose people to things they may not have access to or are not realistically able to do (like driving a car around a race track with no consequences). There is no point in doing things in a virtual world if you can do them in real life. That is why playing football is so much better than Maden.

The whole point of this was that some people (me) are probably never going to actually get the opportunity see Le Mans in person. This would give you the next best feeling of Le Mans besides actually being there. Sure you could watch it on TV but this would be so much better. I agree virtual worlds take a lot of people away from the real world but it is a good opportunity to expose people to things they may not have access to or are not realistically able to do (like driving a car around a race track with no consequences). There is no point in doing things in a virtual world if you can do them in real life. That is why playing football is so much better than Maden.

I agree! :D:tup:
As someone who finds Home as a rather redundant feature, I'd rather they wouldn't focus too much time on implementing large sections of the game to it.
I don't see why I should need to spend time loading up Home, walking around to the relevant location in Home and then playing the game, when I can just as easily stick the disk in, load up the game and invite friends or chat with them through the perfectly functioning PSN friends list.

Nice idea for those who enjoy and use Home, but rather useless for those who don't. I don't like the idea that gaming is heading towards complete integration with functions like Home, thankfully, I can at least trust that private gaming can still exist.
I totally agree that Home basically sucks and has almost no good qualities (I have been in the Beta since its inception). But That does not mean that it is totally worthless. I think that if Home is turned into a kind of a venue for events and stuff (IDK) it could have some use. I like the idea of the EA space with the leaderboards and such. That would be good in a "GT space".

The truth is the way Home is now, a space to socialize, is really lame. I do not want to talk to my friends and listen to all the other idiots around me. Give me private chats where I can select a group of friends and just listen to them.
My problem with Home isn't its "public"-ness, its just that its redundant. It serves no purpose to me other than as a distraction, I'm not judging solely from the Beta, I'm judging it by what it will become and its purpose. I don't see why we need a 3D sims game to view leaderboards and chat to other people.
I've been looking around and found some old stuff from a tokyo game show in '08. I was wondering how many of you guys would like to see GT5 get its on home space to help launch games? Now I don't use Home much but I probably would if it included something actually worth for meeting friends or networking with others. But then again with private rooms to come, and the use of text chat, its almost equivalent.
you dont need to Home for private races..You can play with your friends in the game thanks to text chat.
What I would love is to have GT's own version of Home, set in the pits, paddock and grandstand for online races.
Forget free roam, i'd be happy to drive a car to an online race meeting or virtual trackday etc, then get out and have a wander!
yea that sounds cool, but I doubt they'll be able to implement cars into home, although as promising as GT5 is suppose to be, PD could possibly give us the power to do that. But yea like I said with text chat the only positive to come is being able to see what other people look like, if they create their avatar realisticly. I would like to be able to spectate races possibly but I would probably want to be racing at the same time.
One of the best ideas ive heard so far is to have you home avatar available for use in the game. So in essence it can be you driving the car! :)

Im sure a GT space will come out with game launching, leaderboards etc and other stuff but some sort of deeper integration with home would be great.

I'd like to watch others race from within Home, privately or publicly.

WipeoutHD has a feature online where you can sit and watch any of the ongoing events, switch camera angles and targets, and keep tabs on other races you might want to join. It isn't perfect but the basic idea is very solid.
I don't care about home because I don't use it. When I fire up my PS3 I wanna race, not go on PS Home (Only went one time. I keep telling myself that PS Home needs guns:D). But if there's something on home about GT5 you can bet that I'll be on it.
I deleted home as soon as possible.. i had no patience for it, and no HDD room left for any other stuff after downloading it and trying it.

So i could care less.. i just want GT5, i dont care about sitting in a virtual house and watching replays with virtual people.. they can all do that in the game itself, so i see no use for home at all intergrated with GT.
I agree with you guys, home does have its ups and downs. I dont own any of the games that have a home space currently so I couldn't say it how well it works with other games, but I think while waiting in your private room for your friends or whatever, it would be a lot better than staring at a screen with just screen names of people who are in the room and text chatting. It would be cool if you could play mini games or something, or if you have a team, discuss tuning or strategies for your goals that day with virtual people. i mean we all take a break from the game to come here or text chat people instead of racing, why not add some realness to it where you can actually see an object you are talking to rather than a chat box. Along those ideas is what I would like to see. And about the guns, that's why I also play grand theft auto 4. Skip the small talk and just shoot. But it would be nice to be able to talk to someone, than out of know where blast them with an AK lol.
I don't really see the point, isn't is just adding an unnecessary step to the process?
Well supposively the way the other games work is you go into home, meet the people you are going to play with and launch the game. It would be the same as starting the game, going into online mode, and luanching the game. Is that right? Seems equivalent to me.
I've been looking around and found some old stuff from a tokyo game show in '08. I was wondering how many of you guys would like to see GT5 get its on home space to help launch games? Now I don't use Home much but I probably would if it included something actually worth for meeting friends or networking with others. But then again with private rooms to come, and the use of text chat, its almost equivalent.

I would love to see such space.. either way it will happen since its BIG game.