Gentlemen dos and donts

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Feel free to add your own and maybe we can learn from eachother

These are just my opinions

Some I thought of

- do not speed excessively or drive recklessly
- own at least one suit
- know enough about cooking that they're not completely reliant on eating out or having a woman cook for them
- do not use language in everyday speech
- do not watch porn
- have a reading level higher then middle school
- are interested in other cultures, are not repulsed or afraid of them
- respect the beliefs of others whatever they may be
- have more types of footwear then just sneakers/tennis shoes
- do not consume lowbrow or crude entertainment
- are open to new experiences such as music and food
- do not put other people down. Instead they try to motivate
- keep their cool and do not take excessive offense when insulted
- keep their cool when wronged
- do not blame others for their mistakes
- do not threaten or hit women
- do not threaten anyone (small or big threats) period
- see physical violence as a last resort
- see fighting as barbaric and something for bad school children
- take dating seriously
- do not try and 'get even'
- do not insist on being first or having the best
- do not harbor grudges
- take pride in their work, whatever it may be. They dont do 'just enough' to get by
- understand that a low income is not an excuse for poor hygiene or poor dress
- do not imitate boy bands
- apologize to people in person, not over the phone or in a text
- understand that the rules for a man and what is expected of him is different then that of a woman (usually more is expected), and is perfectly fine with that
- are always looking to improve themselves

Maybe I'll think of more later
I dont live up to all those things in that list either. The idea is to try and get an idea of what a gentleman is, and then do your best to live up to that
Ok, I can live with that. I pass or live up to a lot on that list, just not all. :)
I'll tell you the ones I break or don't agree with by bullet point.

  • Sorry, I speed (over 10-15) from time to time, but I am not in any ways reckless.
  • Once I get to my desired weight, I will purchase a suit.
  • It is my duty to try and be a master of the kitchen. I know how to cook well for my age, and I'll only get better.
  • Yeah, no. What is this sh..?
  • Porn? What is that?
  • I'd like to think that I have a high enough reading level, though I do know that I am lacking.
  • I am always interested in other cultures.
  • If I were able to afford it like some others, I would keep a nice $200 pair of boots with me.
  • No lie, I enjoy some crude humor.
  • Same with culture.
  • I find it hard to actively put someone down. It's just not like me.
  • Unlike some, I own up to my mistakes.
  • Yup.
  • Don't threaten or hit anyone. If you do, you lack emotional control.
  • (all around)
  • Fighting is only permitted if justified.
  • No, I will not take dating seriously, as most women my age are not capable of being so.
  • I never do things out of spite.
  • I don't care about being first, but I do care about having the best. Contradicting statement, but I hope you understand.
  • Agreed.
  • I'm lazy, and besides, if I don't care about something, I'm not going to put much effort into it.
  • Agreed, but what if you're homeless?
  • I don't understand.
  • An apology is an apology, but it is better if done face to face, in person.
  • I guess.
  • Progress. I like it.

I think one that could be critical is emotional control and understanding.
This rather looks like the list of rules for a "gentleman".

As in:


In other news:
- are open to new experiences such as music and food
- do not put other people down. Instead they try to motivate

- do not consume lowbrow or crude entertainment
- do not imitate boy bands
Seems a mite contradictory. Be open to new things and don't put people down. Except boybands and crude entertainment. Don't be open to that and feel free to put down people who are as "lowbrow".

I'd suggest that there isn't a list of rules for a gentleman, and if there were, the first one would be "There is no comprehensive list of rules for how to be a gentleman, but if you're being an inconsiderate jerk, you probably aren't being one."
This looks more like a list for "how to wannabe a gentleman". :) Some points are outright stupid, others are common sense and only a few could be taken as what a gentleman is considered to be/look/behave like.

I think the most important traits to any human being are: love for his/her fellow humans, honesty, love for the truth whatever it might be and a good sense of humor. Other stuff is accessory.
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I think a lot of being a 'gentleman' is just not being an irresponsible ass, and being an individual. And the very idea of trying to follow a guideline of what is gentlemanly is not individual, and shows you don't have the responsibility to just know already that you shouldn't threaten to hit people.

And if I were to follow the guidelines. I do not own sneakers, or tennis shoes. Am I winning or losing?
- take dating seriously

What does this even mean? :lol:

- understand that the rules for a man and what is expected of him is different then that of a woman (usually more is expected), and is perfectly fine with that

And where are the feminists when you need them?

Ironically, my late aunt gave me a book many years ago titled "How to Be a Gentleman." I'm not entirely sure it panned out how she intended but it makes for a good laugh on the shelf these days.
A gentleman knows when to lead and when to follow and is comfortable in either position.
And from my mother:
A gentleman always holds the door open, be it house, building, car or otherwise.
Please and thank you can never be used too much, only too little.
According to this list I'm a complete slob. :lol:

Having met very few of the criteria stated I'll add my own:

A gentleman never tells!
I always know I was more of a kid, and you know what? I'm actually happy with this. Being gentlemen doesn't sound like the life for me, I lose what I like and what makes me, me.

For fun, I'll show which ones I fail at and which ones I'm maybe proud of in Bold. The ones in Italic are my thoughts on these.
Feel free to add your own and maybe we can learn from eachother

These are just my opinions

Some I thought of

- do not speed excessively or drive recklessly
- own at least one suit - I fail poorly at this and you know what, I hate suits in general :P.
- know enough about cooking that they're not completely reliant on eating out or having a woman cook for them - I fail at this, and I know this is a little bit of a problem but there is always Pre-made meals and Fast Food day.
- do not use language in everyday speech - Fail and doesn't bother me.
- do not watch porn
- have a reading level higher then middle school - I know this is an issue I need working out.
- are interested in other cultures, are not repulsed or afraid of them
- respect the beliefs of others whatever they may be
- have more types of footwear then just sneakers/tennis shoes - I'm guessing Sandles and Thongs apply to this too and I'm proud :P
- do not consume lowbrow or crude entertainment - That is pretty subjective though.
- are open to new experiences such as music and food
- do not put other people down. Instead they try to motivate
- keep their cool and do not take excessive offense when insulted
- keep their cool when wronged - I'm working on it.
- do not blame others for their mistakes
- do not threaten or hit women - This should apply to Women to about hitting Men.
- do not threaten anyone (small or big threats) period
- see physical violence as a last resort - That depends, I'm perfectly fine with getting violent (and even play dirty) if I was getting threatened and there is no way out.
- see fighting as barbaric and something for bad school children - As someone who is a fan of Pro Wrestling (its scripted I know) and MMA, I think it is pretty obvious.
- take dating seriously - What if you're an Asexual and an Aromantic?
- do not try and 'get even'
- do not insist on being first or having the best
- do not harbor grudges
- take pride in their work, whatever it may be. They dont do 'just enough' to get by
- understand that a low income is not an excuse for poor hygiene or poor dress - I agree, not agreeing to the terms of "properly" hygiene and dress is IMO.
- do not imitate boy bands
- apologize to people in person, not over the phone or in a text - To me, it depends on Whether or not you can see the person, in person actually as they could be further away.
- understand that the rules for a man and what is expected of him is different then that of a woman (usually more is expected), and is perfectly fine with that - I'm not fine with that, as it goes against Equality (both ways, incase you think I'm biased towards 1 gender)
- are always looking to improve themselves

Maybe I'll think of more later
With the internet now a days, kids have no idea what your talking about when you say "Sears Catalog ". Had to use a lot of imagination back in the day. :)
And from my mother:
A gentleman always holds the door open, be it house, building, car or otherwise.

I was taught to do that, too, as a matter of politeness - didn't matter the age or gender of the person I was being courteous to.
Sometimes it was a dog.


Do the gentlemen in here know that the porn industry is top-heavy with ladies?