Gentlemen dos and donts

  • Thread starter Earth
And from my mother:
A gentleman always holds the door open, be it house, building, car or otherwise.
I was always taught that you are a "dishonest suck-up" if you do it solely to impress someone.
You're a dishonest suck up for holding the door open?
Well it depends.

If you are only do it, just to impress to someone and you would never do it in most other situations you are sucking up to the person and being dishonest.

That was what I was taught anyway.
Everything you need to know about being a gent.. these guys will teach ya.

I initially misread the title as "gentlemen dos and donuts."

So uh, I guess we can add "use proper punctuation" to the list?
Be chivalrous

"Uphold the law
Serve the public trust
Protect the innocent"
Guess where these comes form ? :P

Don't be a dick
Don't be a troll :lol:
Bros before hos ( not sure do or dont :lol: )
Some. The ones who like bad boys.

But there's probably a bad boy hidden in every closet.
Doesn't even have to be a bad boy, though. If this "list" is what makes a gentlemen, women will be happy going through life without one. My ex was never into porn, but crude entertainment, using language, & speeding were common grounds between us. Women don't follow half this list to heart & they surely will not expect a man to.

All the stuff about fighting, grudges, & being calm/polite is baloney; everyone does that more than a handful of times in life. Conjure up the age old scenario where your girl is the target of a altercation/discussion, and chances are high she'll begin to resent you if you follow this list when defending her.

"Hey now, that's not nice to say about her, you negative person" isn't going to make you a gentleman to her. You're going to look like a wuss that won't protect her unless it's a "last resort".
Doesn't even have to be a bad boy, though.

I agree.


"Hey now, that's not nice to say about her, you negative person" isn't going to make you a gentleman to her. You're going to look like a wuss that won't protect her unless it's a "last resort".

What kind of wussy would say a thing like that? I myself would be like:



Seriously, though, I think the list Earth furnished could be just a sounding board for discussion - since being 'genteel' may differ not only from culture to culture but from cult to cult.
Crazy Mary and Dirty Larry do it different compared to Bertie Wooster and Florence Craye.
I saw porn, realised there was free stuff on the Internet. Now I'm back to write this comment 2 minutes later.

That aside I don't see the point of being a gentleman.

Rules of being a better human being are more appropriate surely?

1. Treat all people how you want to be treated.
2. Be polite
3. Have and use manners

Dressing up and not consuming what you think others believe to be crass or derogatory humour/tv/music/film/books/magazines etc is not being a gentleman it's having an opinion. If you then deride anyone who isn't living up to your standards you then lower yourself and start to break your own rules etc.

I do feel a lot of people today don't have manners and when I show mine people are sometimes shocked.
Up to this point, the only people I know of, who I would call herrasmies, which is closest word in the Finnish to the word gentleman, are rich 50/60-something men who play golf.
That aside I don't see the point of being a gentleman.

Because gentlemen only exist with the rules of their own fabrication. Example - I'll happily do the regular, obligatory gentlemanly actions for a woman; open doors, assist when needed, give my lady my jacket when she's cold, etc. But when faced with a woman who considers these actions (from a man to a woman) an insult of inequality, as if a woman needs special treatment, what can you do?

The point is that the acts of a gentleman must, if they can be enforced, be universally beneficial. One doesn't have to just open a door for a woman or lay across a puddle for a woman, a gentleman does that for anybody whom would benefit.

A gentleman isn't some relic of years passed that must associate with archaic values like everyone would imagine a knight to hold. No, a true gentleman these days is somebody that can offer kindness and equality without judgement and is the kind of person that will help a stranger in need, no matter their background.*

*I am not endorsing aiding and abetting criminals, just so you know.
- do not speed excessively or drive recklessly
- own at least one suit
- know enough about cooking that they're not completely reliant on eating out or having a woman cook for them
- do not use language in everyday speech
- do not watch porn
- have a reading level higher then middle school
- are interested in other cultures, are not repulsed or afraid of them
- respect the beliefs of others whatever they may be
- have more types of footwear then just sneakers/tennis shoes
- do not consume lowbrow or crude entertainment
- are open to new experiences such as music and food
- do not put other people down. Instead they try to motivate
- keep their cool and do not take excessive offense when insulted
- keep their cool when wronged
- do not blame others for their mistakes
- do not threaten or hit women
- do not threaten anyone (small or big threats) period
- see physical violence as a last resort
- see fighting as barbaric and something for bad school children
- take dating seriously
- do not try and 'get even'
- do not insist on being first or having the best
- do not harbor grudges
- take pride in their work, whatever it may be. They dont do 'just enough' to get by
- understand that a low income is not an excuse for poor hygiene or poor dress
- do not imitate boy bands
- apologize to people in person, not over the phone or in a text
- understand that the rules for a man and what is expected of him is different then that of a woman (usually more is expected), and is perfectly fine with that
- are always looking to improve

-be no fun whatsoever.

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