German Executive Coupes @ the Nürburgring - CONGRATS snowgt !!!

United States
Modern Car Race Club
German Executive Coupes @ the Nürburgring


We had great fun in 3 other similar events: 80s MX5 & MR2, 80s Skyline & Savanna, German Superminis


Complete, Results here:

Wednesday 27 March @ 19:00 UTC
3pm US EDT / 12pm US PDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET


Duration: Approx. 90 minutes

BMW 135i Coupe '07
Audi TTS Coupe '09

You will need both cars, swapping them out.
(both of these cars are in the New Car Dealership)

Car Regulations:
Tuning: Prohibited, comfort soft tires
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint
"Tuning Prohibited Explained"

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (driver's choice)
tire wear on (normal)
damage light
slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off
race end timer set to maximum (3 minutes)

Note: Mics will be disabled in the lounge for this event, to minimize potential connection problems for all participants, especially in consideration of the fact we are using Premium Cars in this event.

Race Procedure:

Participants expected to arrive at or before scheduled arrival time.
Note: Participants may arrive early for warm-up prior to the event. The first person to enter the lounge should consult the regulations posted here, and set the regulations & settings accordingly.

Informal Qualifying:
All racers in BMW
2 timed laps @ Nürburgring GP/D
The track reset will be announced, at which time racers are to begin qualifying laps, with consideration to spread out from cars ahead. Do not crowd other cars. You may wait to start your timed laps until you see a significant gap ahead. This can be easily seen during the out lap. The race director will start qualifying last. Drivers will pull off track after finishing 2 timed laps, and wait for race to start. The race will start after the race director has finished timed laps. No one should feel rushed, as the event is timed to allow everybody the chance to do 2 qualifying laps, provided they arrive at the scheduled time.
If there are more than 10 participants, a roll call may be used to start qualifying.

Race #1:
All racers in BMW
5 laps @ Nürburgring GP/D
Fastest First Grid Order

Race #2:
1st half finishing grid in Audi, 2nd half finishing grid in BMW
2 laps @ Nürburgring 24hrs
Reverse Grid Order
* see below for T1 & T2 procedure

Race #3:
All racers switch to the other car.
2 laps @ Nürburgring 24hrs
Reverse Grid Order
* see below for T1 & T2 procedure

The Turn #1 Procedure for races at Nurb24hrs will be:
Pole position sets pace at low speed.
Maintain Grid Order, single file, (no passing) through Turn #1 (right hand turn), until exiting Turn #2 (left hand turn).
Upon exit of Turn #2, racing begins, and passing now allowed.
A post-race penalty of 5pts will be applied to anyone leaving grid order position, single file, before exiting Turn #2.
Note: If you accidentally leave grid order - immediately get back into the correct position to minimize or avoid penalty.

Flat points based upon race participation.
(ie: 8 cars, 1st place gets 8pts, 2nd place gets 7pts, etc.)

Drivers will follow the GTP OLR Rules
Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
More info on rules & guidelines are specified below to clarify expected track etiquette.
  • You are expected to race clean & fair, and to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times.
  • Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • Please freely ask questions if you are unsure about any of the rules & guidelines.
  • What is "clean" or "dirty" driving? : "Driving in an aggressive manner where your intention is to collide or distract the opposition is considered "dirty" driving. Driving in a manner where you have respect for other drivers on the course and avoiding body contact wherever possible is considered "clean" driving." - MSTER232.
  • Post-race penalties may be issued for rule violations, in order to preserve clean racing and fairness - you have been advised.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing! This is NOT a hit-to-pass derby. Bumping another car off their line to take their position is considered DIRTY.
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results - or be demoted in finish position otherwise accordingly)
  • "But it wasn't on purpose." is not a valid excuse for failing to make contact conessions. If your mistake, or your car's movement, caused the collision, you must make the contact concession, or you will receive a post-race concession penalty.
  • "I didn't know it was my fault." is not a method to avoid penalty. The only exceptions to contact concession rule is if the car you hit was already spun out, improperly re-entering the track, or if you hit the ahead car because you were hit from behind. If you are not certain about the fault and choose to not make concession, and it is determined you were at fault, a post-race concession penalty will be imposed.
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Careless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered. Everyone makes errors from time to time -- but repeated excessive aggressive or sloppy driving that is frequent or persistent is entirely avoidable by even the least skilled of drivers. It takes no special skill to slow down & get your car back under control. (If you are making contact often when you're near other cars on the track, or bumping often in the corners, this is a good indication that your driving may be considered reckless, & you'd best reign it in.)
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules.
  • Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • Excessive horn beeping is forbidden. Horns should be used in the manner they are intended only - for civil communication purposes. Using the horn to distract another driver, or to annoy them to give up position is considered "dirty" and absolutely prohibited.
  • Cornering Rights must be respected. Consult the GTP OLR Rules for specifics on cornering rights. For example, you are expected to hold your line through a turn, and allow space for another car who had overlap before the turn in point. If you do not have overlap on an ahead car before the turn in point, you do not have the right to force into their line.
  • ONE blocking maneuver per straight is the maximum allowed. NO weaving to block on straights.
  • Prohibited Maneuvers include (but are not limited to): riding another car through a turn, using another car as a brake, shoving another car off track, dive bombing the inside of corners, nose clipping by diving abruptly in front of another car, rear clipping - with or without pit maneuver, cramming into a space that does not exist to force a pass, punting, inappropriate blocking, wild weaving, brake-checking, slamming, ramming, parking inside the track boundaries or near traffic during a race, driving backwards.
  • Turn #1 Incidents: Harsher post-race penalties are imposed for violations occurring on Turn #1 of any race. Patience should be the top priority at Turn #1 of any race. In some cases, special Turn #1 race procedures will be implemented. Always review the "Race Procedures" section of an event description. (It should be noted and accepted as fact that "Turn 1 Drama" is a particular pet peeve of the race director, and Turn #1 of every race will be scrutinized in replays.)
  • All rules & general track etiquette, is to be exercised during any Qualifying Period. "Informal Qualifying" means there will be no roll call, and no one should expect to have the track to themselves while others wait. However, drivers are expected to spread out. There should be no "pressuring" during qualifying as this is NOT racing. Leave a gap during your out-lap from the car ahead of you, so that you do not disrupt the ahead car's timed laps, and will not be accused of taking advantage of someone's slipstream draft. Courtesy should be exercised when you finish your timed laps, to allow others to finish theirs. Park well away from the racing line, preferably in a spot that is significantly apart from the racetrack boundaries.
  • Bump drafting is widely accepted on ovals, and is sometimes used on straights. However, drivers should exercise caution and thoughtful judgement before employing this in technique in regular race tracks. Bear in mind that not all of your fellow racers may be of the same mind when bump drafting is appropriate, and some might find it distracting or unwelcome. It should never be done near a brake point. When in doubt, do without!
  • Text chat during races is to be restrained so as not to distract drivers still racing.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
  • Any overtly dirty driving should be reported immediately after the race. You should also always report any driving you see that appears to be deliberate rule violations or persistently disruptive, so the driver may be reminded & warned of the rules & post-race penalties, and for the preservation of enjoyment for all participants.
Race Director: watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race Steward: YOU!
All racers are expected to be stewards - of good racing & rule adherence!
Save replays in case you are called upon!

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge,

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.

For more information about VCRC & MCRC events check out the club thread:
And join the VCRC club forum in the GTP social group to get involved in planning:
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Sign-Up Registry:
GTP Name / PSN Name / BMW colour / Audi colour

Wednesday 27 March @ 19:00 UTC
3pm US EDT / 12pm US PDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET


  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / (both) Cardinal Red & green
  2. Audiman2011 / Street-King-07 / Scarlett Prominence / Charcoal
  3. jackargent / jackargent / (both) Orange Lava Pearlescent & black
  4. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Sedonarot Metallic / Tiefseeblau Pearleffekt
  5. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Aqua Blue Metallic / Atomic Orange Metallic Tintcoat
  6. Nicktune / Nic-KL / White / Black
  7. John Wells / johnwells69 / Malediven Blau Metallic / black & gold
  8. Penelope / GTP_Penelope / (both) White & Black
  9. Dano20 / ste100e / tba / orange
  10. HusamOne / HusamOne / yellow & red / tba
  11. Litchi / GTP_Litchi / (both) Black
  12. paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac / tba
  13. .
  14. .
  15. .
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Cool a bit faster than usual so i'll probably lose but it will be fun so i'm interested. :)
This is more up my alley as I like Audi's a lot. Also being easily accessible from the NCD is a bonus. I'm definitely interested.
This is more up my alley as I like Audi's a lot.
:lol: :D Of course!!

It's actually quite nice to drive this Audi, and I'm not keen on 4wd cars in gt5 in general. (Though my particular distaste is for the 4wd Lancers & Skylines :yuck: actually. Which is why I avoid, in shuffle, shuffle bases of 400-460pp - because you're bound to get one in that range. :ill:)

The 135i, I think is one of the nicest handling stock road cars in the game. The year before last the guy who ran the Saloon series recommended it to me, and I've liked it ever since.

I was thinking of reviving the Luxury Mixer idea, except cutting down the amount of cars for simplification. I would want to keep that one in the list.

Another car I was thinking of doing another event with is the 80s quattro. That's a pretty interesting car.
Okay. 👍 I'm looking at a time about a week out from now for this. So feel free to bounce around some times. 👍
Saturdays are pretty hard to schedule on for probably a plethora of reasons...
I can do Sunday if it's EARLY in the day (US time)...
Sunday afternoons (GMT evenings) are kind of a no-fly zone for me on the ps3, as I share the equipment and a living room with my spouse, who doesn't have quite the open schedule I do, so has first dibs on what to do on weekends, (and you don't want to mess with someone with Sunday Night Syndrome. :scared:).
Friday nights US EDT are best for me as far as evenings US time.
FOR NOW, I'm very fond of racing afternoons US time / evening Euro time.
My schedule is also uncertain more than a week out, and subject to possibly drastic changes, which is why I don't set any firm schedule more than a week in advance m-f daytime, or indeed later in the evening US time.
Can't do this coming Saturday, and can't do Thursday the 28th ("RL").

RE: Thursday people...
2nd choice? Friday or Wednesday? Monday or Tuesday?

RE: Saturday people...
If I do Saturday or Sunday, it needs to be later, or quite early on Saturday. Not middle of a the day.
And only if it's early on a Sunday (like no later than finishing by 1pm US EDT)
Right now I'm US EDT (DST) GMT -4, when GMT changes to BST (31 March), then I'm back to being -5 offset from the UK.
My car colours:

Audi- Charcoal
BMW- Scarlett Prominence
Sign-Up Registry:
GTP Name / PSN Name / BMW colour / Audi colour

Wednesday 27 March @ 19:00 UTC
3pm US EDT / 12pm US PDT / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET


  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / red & green / red & green
  2. Audiman2011 / Street-King-07 / Scarlett Prominence / Charcoal
  3. jackargent / jackargent / tba
  4. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / tba
  5. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / tba
  6. .Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / TBA color/ TBA color
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .
  12. .
  13. .
  14. .
  15. .
Can't wait.

I'm in for wednesday. I'll either be on at noon or 3pm for the racing. Coreyb/Coreyb_26/ TBA/TBA
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Hey watermelon I would like to do this but I'm not sure If I can make it anyway put my name down and I will see if I can make it
Hey guys... I thought i posted something here last night. :odd:
But apparently I never pressed the "post" button. :dunce:

Anyhow, welcome everyone! :) Looking forward to racing tomorrow. 👍 :)
It would be nice to get at least 2 more drivers, so invite your rivals. :lol: ;) :sly:
Easy to sign-up at last minute, since the cars are both in the New Car Dealership. 👍

@ Coreyb : The race is at 3pm US EDT
The other times are the same time, just other time zones.
For example
for someone in California or British Columbia, the race would start at Noon.
for Litchi in France - the race is at 8pm
for jackargent & Audiman2011 in Scotland - the race starts at 7pm
Hope that clarifies. (Time zones are so confusing! :boggled:)

@ Nicktune : when I saw your colours are black & white... I immediately thought "yin & yang" :lol: :lol:

@ Dano20 : I will put you down as a "maybe" 👍

Now that we have several drivers signed up:

Turn #1 special procedure decision?
Would all participants let me know, yes or no?, should we have "grid order through 1st 2 turns at Nurb24hrs"... or trust that we won't have any calamity in turn #1?
If we have a Turn #1 procedure, it would be to stay in grid order until exiting Turn #2.
We've done this before in the past for Nurb24hrs, and it has worked well.
We will use special procedure if at least 3 people besides me want that. :)
So speak up!
My cars are both Orange lava pearlescent(I think that's what it's called from memory) black rims.