German Executive Coupes @ the Nürburgring - CONGRATS snowgt !!!

It's a difficult call, but seeing the advantage the heavy Quattro Audis will likely have off the line, I would tentatively support grid order through the first two turns. If anyone disagrees then I understand that decision.
Sign me up as a maybe please Melon, I'll try my hardest to be there but kids and grumpy old git may cause me a problem.

Audi = White/Black rims
BMW = White/Black rims
It's a definite no for me,, I'm going to the city.

(Internet cookie for whoever knows where the city is.)
Here's hoping that nothing stands in your way, Penelope!!! :)

It's a definite no for me,, I'm going to the city.

(Internet cookie for whoever knows where the city is.)

Is it like in the Archer series... where they sometimes say "You don't have to say New York CITY, you can just say New York!" :lol:
But you're doing it backwards & saying you don't have to say New York, you can just say "city"? :lol:

EDIT: Tree'd (by only seconds) by Audiman2011 :lol:
@ Nicktune : when I saw your colours are black & white... I immediately thought "yin & yang" :lol: :lol:
That's true. :lol:
The color on the audi is like blue/black ,but the color name looks like this : paewikmwejnbfwyh goaewrqwluh ... Well,we'll say it's black. :lol:
[OFF TOPIC] Is it New York City? [/OFF TOPIC]


@Melon, since I live in NY we all say "city." :P
That's true. :lol:
The color on the audi is like blue/black ,but the color name looks like this : paewikmwejnbfwyh goaewrqwluh ... Well,we'll say it's black. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I know what you mean! :boggled: Many of the paint names, I can't remember as I leave the ps3 - to write it on the forum. :lol: So just saying "red" or "black" is perfectly acceptable. :lol:

@Melon, since I live in NY we all say "city." :P

So, if I understand this correctly...
If you live inside New York City... You say "New York".
If you live inside New York state, but not in NYC, you say "The City".
If you live in another state, you say "New York City".
:boggled: :lol: :boggled:
(Am I the only one here who's seen the series Archer? :odd:)

No one should hesitate to speak up in favour of a turn #1 procedure. Or not, if you don't want one. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & preference. I like to get the feel for the participants' ideas always. 👍
I figured anyone who ever got a post-race penalty for a Turn #1 incident, would be all over it saying "TURN #1 PROCEDURE YES PLEASE MELON IS A 🤬 about Turn #1s" :lol: because as is stated in the OP, the race director's pet peeve is turn 1 drama. :sly:

That's NOT to say I am guilt-free, and always perfect in Turn #1 :guilty:

Yep that's me in the pink car. :dunce:
The only reason I didn't give myself a huge post-race penalty for that is because I made contact concession to the entire field, by steering off track & letting everyone by before proceeding, to try & make up for my HUGE & ridiculous error. :ill:

But this demonstrates why I think Turn #1 procedure is a sensible option. :scared: :lol: :lol:
This pink car is in a critical situation lol.

I'm up to keep the grid til the end of turn 2. I'm ok to any rule anyway, honestly, i don't care. All I want is just racing and have fun 👍
Turn #1 special procedure decision?
Would all participants let me know, yes or no?, should we have "grid order through 1st 2 turns at Nurb24hrs"... or trust that we won't have any calamity in turn #1?
If we have a Turn #1 procedure, it would be to stay in grid order until exiting Turn #2.
We've done this before in the past for Nurb24hrs, and it has worked well.
We will use special procedure if at least 3 people besides me want that. :)
So speak up!

I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, I wish it were able to conduct races without things like neutralizing the field through the first 2 corners. On the other hand, "wish" is the operative word here. The problem is, it only takes one driver that will dive to the inside looking to gain 5 positions in the first corner, and mayhem ensues.

So, I tend to think that neutralizing is the way to go for the 24h-circuit, as these 2 races are also the ones with reverse grid where fast, but impatient drivers will want to get past quickly (which, in my opinion, is contrary to its intention, i.e. having to overtake others one by one).
I say lets have the turn 1 procedure, it's where I enjoy racing the least as there is always someone willing to ruin others enjoyment to gain places, and yes I have experienced this many times!
No special procedure would be better in my opinion. If you never let people get it right they will never get it right.
Yep that's me in the pink car.
Once you screw up you will do better next time, am I right?
snowgt's points are ones that I have also considered... The dilemma of "wishing" or "reality". :indiff:
Like Nicktune, I would hope that people would learn, and have the opportunity to practice skillful patient Turn#1 tactics.
But like Penelope, I know that's not always happening, and just one driver can disrupt the enjoyment of many... which defeats the purpose of racing here - to have a good time, as Litchi says.

More often mayhem by one car is more likely for some reason. Whether by impatience, or in the case of the pink car (me)... inattention at a critical moment.
This, I suppose is the case, because we are all "only human" :lol: and in any given race, mistakes will be made by someone... And that is the essence of racing - otherwise we'd just do time trials.
I laugh about that incident now - but at the time I was completely humiliated!! And of course, it was bad for those whose races I effected, and I probably annoyed several people, and I was very sorry for that. I considered it to be a very bad mistake for the race director to make. I try earnestly to be "a good example" of good sportsmanship.

So.... since we met the quota of 4 in favour of a Turn #1 procedure...

The turn #1 procedure for races at Nurb24hrs will be:
Pole position sets pace at low speed.
Maintain Grid Order, single file, (no passing) through Turn #1 (right hand turn), until exiting Turn #2 (left hand turn).
Upon exit of Turn #2, racing begins, and passing now allowed.

This make sense to everyone?

Post-race penalty of 5pts will be applied for anyone leaving grid order before exit of Turn #2. (Plus any other applicable penalties for any other rule violations combined in the situation, of course.)
(If you leave grid order accidentally, immediately correct & get back in line to avoid penalty.)

I have updated the OP with this information under "Race Procedure" section. 👍
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So, if I understand this correctly...
If you live inside New York City... You say "New York".
If you live inside New York state, but not in NYC, you say "The City".
If you live in another state, you say "New York City".
:boggled: :lol: :boggled:
(Am I the only one here who's seen the series Archer? :odd:)

Yes. xD
Pity on the time and the comfort soft tyres, otherwise sounds like a good series... Probably a few more cars come to mind first before these two, imo, for German Executive Saloons (M3 E92 and the C63 AMG... If the game had them, the SL AMG and the M6 would also be good candidates).

Best of luck with it
Finally not sure to be able to race. Actually I signed up for a live poker tournament 1 week ago and I was one of the 8 guys on the waiting list. Now, i'm the only one on the waiting list, mean that if there's one more unsubscribe, I can play the tournament...but not the races here :nervous:
:lol: I wasn't quite that bad I think. :odd:
Though we were going much slower in the Mercedes A160. :lol:

fixed the countdown:
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Finally not sure to be able to race. Actually I signed up for a live poker tournament 1 week ago and I was one of the 8 guys on the waiting list. Now, i'm the only one on the waiting list, mean that if there's one more unsubscribe, I can play the tournament...but not the races here :nervous:

Well, I'm finally not in the waiting list. So I'll play Texas Hold'em tonight.

Wish ya'll good luck for the races tonight chaps ;)
See you at the next event.

PS: If I manage to qualify tonight, I won't be able to race next wednesday...
So, poker or GT5, I have to choose lol.
Litchi is confused... which sometimes happens to people who play Poker. :lol:
This is one event. :boggled:
(Clearly Litchi is more used to having long drawn out qualifying sessions. Whereas we here get it over in 10 minutes & then race race race. :lol:)

Anyway, there will be a 1 Point Post-Race Penalty imposed for knocking a box (or boxes) out onto the tarmac during Race #1 at Nurb GP/D.
This is specifically aimed at watermelonpunch (me) :lol: in order to put everyone else's mind at ease that I will not be pushing the envelope like I was yesterday in practice. :scared:
(I'm usually the perpetrator :dunce: of this annoying event at Nurb GP/D :guilty: )
(I will endeavour to NOT make an 🤬 of myself. 👎)
The Lounge is set-up NOW for warm-up. 👍

Though I may not be on track for another 10-15 minutes because the dishwasher is running still with a big tin pot inside... I can't hear to shift... because my house sounds like it's the venue for a very very terrible Hawaiian steel drum band missing several musicians. :lol: :ill: :rolleyes:

Countdown to event start time:
@ Chiochan :( Time zones & schedules are the most disappointing thing about organizing racing... that I can never schedule to get everybody together at the same time!
Great races everybody!! :D

Will post results tomorrow, after reviewing races later, as it's heading into dinner time here. 👍

But one question... Who is Steve? :guilty: Perhaps I should know this :nervous: But I can't figure out which driver's name is Steve.