German Superminis @ the Nürburgring Congrats Doodlemonoply & Nicktune!

@ paul : About colours - yes, you may have whatever colours you want, mix & match, or match. I'm matching. Others are not. That's fine.

@ Audiman : Yes, that draft you caught on the straight really picked up more than I expected you to.
I find that the Audi gets its go higher maybe...

And yes, the Merc totally gets dodgy on some of the banked curves with curbing.
Not bad on the carousel though.
FYI: I have updated the guidelines portion of the OP to reflect just some basic outline regarding "Qualifying Periods", just for clarification.
  • All rules & general track etiquette, is to be exercised during any Qualifying Period. "Informal Qualifying" means there will be no roll call, and no one should expect to have the track to themselves while others wait. However, drivers are expected to spread out. There should be no "pressuring" during qualifying as this is NOT racing. Leave a gap during your out-lap from the car ahead of you, so that you do not disrupt the ahead car's timed laps, and will not be accused of taking advantage of someone's slipstream draft. Courtesy should be exercised when you finish your timed laps, to allow others to finish theirs. Park well away from the racing line, preferably in a spot that is significantly apart from the racetrack boundaries.

For the record: There have been NO COMPLAINTS.
(Okay Swede? Nobody's gunning for you!! :lol: :sly:)

(I joke because Phouchg always worries something prompts me to make an addition to the Rules in the OP. But nothing in particular has prompted this. I've been meaning to append this for awhile.)

A question was asked in the track etiquette thread in the VCRC forum, about qualifying. And it reminded me that I had intended to append the guidelines section to clarify the concept of "Informal Qualifying", and to address the new issue of "slipstream during free run".

If you would like to discuss the general topic of track etiquette during qualifying, feel free to join us in the VCRC track etiquette thread. 👍
For the record: There have been NO COMPLAINTS.
(Okay Swede? Nobody's gunning for you!! :lol: :sly:)

(I joke because Phouchg always worries something prompts me to make an addition to the Rules in the OP. But nothing in particular has prompted this. I've been meaning to append this for awhile.)

Haha I can't help it ^^ I'm the worrying kind.
melon: You could set collision OFF then slipstream is off in quali. But then we have to start race "manual" that is putting drivers in right order in the track and then start race (hitting Start-button).
Whats up WM! Count me in on the Wednesday Race.
My cars will have my Team colors. Black with Red rims.
Time to break-in this Merc, catch ya later.
PS: If you dont fill up the Weekend Races I'm game.
@ ryzno Glad you found us! :) The more the merrier for both events!! 👍

@ jammy21 - I'd thought of something like that before. But I know the lining up tends to take awhile because of confusion at times, which then people start getting antsy. No easy answers. *sigh*

Luckily the cars we do are usually low power, and as long as it's not a super-short track & there's only 10-12 cars, there's usually plenty of room on the track to spread out.

@ Phouchg - I know! I wanted your mind restful on the topic so I was proactive!! :D :lol:
melon: Yeah i know. We can managed with "normal" quali :)
Okay I swear this is NOT directed at anyone in particular. :lol:
I just thought I should add this to the specific guidelines section, because of my pet peeve about 1st turn drama. :(
It's not anything we don't already know, of course.
  • Harsher post-race penalties are imposed for violations occurring on Turn #1 of any race, because of the fact that races are rarely won on the 1st turn, but sometimes lost there. Patience should be the top priority at Turn #1 of any race. In some cases, special Turn #1 race procedures will be implemented. Always review the "Race Procedures" section of an event description.

In this event, the special race procedure is this:
Race Start Rule:
Nürburgring Nordschleife: All cars stay in grid order, no passing,
until through first turn and end of the red & white curbing on right side of track.
Any procedure like this will, of course, also be announced in the lounge, before the race. 👍
(I will also put my car at the "end of the red & white curbing on the right side of the track" during "Free Run" if necessary, to demonstrate the exact point.)

@ jammy21 - I think we can manage. For the most part, we've had little trouble with qualifying.
We can think about turning collisions off & doing a manual line-up, if at some point we wind up with a lot of cars qualifying on a small track, and the extra effort is worth it to avoid ruffled feathers. :) I think we'll be okay on GP/D with these low power cars at least.

@ tez = :( disappointed. If anything changes, join!
I like that first corner rule.. in F1 it's kind of the opposite, Whiting are turning a blind eye to most incidents in turn one. I like this better. :P
I like that first corner rule.. in F1 it's kind of the opposite, Whiting are turning a blind eye to most incidents in turn one. I like this better. :P

"this" meaning here, or "this" meaning you like blind eyes better? :lol:

Yes, I watched some video not long ago of part of a F1 race... and we were laughing at the 1st Turn Drama. :boggled:

But we are not "playing for money" here. :D
So we have the luxury to relax a bit, exercise patience, and not plunge into each Turn 1 like desperate fools or like bums dropping to our knees to scramble for pennies dropped on the ground. :lol:
I've barely even driven (at all) since about New Years Day, but I'd be interested in coming to play for the first hour on Wednesday if you'll have me.

Guess I'd better dust off the game and get my cars some oil change help and a break-in today just in case.
"this" meaning here, or "this" meaning you like blind eyes better? :lol:

Yes, I watched some video not long ago of part of a F1 race... and we were laughing at the 1st Turn Drama. :boggled:

But we are not "playing for money" here. :D
So we have the luxury to relax a bit, exercise patience, and not plunge into each Turn 1 like desperate fools or like bums dropping to our knees to scramble for pennies dropped on the ground. :lol:
This as in here, I like your way. :)

And yes the drama in F1 is funny.. one of my faves made it a habit to crash in first corner or at least first lap last year :) Roman Grojean, he got banned from one race because of it. :P
I've barely even driven (at all) since about New Years Day, but I'd be interested in coming to play for the first hour on Wednesday if you'll have me.

Guess I'd better dust off the game and get my cars some oil change help and a break-in today just in case.


Well, I was just gonna pester ya until you joined in the fun. :D

I've been talkin' about ya by the way in the VCRC forum. :lol:

Well, I was just gonna pester ya until you joined in the fun. :D

I've been talkin' about ya by the way in the VCRC forum. :lol:

...I hope it isn't all bad stuff.

Car colors:
Audi - Atomic Orange
Mercedes - Blue with Orange wheels

Yes, as gaudy as ever, but I like it that way.

No matter, anyhow - my expectation is to be watching most of the race from the back of the pack. :)
There may have been a slight change of plans for me. I can make Tomorrow if I don't lose power from a major snowstorm coming. I'm not sure about Friday night anymore because we might go to Chicago. We aren't sure yet.

Audi: Black with Red wheels
Mercedes: Black with Red wheels
I took a photomode from a recent race I was in of the 1st turn @ Nurb:


The white car is "after turn 1 at the end of the red & white curbing on the right".

Also this is an example of why I prefer to go through Turn #1 in grid order. IN this particular race, one car lagged a bit off the start, and because all the cars were bunched up going into turn 1, there was kind of a pile up with some spin outs of other cars involved. This happens so easily on that turn. 1 car is out of sorts on lift off, other cars get unsettled, and it's silly. :dopey:
Better to just let the car on pole set the pace until fully through that 1st turn.

I ordinarily choose Nurb 24hrs just to avoid that. But with these cars, that seemed a bit much to race the full 24hrs track. :crazy: :lol:

FYI: I'm going to be in the VCRC lounge earlier today testing the following tracks with the Honda Beat
Motegi East Course
Microschliefe: "The Green Heck" (Eifel kart) (1.83 miles) by cc570
Motegi High Speed Ring
Autumn Ring Mini (0.80 miles)
Lagunitas Kei (Toscana tarmac) (3.06 miles) by cc570
That looks like a fun race you had there, real interesting combination of cars ^^

How much earlier will this testing of Beats be?
I should have done it earlier but the friend request has been sent to VCRC.
I just added 2 friend requests. I guess it got maxed out. I deleted old members' user names that it said hadn't been signed on in 6 months or more. (A few were just alternate accts. belonging to members who probably were sending cars to the VCRC acct.) So we're back down to 82.
Can someone tell me the optimal PP for each of these? I feel my Audi may be quite low. The Mercedes seems right, but an earlier comment of these cars being close has me worried. The Audi cannot get within 7 seconds of the Mercedes (at GP/D) as I have them currently.