Get The Lowdown on Need For Speed Payback's Customization

Shift 2, although it was limited to one option per car.

None as far as I'm aware.

Literally every game that had some detailed form of performance customization. Of course there isn't really a choice between turbocharging and supercharging, and they act pretty much the same in-game.

Of course, neither of these are done to the scale of Forza, but they were there at some point.
Shift 2 is one I skipped. So a single game made quite a few years back.

As for aspiration changes, I know for a fact quite a few didn't allow it, or they force a predetermined type. (Like Corvettes must be supercharged, and Civics mist be turbocharged etc)
I can't say which have which though, it's been a while.
Pretty sure NFSU2 allowed transmission changes (at least you could upgrade and get another gear). But that wasn't really my point. I'm a very visual customizer, therefore when I think of "customization" my mind gravitates to visual items. Nitrous purge, headlight/taillight swaps, tire smoke, colored calipers and wheels, a robust wrap editor, the ability to choose different finishes on the same car, those are HUUUUUGGGE for a visual customizer.
I suppose "customization" can certainly include tire upgrades and engine tuning, but it's not what I think of first and foremost. Including those things, then yeah, I'll concede that the games may be "equally different." But you can't look at Payback videos with the superbuilds, air suspension, wrap editor and the overall presentation and not think that visual customization will be the best ever for any game, not just between NFS and Forza.

Instead of arguing about which is better, why don't try to be more constructive? What things would you like to see regarding customization that hasn't already been confirmed?

One little thing I would like to see is better resolution for decals and a decent carbon fiber texture that you don't have to 'build' using multiple decals.
Pretty sure NFSU2 allowed transmission changes (at least you could upgrade and get another gear). But that wasn't really my point. I'm a very visual customizer, therefore when I think of "customization" my mind gravitates to visual items. Nitrous purge, headlight/taillight swaps, tire smoke, colored calipers and wheels, a robust wrap editor, the ability to choose different finishes on the same car, those are HUUUUUGGGE for a visual customizer.
I think it would probably be better to just compare the present to the present, to be honest. What past games had was irrelevant at this point as things always get added/removed.

See this is what I was looking for. Just saying Nitrous flames doesn't really add much or help me understand your point any better. Visual items is what I was talking about as well, so at least me and you are on the same page.

Headlight/taillight swapping is a major plus for me, I probably would have remembered these things a bit better if the game had been enjoyable. That, and colored calipers as well, I hate that we can't even do this in Forza yet. I noted the wheel painting in my initial post, I very much enjoyed the fact that you can paint parts of the rim separately. The wrap editor material selection was also a major plus for the game, but I still feel compared to Forza's, it was rather clunky. I've seen some amazing lifelike portraits that people have done in it, but that's why I was asking if you'd know of any wraps made by people that have been downright amazing like that.

That still leads down to my point though, with such a small carlist you'd think they'd absolutely blow everything out of the water in terms of customization. They had so much potential, but like most of the game, they did very good in some area's and neglected others. I'm interested to see the changes from NFS15 to Payback.

I suppose "customization" can certainly include tire upgrades and engine tuning, but it's not what I think of first and foremost. Including those things, then yeah, I'll concede that the games may be "equally different." But you can't look at Payback videos with the superbuilds, air suspension, wrap editor and the overall presentation and not think that visual customization will be the best ever for any game, not just between NFS and Forza.
While they're both customization aspects, I do tend to separate them when talking about it. Mechanical customization, Forza has it beat hands down.

Question though, as I seemed to miss the announcement.. Air suspension was announced? Is that why cars seem so much lower than what they where in nfs2015?

Instead of arguing about which is better, why don't try to be more constructive? What things would you like to see regarding customization that hasn't already been confirmed?
I've said it a couple of times, but I think both Forza and NFS should go around making their own parts for the game, as well as getting sponsored parts as well. I also think Autosculpt is way overdue for a return. They can base the default layouts off similarly styled bodykits, and let us adjust them how we see fit. That would be so amazing for me. Being able to adjust things like overfender sizes, airdams, and whatnot would be great.

One little thing I would like to see is better resolution for decals and a decent carbon fiber texture that you don't have to 'build' using multiple decals.
This is something that has turned me off from Forza's editor. I'm in photomode more than I'm actually racing in these games, and make threads and contribute in photomode activities in any racing game that has it.
^^^ I don't think air suspension was addressed in the latest video, but it is directly stated on the official website. Here, I pulled this directly from the page:

"How low can you go? Apply some air suspension and watch as your car lowers itself even closer to the floor. Switch off your engine and watch as your car all but sits on the floor. Slammed? You got it! Perfect for creating that ultimate Snapshot."

.... So it's an indirect confirmation that Snapshot Pro is back in (naturally). My guess is that you can purchase Air Suspension as an optional upgrade which allows you to get more aggressive with stance adjustments.

My favorite examples of amazing wraps accomplished in NFS 2015 are these two Youtubers: Gamer PC-PS4 and Crowned

Some quickly found but not necessarily favorites:

Gamer PC-PS4 uses flat sheen decals almost exclusively. I prefer combination style better, but his art capabilities are unsurpassed.

Crowned has a little more variety in style, albeit less technically complex. He makes incredible cinematic videos though. What he can accomplish in NFS 2015 is nothing short of amazing.

You're right - it's a shame that NFS2015 didn't have more parts available for all their cars. But as we get deeper into the Payback reveal, I get the impression more and more that 2015 was largely an 'experiment.' I feel like they just tried out some ideas on us, got lots of feedback, and from that baseline started building toward a much more robust game. That's no excuse for them, particularly for the handling issues, but by all indications it seems that Payback is only building off of the strong points 2015 offered.

I would love for Autosculpt to return! It's highly doubtful it'll happen in Payback or else I feel they would've already talked about it.
^^^ I don't think air suspension was addressed in the latest video, but it is directly stated on the official website. Here, I pulled this directly from the page:

"How low can you go? Apply some air suspension and watch as your car lowers itself even closer to the floor. Switch off your engine and watch as your car all but sits on the floor. Slammed? You got it! Perfect for creating that ultimate Snapshot."
That is definitely something I'm going to be enjoying than, with photomode. 👍

As for wraps, that first one is great. However, I still think what is possible in Forza trumps it.

This Video is from Forza 3, but I don't believe the editor has changed that drastically

Here's Forza 6

And Forza Horizon 2

I was trying to get just specifically the most recent iterations of the game, but there are just so many and it did a horrible job and making sure it gave me what I was looking for on youtube lol. However, there hasn't been drastic changes between each game, which can be seen as a negative as well, but it is amazing for what it is.

You're right - it's a shame that NFS2015 didn't have more parts available for all their cars. But as we get deeper into the Payback reveal, I get the impression more and more that 2015 was largely an 'experiment.' I feel like they just tried out some ideas on us, got lots of feedback, and from that baseline started building toward a much more robust game. That's no excuse for them, particularly for the handling issues, but by all indications it seems that Payback is only building off of the strong points 2015 offered.
It definitely does look better than the last iteration, that's for sure. I'm just being a pessimist because of what I felt from the last.

I would love for Autosculpt to return! It's highly doubtful it'll happen in Payback or else I feel they would've already talked about it
Yeah, if they can implement some good starting areas for them than it would be a great feature. What I disliked about the last iteration of it is that the kits were so clunky
^^^ Yeah that's some next level crap right there! I don't know how anyone has the kind of patience it takes to paint like that on any game, but it is amazing when they do. There are a few artistic hand painted examples out there with NFS similar to the Bruce Lee example, but the decal limit is definitely more constricting in NFS.

What do you mean by "clunky?" You're talking about the body kits on NFS 2015 right? They are mostly all real-world kits AFAIK.

I think the biggest thing that autosculpt would help is with spoilers - I feel like most of the spoilers in the game were way too big. It would be nice to be able to lower them, make them smaller, that sort of thing.
Also, the ability to make custom wheels was a really novel idea - that would be a huge benefit if they would bring that back.

Another thing I would like to see is the ability to skew shapes. There were several instances where I was trying to recreate a wrap that I had done in a previous game, but couldn't get it just right because even though both games share the same decal, I wasn't able to skew the decal in 2015 whereas I could in, for example, Prostreet.

One more thing I'd really like to see is the ability to create "wrap zones" for the car. For example, rather than breaking up the car into top, LT side, RT side, front, and rear categories, let us choose whether we want to turn zoning completely off, or choose RT side and rear simultaneously, and so-on. That would help a lot with scaling decals and allowing them to cross zones rather than have to use the same decal twice in two different zones and then manually position them to appear to overlap.
^^^ Yeah that's some next level crap right there! I don't know how anyone has the kind of patience it takes to paint like that on any game, but it is amazing when they do. There are a few artistic hand painted examples out there with NFS similar to the Bruce Lee example, but the decal limit is definitely more constricting in NFS.
I think that's the one of the major things that Forza' has over the rest.

What do you mean by "clunky?" You're talking about the body kits on NFS 2015 right? They are mostly all real-world kits AFAIK.
Like @Custom878 said, I'm talking about the Autosculpt feature in the past games. The bases they gave you were extremely lack luster and hardly looked good. The idea is there, they just need to build upon it.

One more thing I'd really like to see is the ability to create "wrap zones" for the car. For example, rather than breaking up the car into top, LT side, RT side, front, and rear categories, let us choose whether we want to turn zoning completely off, or choose RT side and rear simultaneously, and so-on. That would help a lot with scaling decals and allowing them to cross zones rather than have to use the same decal twice in two different zones and then manually position them to appear to overlap.
I always wondered why this wasn't a thing in most any game. I always thought it would be great if you can highlight a specific panel of a car and just focus on that area. Would help with painting, and livery creating.
I'd be happy if we could divide wrap zones into where ever there is a panel gap for starters. 👍
I'd be happy if we could divide wrap zones into where ever there is a panel gap for starters. 👍

That would be great, but only if you can group together multiple zones at a time. Otherwise the existing problem would actually become worse. It would take four times as many decals as it already does to create complex wraps that span panel edges.

Ideally we would be able to turn on/off wrap zones at will, from a single panel up to and including the entire car.
I know I'm late to this, but isn't the 2015 version of NFS basically a reboot from Ghost Games? It may be a smaller company than Playground Games, and I think they didn't have that much of a budget either. I think they were really playing it safe with the 2015 version.

Honestly, I had a little problem with the steering, but the way some of you guys explain it, it was horrendous. I could hold my drift, even though I'm not a drifter and I was pretty good in my races. I didn't have the warp contact with the walls either.
Glad i will be able to play at day time this time around. I had so much fun in NFS 15' so can't wait for this one.
Still unsure to pick it up on PSN or Origin...

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