Girl becomes mum at 10

  • Thread starter Mr. S

Mr. S

Nikon Fanboy
A 10-year-old girl has given birth to a baby boy in Mexico, sparking an investigation by the state's attorney general.

The premature baby was born eight weeks early by caesarian section in Peubla's Women's Hospital after the girl arrived at the facility on October 22 suffering life-threatening complications from the pregnancy, NY Daily News reports.

Officials said the young mother, from the nearby San Francisco Totimehuacan community, returned home after giving birth but visited the hospital daily to breastfeed.

Hospital officials say the newborn, who is recovering from pneumonia in intensive care, is in good condition considering his premature birth.

They said the mother, who was suffering seizures when she arrived, was also recovering well.

The Peubla state Attorney General's Office is now investigating who the father is and whether the girl may have been raped.

It is illegal for women in Peubla to have abortions, unless they can prove they have been forced into sex, but the laws are currently under review.

The state's minimum age of consent is 12.

Pretty disturbing but well, couldn't it be that two kids were "experimenting"? I sincerely hope no adult was involved in that, no matter how.

Just good to see that both the mother and the newborn are in rather good condition now.
Personally I think it would be too much of a coincidence to have two kids aged ten both ready for reproduction. One maybe, but two? Considering you are usually ready in puberty which hits around 13-14.
When I was a kid, I read a book full of weird stories, and among them was about an African becoming a grandmother at 17. It just leaves me :boggled:
I had no clue girls could get pregnant at 10..... or breast feed.:odd:

I guess you do learn something new everyday, it's just not always something you wanted to know.

Personally I think it would be too much of a coincidence to have two kids aged ten both ready for reproduction. One maybe, but two? Considering you are usually ready in puberty which hits around 13-14.

Could have very well been a 13-14 year old.
I had no clue girls could get pregnant at 10..... or breast feed.:odd:

Girls (and boys, for that matter) can start puberty at any age, but the typical range is 9-14 (slightly later for boys). There's a bit of a difference between starting puberty and falling pregnant, but it's not physically implausible. Remember, giving birth at 10 could mean being pregnant at 9y3m...

They still have to go some way to beat Lina Medina who was afflicted with both precocious puberty and someone close to her who was very rapey, giving birth to her son aged just FIVE.
I'm not sure that condom use is the biggest issue in a story which involves a ten year old girl being raped and abortion not being allowed.

Unless it's a particularly forward-planning paedophile...
I also can't believe minimum age to consent is 12!!! That needs to be changed too.

I can't believe at 10... Wow. Thank god she survived that and the baby is okay.
Girls (and boys, for that matter) can start puberty at any age, but the typical range is 9-14 (slightly later for boys). There's a bit of a difference between starting puberty and falling pregnant, but it's not physically implausible. Remember, giving birth at 10 could mean being pregnant at 9y3m...

They still have to go some way to beat Lina Medina who was afflicted with both precocious puberty and someone close to her who was very rapey, giving birth to her son aged just FIVE.

Wait a sec what? SHE was five years old when she gave birth to a child?
Wait a sec what? SHE was five years old when she gave birth to a child?

Indeed. I'd link the wiki article but there's a picture of her on the page which isn't...suitable for GTP.
Born in Ticrapo, Peru, to silversmith Tiburelo Medina and Victoria Losea, Medina was brought to a hospital by her parents at the age of five years due to increasing abdominal size. She was originally thought to have had a tumor, but her doctors determined she was in her seventh month of pregnancy. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took her to Lima, Peru, prior to the surgery to have other specialists confirm that Medina was pregnant.

Contemporary newspaper accounts indicate that interest in the case developed on many fronts. The San Antonio Light newspaper reported in its July 16, 1939, edition — in anticipation of the girl's expected visit to university scientific facilities in the United States — that a national Peruvian obstetrician/midwife association had demanded prior to the birth that the girl be transported to a national maternity hospital, and also quoted April 18 reports in the Peruvian paper La Crónica stating that a North American filmmaking concern sent a representative "with authority to offer the sum of $5000 to benefit the minor [in exchange for filming rights] ... we know that the offer was rejected." The same article, reprinted from a Chicago paper, noted that Dr. Lozada had made films of Medina for scientific documentation and had shown them around April 21 while addressing Peru's National Academy of Medicine; on a subsequent visit to visit Lina's remote hometown, some of the baggage carrying the films had been dropped into the river while crossing "a very primitive bridge": "Enough of his pictorial record remained, however, to intrigue the learned savants."

A month and a half after the original diagnosis, on May 14, 1939, Medina gave birth to a boy by a caesarean section necessitated by her small pelvis. The surgery was performed by Dr. Lozada and Dr. Busalleu, with Dr. Colareta providing anaesthesia. Her case was reported in detail by Dr. Edmundo Escomel in the medical journal La Presse Médicale, including the additional details that her menarche had occurred at eight months of age, in contrast to a past report stating that she had been having regular periods since she was three years old (or 2½ according to a different article). The report also detailed that she had prominent breast development by the age of four. By age five, her figure displayed pelvic widening and advanced bone maturation. When doctors performed the caesarean to deliver her baby, they found she already had fully mature sexual organs from precocious puberty.

Medina's son weighed 2.7 kg (6.0 lb; 0.43 st) at birth and was named Gerardo after her doctor. Gerardo was raised believing that Medina was his sister, but found out at the age of 10 that she was his mother. He grew up healthy but died in 1979 at the age of 40 of a bone marrow disease.

Medina never revealed the father of the child nor the circumstances of her impregnation. Dr. Escomel suggested she might not actually know herself by writing that Medina "couldn't give precise responses". Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of rape and incest, but was later released due to lack of evidence. According to a 1955 article reviewing the case, "Some pointed out there were frequent festivities celebrated by Indians in Andean villages like the one where Lina was born. These often ended up in orgies in which rape was not uncommon. But if this theory were accepted, there still was no explanation of how a five-year-old girl could conceive a child. There hasn't been to this day."

In young adulthood, she worked as a secretary in the Lima clinic of Dr. Lozada, who gave her an education and helped put her son through high school. Medina later married Raúl Jurado, who fathered her second son in 1972. As of 2002, they lived in a poor district of Lima known as "Chicago Chico" ("Little Chicago"). She refused an interview with Reuters that year, just as she had turned away many reporters in years past.

C/P from wikipedia UK.
Personally I think it would be too much of a coincidence to have two kids aged ten both ready for reproduction. One maybe, but two? Considering you are usually ready in puberty which hits around 13-14.

Yes. It's totally illogical for someone to produce offspring at the age of 10. But you say puberty typically hits around 13 or 14. I started puberty at age 12, so I guess it's not completely out of this world. But still, giving birth at age 10 is "oh my really?". Okay I've heard of teen pregnancy, but wow.

And the minimum age being 12? Okay, people have their freedom, but that's still too low. 18 seems more like it.
I overheard a group of girls talking about how a girl they knew was 16 and having her second child. I thought that was bad, but this...
This is just so...wrong...

Good thing she and the baby survived, but it never should have happened to in the first place.
Oh, I should just add that, not to detract from the moral dubiousness of it all, almost all of us will have a member of our (human) family tree who gave birth at that sort of age. It was relatively normal for a girl of 8 or 9 to be married off to an older man and have a brood of her own by 12, as recently as 200 years ago. I remember seeing the gravestone of a girl who died at 13 in the late 1700s, leaving eight children...
I'm expecting my little girl any day now and I'm feeling that protective streak really kicking in. Grrrrrrrr. Someone's balls need smashing.
I'm expecting my little girl any day now and I'm feeling that protective streak really kicking in. Grrrrrrrr. Someone's balls need smashing.

I can picture you now, standing at the nursery window, shouting at the little newborn boys to stay away from her.:lol:
Oh the story is very inconceivable... But if the sexual partner is also of the age of the girl who suffered from abdominal symptoms/disorder of pregnancy, was he yet reproductive to make the girl expectant?

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