US girl, 10, killed by falling bullet on NYE

  • Thread starter Grayfox
If it has happened before, why keep doing it?

For what I care, shooting a bullet into the air and killing someone is no different than having done it hundreds of times and killing hundreds of people.

Because it's illegal to do so anyway in some states. Doesn't mean people stop doing it.
As far as the thread goes... Stupid people did stupid things and someone died. No one is saying that blindly shooting off guns in the air is a good thing, so what's the point? They even made an episode of CSI that pointed out how stupid it was.

Why, because I only address the points that I feel are most pertinent to the discussion?

Or because you purposely ignore the points that go against what you are saying and you can't counter so you can turn around and repeat what you are saying later as if there is no opposition.

But I suppose the way you worded it is a lot more generous, so we could go with that.
You guys would love the middle east with all the celebratory gunfire.

That Christmas robbery was just salt on the wound. Hope that guy gets butt Cancer.
That is two too many in my book. Celebratory gunfire is just a ridiculous idea, there are hundreds of other ways to celebrate something that doesn't have the chance of killing someone. No matter how you use it a gun is a deadly weapon that shouldn't be used as a means of celebration.

Nothing needs banning but people need to be less stupid when it comes to celebrating something like the new year. Getting a gun and firing it into the air shouldn't be something that crosses your mind unless you're an idiot.

I completely agree. 👍
Very simple, if they catch the person he should be charged with manslaughter. Celebratory gunfire whilst not a particularly good idea if the person takes precautions by using blanks then there shouldn't be a problem, however using live rounds is just plain stupid.
How about just punish the person that did it (fired the bullet)?

Celebratory gunfire = STUPID!!!!

I have been around guns from an early age and I never had an accident because I always ALWAYS followed the four rules of gun safety.

1. Treat firearms as if they are loaded (never assume it's empty)
2. Point the muzzle away from things you do not want to shoot (keep it aimed in a safe direction)
3. Keep fingers off the trigger until you're ready to fire
4. Be aware of your target and of what is beyond it

Following these four rules, I've never had any kind of mishap around a gun.

Clearly these rules were not followed, the guy who fired the shot was irresponsible and in breach of the law most likely, and it makes absolutely no sense to punish law-abiding gun owners for what some idiot did.

Find the guy who did it, slap the cuffs on him, and end of story.

I'm honestly getting a little tired of hearing about how evil guns are and how we need to restrict the rights of law-abiding people for the actions of a few crazies whom the law never stopped.
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Although I'm against guns, I do understand that guns are not evil, they are a few pieces of metal put together, they have no personality and are not capable of being either good or evil.

It's the people that own them that have to be vetted. This is clearly a case of a completely idiotic person doing what only a idiotic person would do.

Then someone turns over the poor girls family whilst she's in hospital. THEN someone sets up a fake collection in her name. It is absolutely ridiculous the lows some people will goto. I hope they catch everyone who has had a part in this disgusting story and hand them over to the family. Let them sort it.
@r1600turbo and a6m5, Im pretty sure it was plausible. Speeking from my own experience though, I live in SOCAL and I've heard it reported by the news numerous times that in bad neighborhoods I.E. Compton, Watts, Inglewood etc. around times of celebrations like new years and cinco de mayo many people have been hit and killed by falling bullets, yes falling and not stray. This also goes for other people who doubt you could be hit or killed by one.

"Between the years 1985 and 1992, doctors at the King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, treated some 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries. Thirty-eight of them died." -Wikipedia

According to the internet there are 13,891,806,720 square feet in L.A. If the average person takes up 2 square feet, the odds of any single person being hit by one bullet are nearly 7 billion to 1. There are about 10 Million people in L.A. putting the odds of one of them being hit by one bullet randomly fired into the air at about 700 to 1. Hmmm...higher than I thought.

So if 118 people were actually hit, assuming these assumptions true, that would require over 80,000 bullets fired into the air over the 7 year period. Amazing.:crazy:
@r1600turbo and a6m5, Im pretty sure it was plausible. Speeking from my own experience though, I live in SOCAL and I've heard it reported by the news numerous times that in bad neighborhoods I.E. Compton, Watts, Inglewood etc. around times of celebrations like new years and cinco de mayo many people have been hit and killed by falling bullets, yes falling and not stray. This also goes for other people who doubt you could be hit or killed by one.

"Between the years 1985 and 1992, doctors at the King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, treated some 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries. Thirty-eight of them died." -Wikipedia
I read the wikipedia page you quoted. Thanks for that. Very interesting read. However, when they are talking about "falling bullet", the dangerous one they are referring to aren't the bullets dropping straight down:

from Wiki
Bullets fired at lower angles than vertical can be yet more dangerous, as the bullet maintains its angular ballistic trajectory and is far less likely to engage in tumbling motion, and so travels at a speed much higher than its terminal velocity in a purely vertical fall. link

When I heard falling bullet, I was thinking of a bullet that shot relatively straight up, then came straight down. Looking at this chart from Wikipedia, also from the very same page you referenced, they are indeed referring to many "stray" bullet as a "falling" bullet as well.
It has to do with flooding the Opinions section
with news stories that you hope will skew people's perception of how a certain object is used in the world.
And how, exactly, does the use of a gun to defend a home have anything to do with using a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve and inadvertently killing a child?

Every time one of these threads comes up, you keep trying to push the discussion away from the actual subject. Can you see why people might think you somehow condone the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve when all you do is bring up "positive" gun stories? And can you see why people might have a problem with that because by condoning the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve, you are by extension of that, considering the death of a child to be some kind of acceptable loss?
What exactly is there to discuss?

Some (presumably) drunk idiot fired a shot and killed a girl. The initial act of firing into the air is already illegal and murdering obviously is as well.

The only way to really prevent things like this from happening is to have a legitimate fortune teller at all guns shops, unfortunately those don't actually exist(fortune tellers, not gun shops).
Celebratory gun fire eh...

"While her family were at hospital with her, a burglar broke into their Pennsylvania home and stole their Christmas presents."

What? So as they were trying to rescue their child they also got robbed!?
The most popular calibers in the more feral parts of "da hood" tend to be that of mouse guns; .22, .25, .32. Those are typical cheap $50 Saturday night specials and the most easily concealable.

Shooting someone with one of those calibers, contrary to Hollywood, isn't very effective.

Also, gang bangers don't exactly shop around when it comes to ammo. Typical loads are what most use for plinking and not self defense.

"Stray Bullet" sounds a lot better than "collateral damage" from 2 people having a fight across the way. Small caliber gunshots, to the naked ear, sound like firecrackers. A city doesn't want the PR of the year's first murder victim and this investigation is another way to cover things up for a bit. They do it all the time in Chicago.

I highly doubt it was an errant handgun being shot into the air that killed this girl. It's probably crossfire from 2 people in a fight at a party. Hell, not long ago 2 people in one of Chicago's 'hoods were shooting at each other over who makes the best kool aid. That's what happens in the ghetto and what most suburbanites don't really understand; the people who cause all the problems willfully reject being members in society and sharing the same morality.

Gang violence happens all the time, you almost become numb to it as it's a nightly theme on the news.

While it isn't a good idea to shoot in the air, I really doubt that's what killed this girl. Handgun rounds are pretty weak. Look at Giffords who was shot point blank in the head with a 9mm. If that shot was taken a mile away, she wouldn't have missed 1 day at work. Rifle round? All bets are off. There's a video out there if someone turning a prairie dog into pink mist from something like 2500 yards away. (.338 lapua if I remember correctly) Rifle rounds, b/c of their shape, can be lethal for miles. Handguns? Not so much.
And how, exactly, does the use of a gun to defend a home have anything to do with using a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve and inadvertently killing a child?

It doesn't. My post pertains the OP's posting habits which I find despicable.

His refusal to respond to any of the 5 posts that prompt a response are also noted.

If a mod asks me to stay on topic for this thread, I will. Personally I don't see how going on a tangent in one of Grayfox's dozen or so "guns r so bad" threads will turn GTP into 4chan.

Every time one of these threads comes up, you keep trying to push the discussion away from the actual subject. Can you see why people might think you somehow condone the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve when all you do is bring up "positive" gun stories?

I can't be bothered to search through my posts to prove this to you, but when these kinds of threads first started appearing my posts completely pertained to the story.

The reason I posted (count em!) stories was to first prove to Grayfox that there is a huge amount of equally important stories that he is neglecting, but also because you made the accusation that I only talk about general issues. I gave (number!) stories and pointed out how your statement was false by pointing towards a post in another thread. This is something else you did not respond to.

And can you see why people might have a problem with that because by condoning the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve, you are by extension of that, considering the death of a child to be some kind of acceptable loss?

I almost could if I hadn't specifically refuted that assumption on like 4 separate threads.

Out of curiosity, do you consider the death of a child do to negligent drunk driving an acceptable loss for the most popular form of transport?
@a6m5 Thanks for clearing that up. I was super groggy when I looked at the wiki page and just thought I'd post a link so as not to look like an ass but I effectively made a bigger one of myself by posting it haha.

@ Jonny... Thanks for doing the math 👍 700 to 1 is still pretty crazy if you ask me.

And on a side note, Compton had a big celebration a few days ago for not having a homocide in 72 hours!
@a6m5 Thanks for clearing that up. I was super groggy when I looked at the wiki page and just thought I'd post a link so as not to look like an ass but I effectively made a bigger one of myself by posting it haha.
Technically, there wasn't anything wrong with the information you posted. Apparently, stray bullets can be considered "falling" bullets, I didn't know that either. Like I said, it really was a interesting find. 👍
@r1600turbo and a6m5, Im pretty sure it was plausible. Speeking from my own experience though, I live in SOCAL and I've heard it reported by the news numerous times that in bad neighborhoods I.E. Compton, Watts, Inglewood etc. around times of celebrations like new years and cinco de mayo many people have been hit and killed by falling bullets, yes falling and not stray. This also goes for other people who doubt you could be hit or killed by one.

"Between the years 1985 and 1992, doctors at the King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, treated some 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries. Thirty-eight of them died." -Wikipedia
It all comes down to the specifics of trajectory. A gun fired near vertical is going to stall and tumble on the way down.

But it's not difficult for someone to seemingly fire a gun into the air but with a trajectory nearer 15-30 degrees. At which point the bullet will simply arc and maintain stability and considerable velocity.
And how, exactly, does the use of a gun to defend a home have anything to do with using a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve and inadvertently killing a child?

Nothing whatsoever, so I wonder why you even asked the question. You might as well ask what buttered turnips have to do with using a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve and inadvertently killing a child. Same answer: absolutely nothing.

Every time one of these threads comes up, you keep trying to push the discussion away from the actual subject. Can you see why people might think you somehow condone the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve when all you do is bring up "positive" gun stories? And can you see why people might have a problem with that because by condoning the use of a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve, you are by extension of that, considering the death of a child to be some kind of acceptable loss?

Seems to me that it would be highly selective reading to interpret anything Zenith013 said as even remotely condoning the death of a child.
Drunk idiots crash cars and kill as well, yet nobody talks about banning cars. Yet suddenly a gun is evil because some drunk idiot misused one? The point is stupid people are being taken for a ride by politically-motivated hacks who want to destroy your ability to defend yourself. If you don't like guns, don't buy one.
Exactly, I'm not going to explain or apologize for my posting style, my point should have spoke for itself 👍
Exactly, I'm not going to explain or apologize for my posting style, my point should have spoke for itself 👍

The other thing that ticks me off about all this "gun control" stuff too is that the Second Amendment is a Constitutional right protected by the Bill of Rights and I'm pretty sure anything which infringes upon it has to be okay'd by 2/3 of our state representatives in order for it to be Constitutional.