Giulietta73's Gallery |Some more comp entries|

Great shots Eric 👍
Both have really nice warm tones, I like the DOF and composition of the first and the second has great lighting and a sense of foreboding for the landing. :sly:
Love how minimalistic the LFA looks and boy does it look good in orange. The lighting's really well done as well, love how the glow seeps into the setting in the last 2.
Great shots Eric 👍
Both have really nice warm tones, I like the DOF and composition of the first and the second has great lighting and a sense of foreboding for the landing. :sly:
Thanks Nathan:cheers:
The 2nd one is a bit of wreckless indulgence!!!
Love how minimalistic the LFA looks and boy does it look good in orange. The lighting's really well done as well, love how the glow seeps into the setting in the last 2.
Thanks Jaden:cheers:
I'm surprised how good the LFA in orange looks too.
Glad you like them:tup::)
Very nice work on the C4 shots, like a lot both. The second one is very dynamics and the first has a spledid light !
Nice use of the scenery in your PMC shot, love the Nürb with this kind of atmosphere. And your 2.0 edit is classy, very well composed with a beautiful light and a great mood 👍
Been long since I popped in here, blame it on life eh :lol:
Love your LFA Tokyo set Eric. The entire ambience and the use of light, especially in the one you opted for as your 2.0 entry; the way the same orange light reflects off the pillars is nice to look at.
Very happening couple of C4 shots too! Love the toning.

Aaaand I need a refill on my single malt.. :lol:
Glad I didn't use the Carlton for the PMC. Great shot! 👍
Thanks Eric:tup: It seemed a no brainer once I painted it silver, though there's too many jaggies around the headlights and wheel arches to get too close. I owned one of them once though it most certainly didn't have anything to do with Lotus under the hood!!!:lol:
your 2.0 entry is awesome. i don't know that location at granturismo. where it is ?
Thanks Vaios:tup:
It's at Lucerne in the phototravel section.
Very nice work on the C4 shots, like a lot both. The second one is very dynamics and the first has a spledid light !
Nice use of the scenery in your PMC shot, love the Nürb with this kind of atmosphere. And your 2.0 edit is classy, very well composed with a beautiful light and a great mood 👍
Thanks Jérémy:tup: It took a few goes to get the weather at 50% but without rain!! It has a great atmosphere at 7.00am;)
Been long since I popped in here, blame it on life eh :lol:
Love your LFA Tokyo set Eric. The entire ambience and the use of light, especially in the one you opted for as your 2.0 entry; the way the same orange light reflects off the pillars is nice to look at.
Very happening couple of C4 shots too! Love the toning.

Aaaand I need a refill on my single malt.. :lol:
Cheers Sean:tup:
Glad you made it through the door! Having a few staffing issues so I'll have to serve you myself - I think Gary stole my waitress! What'll it be? Lagavulin or Laphroaig? (Men's whisky!)
All your competition entries are great! 👍 Especially the 300SL!
Cheers Ciro:tup:
Glad you like them!:)
Fine updates Eric, the last orange LFA pic looks really nice, toning and sense of speed are efficiently managed, a licence plate adding would be great. The first C4 is filled with a strong toning and contrast, the bokeh fits greatly with the pic, we can feel the hot mountains summer wind. I want a premium Lotus Omega in GT6 more than all can be seen till now, except the Countach, the Cizeta and the Shelby GT500. The SL pic shows an oldy mood, the guy on the left looks like a rapper ^^ The first Delta S4 shot is my fav, bleak mountains summoning a mechanical monster 👍
Both S4 shots are awesome. Great job!
Thanks Nicolas:cheers: High praise:tup:
Fine updates Eric, the last orange LFA pic looks really nice, toning and sense of speed are efficiently managed, a licence plate adding would be great. The first C4 is filled with a strong toning and contrast, the bokeh fits greatly with the pic, we can feel the hot mountains summer wind. I want a premium Lotus Omega in GT6 more than all can be seen till now, except the Countach, the Cizeta and the Shelby GT500. The SL pic shows an oldy mood, the guy on the left looks like a rapper ^^ The first Delta S4 shot is my fav, bleak mountains summoning a mechanical monster 👍
Thanks a lot Herve:cheers:
I liked the Rapper guy, I thought he contrasted nice with the old Merc - a Rapper with taste!!! Thanks for your comments - always appreciated:tup::)
That C30 shot at Spa is great. The car is framed well and steaky detail around it works so well. And for a un-edited shot it's even more impressive. 👍

How did those Light streak elements come about?
The two Delta shots are great 👍
Very original effect on the Volvo one, especially for an unedited one 👍
And you retro edit is very fun and well made 👍
Very nice unedited C30 Eric, funny neo retro edit, West Coast custom, the car will be heavier than expected, ten screen, two Jack Hammers and more things ^^
Very nice shots and entries! I love that Lancia SSC entry!
Thanks Mazda:cheers:
That C30 shot at Spa is great. The car is framed well and steaky detail around it works so well. And for a un-edited shot it's even more impressive. 👍

How did those Light streak elements come about?
Thanks George:cheers:
The streaks was my son in a blue C30 driving in the opposite direction. I took the shot with the blue rear end obscuring the focussed yellow C30. You can just about make out the shape of the rear window, tail lights etc. A lucky find. Then I just adjusted the position to get the car framed right.
Interesting choice for a retro conversion, I'm not the biggest fan of the design but it's well made.
Neither am I!! When you're up against Metalsun, its gonna be tough! So I went for comedy!
The two Delta shots are great 👍
Very original effect on the Volvo one, especially for an unedited one 👍
And you retro edit is very fun and well made 👍
Thanks Jérémy:cheers:
Very nice unedited C30 Eric, funny neo retro edit, West Coast custom, the car will be heavier than expected, ten screen, two Jack Hammers and more things ^^
:lol: don't forget the beer fridge Herve!!!:cheers:

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