I'm not exactly sure, but I feel like the protesters in Michigan are definitely crossing a line. Open carry is perfectly fine. Bringing your open carry weapon into the capitol building is perfectly fine. Brandishing a weapon in capitol building (or any place for that matter) is not fine. In fact, it's illegal under Michigan Penal (hehe penal) Code
750.234e. According to that, brandishing a firearm is a misdemeanor punishable by up-to a $100 fine and/or up-to 90 days in jail.
It's clear the protesters were using their firearms to intimidate and invoke fear in people, which is what brandishing a weapon is. At the very least, they should all be given citations of $100 for doing so.
If they would've made it onto the House floor though, I fully expect it would've ended badly for all sides. There would've been an exchange of gunfire between protesters and law enforcement. It would've been a no-win situation that would've resulted in lives lost and even a bigger divide. Hopefully, it doesn't come to having to have the National Guard defend the Michigan State Capital because that's going to get real ugly as well. But with Gov Whitmer extending the stay at home order through the end of May, I think Michigan is closer to that very scenario than not.