Global Rallycross Championship | Season 2 | Sign ups | Powered by COREOpen 

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GTP Username: MrUnknown
PSN Username: EdgarSonic
Nationality (optional): Portugal
VW Golf Mk V (FWD 2L)
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IV (Classics)
Subaru Impreza WRC (WRC and Rallycross)
Audi Quattro S1 Rally Car (Group B)
Body/Wheel Colour: Blue and White (Respectively)

Too make someone happy...

Mind if I cut in?
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GTP Username: @sparkytooth
PSN Username: sparkytooth50001
Nationality: The Great Nation of Maduroistan (Venezuela)
Base car (FWD 2L): Volkswagen Scirocco R
WRC Classic: Ford Escort Rally Car
WRC: Mistubishi Lancer Evo X Rally Car
Rally X: Ford Focus WRC (Just like in Season 1 :D)
Group B: Audi Quattro S1 Rally Car
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GTP Username: @The Stig Farmer
PSN Username: Chuck1551
Nationality: United Kingdom is best kingdom
Cars: FWD 2L - Volvo C30 R-design
WRC Classics - Hyundai Accent Rally Car
WRC - Suzuki SX4 WRC
Rallycross - Hyundai Accent Rally Car
Group B - Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car
GTP Username: @SpeedyishOlly
PSN Username: SpeedyOLLY
Nationality: United Kingdom is best kingdom besides animal kingdom
Cars: FWD 2L - Renault Clio RS
WRC Classics - Hyundai Accent Rally Car
WRC - Mistubishi Lancer Evo X Rally Car
Rallycross - Hyundai Accent Rally Car
Group B: Audi Quattro S1 Rally Car
Gtp username:ELmarcotuff
Nationality: AMERICA!!!!!
FWD: 04 Civic Type R
WRC Classics: bug eye impreza
WRC: SUBARU Impreza WRC 08
Rallycross: Subaru Impreza 03
Group b: Ferd RS200
So, technically, I'll always get the S1, just like I did with it before the reformat and forever becuz S1 & Sparky = Bestest Friends forever.

And you guys will stand no chance anyway.
Event setup

Everyone will be in FWD to start, 15 min qualifying session to decide grid position.
Everyone races from the start to flag. 6 laps
Top 8 Qualify for Rally cross cars
Bottom 8 Qualify for WRC Classics
Elimination rounds
Round will be extended 8 Laps.
8 cars will race for the top 5 spots
The top 5 cars will qualify for the next and final round

The drivers from the original top 8 who qualified in the top 5 will now race in the top cars, Group B.
The drivers from the original bottom 8 who qualified in the top 5 will now race in the top cars WRC.
This final events will be 10 Laps long.
Ok then.

Although it will still almost always end up with the same 5 in Group B at the end with one of them coming out on top since the Base car round.
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