Denial is not an
unexpected reaction but it is a very
dangerous one, as is all complacency and laxness when dealing with very large forces ( not trivial & erroneous 0.28% votage 'innocence' ), heres a re-iteration of how denial is
not worthy;
Originally Posted by Touring Mars
It seems to me that the current available evidence is pointing in the direction of human activity rather than a natural cycle. That is the problem with evidence. No one single piece of evidence is of value in and of itself. Only with the slow and steady accumulation of mutually supporting evidence does one start to get a clearer picture of reality. The problem we are faced with is really a question of how to interpret the evidence we do have, and then we need to make a judgement call based on the strength of that evidence, whilst accumulating more evidence as we go along. But in the absence of conclusive evidence either for or against GW caused by human activity, it would be sheer folly to disregard the trends...
The cost of being wrong about this issue is potentially catastrophic. If those who believe that the current evidence points to global warming by human activity are wrong, but industrial emissions are cut anyway, then the consequences will not be any worse than they were going to be... no-one loses, apart from big businesses who are doing most of the polluting. But if it turns out that they are right, and the evidence (as it stands now) is ignored or (more likely) not judged to be substantial enough to justify action, then we are all in big trouble... (well, our grandkids will be anyway...) My point is, we can, in my view, only benefit by cutting emissions, so why not do it anyway?
Absolutely TM! Scientific evidence seems to always lean on probability theory with sufficiently large & complex datasets. The message, whichever way it is cut, is that we most be doing something tremendously practical about perceived tonnages at this time, whether we are correct in curbing emissions inc which ones is irrelevant as long as the awareness and momentum are in place.
Lets get the outlook from the
metoffice, the weatherman from TM & Famine's neck of the woods & NO NOT from junksciencedotcom or the catoinstitute, both of which are from Zardozes neckof.
This little Hadley PDF
Stabilising climate to avoid dangerous climate change — a summary of relevant research at the Hadley Centre.
As Zardoz would have it, these weather people are hallucinating!
Here areTwo images from Hadley Centre documents that surely must rank as disreputable and silentfunded as the 'hosted' image that Famine & Danoff were splashing about in posts
157 &
168, it being the third image down.
As we used sing on Sesame Street; '
One of these things is not like the other, One of these things just does'nt belong.'*
For a start the Hadley shots are simulations run on a piffiling NEC SX-6 supercomputer.
The last image data (aside from the host); THIS SITE BY: Monte Hieb and Harrison Hieb-- 1996 ,Last update: February 10, 2003.
This image is given w/out reference of generation on the site.
So are how these GWPs we're supposed to laud constructed?
I refer you to the pdf in the link above, as these scientist boffins at large government research institutions don't get their knickers in a twist over some steam & a rainbow, but quietly, as in a chessmove, they qualify their graphical offerings;
'In both
cases, the emissions scenarios include other greenhouse gases and aerosols, and concentrations of these in the atmosphere are stabilised after 2100.'
So lets take that middle image for a second; these guys are only modeling from datasets within a very tight window in and around the present day (1900-2100 in this case).
They are not extrapolating from ice cores or to ice ages. They make no such claims in that direction, only the local tremors, their mappability and posited scenarios.
As is their brief.
So the projected mean eurotemps for the early twentieth are roughly equivalent, the latter half of the century again the real is bounded by the virtual but woah!
check out that 2003 scenario! - Has to be some of that there continuing natural warming that ended the last ice age and is now progressing into our humdrum quotidian little interglacial minding it's own business, hardly worth bothering about, eh?
That first image is a real toastie; someone put a labrador-sniffer on our THC & Crikey! are all those red lines bottoming out the free hot water bottles for grannies on the NHS?
The middle image is percentile nothing but is scalar
@200 to the solar cycle of this nicelittleearner lump of shytrock. The top image is
SIX on the same scale!!!!(Getting into year seven's winter is like getting into the gulag; minus twenty! from The
CET, one of the most reliable temperature statistics in the history of statistics!)
But these are hypothetical scenarios i hear you cry - Pray do tell & Water-Vapour is a fluctuating unknown that any scientist worth their NEC SX-6 would have to *cough* overlook in the favour of the 'methane' consortium - Yes, one fart from the Leopard of the deep N.Atlantic & Greenland will be (in creationist time, check the PDF, that's still seconds to the 'dead' 'unhomeostatic' earth), no sic will be - green, dark, inviting.[/ironicals]
Time for a refutational quote from the documentation in focus & please keep in mind that this is the met office of england's website whois the publisher;
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]'The Hadley Centre maintains the long-term record of sea-ice cover and sea-surface[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]temperature, known as HadISST. This shows that until the 1960s, the extent of Arctic[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]sea ice was relatively constant, but since 1970 it has decreased by about 7.5%[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif](a million square kilometres). Using only natural factors — such as internal ‘chaos’[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]and solar and volcanic changes — we were not able to reproduce this change with[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]the Hadley Centre model. However, when human activity is also taken into account,[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]model simulations are in good agreement with observations, implying a man-made[/FONT]
[FONT=StoneSerifITC-Medium, serif]cause for the melting of Arctic ice.'[/FONT]
Do peruse this source for 'myths' concerning;i) how carbon is & is projected not to be sequestered in the 'flush once' 'nature'.ii) Methane hydrates were possibly illegal and now they're the floor below lingerie.
While your at it, review the exciting world of climate model building & it's graphs (PDF, of course, at least) in
teh Jenkins Document. Make a pitstop from denial & other boring flappery at the true scientist playground of the
Third Culture (me faves at present being
Lynn the Margulis agus
Roger the Penrose)
If ure willing to deny the impeccability of these links do post up some fatuous twaddle funded by dodo industries w/ murderous hidden interests & toys for your seat.
* or is it that Lena Zavaroni winner cover " West Virginia mountain mamma, take me home, country road".