The Fact is, Powerful nations like Canada and the US HAVE the money to develop Hydrogen Cars. The reason why barely are developed is because stupid businessmen only care about their money. They are greedy and selfish. They'll do whatever it takes to keep that income, coming in, Even if that means the world becoming one piece of messed up rock. Because Oil is SO valuable, they want it. Now that Oil has become less available, it's become MORE Valuable. Hence, They'll try to get it. For example, Bush sent troops to Iraq to claim a MASSIVE oil supply they have, ( i heard this from someone..).
Oh btw, Now it isn't America who pollutes the most, it's now Canada that pollutes the most. Don't Bark at me for this, for i myself and a Canadian. However i don't pollute a lot anyway.
ALSO, there is 2 theories of how the Ozone Layer Works.
Originally, the Ozone layer is to a certian thickness that when the radiation from the sun, in this case "Heat", shines down on the earth and bounces back, the ozone layer lets SOME of the radation back into space and deflects some radation back to keep the Warth warm, but not overheated. The Ozone layer acts like Sunblock or Sunscreen, which tones down the intensity of the UV rays.
1st Theory: the extra emissions given off by factories and automobiles and such give off Nitric Oxide AS well as carbon dioxide. When the Nitric Oxide ( from now on known as NO, its chemical name) reaches the Ozone (O3), it acts like a
Catalyst to deplete it into a thin layer. A
Catalyst is a substance that accelerates chemical reactions. When NO mixes with O3, it speeds up the content of the O3 and causes it to deplete faster than its normal rate (remember nothing lasts forever). When this is done, Ultraviolet Rays (UV) from the sun becomes MORE directly and more dangerous to unprotected things such as skin. Also this earth will become more heated from this Raw exposure to the Dangerous sun. It's like cooking and egg on a frying pan.
2nd Theory: It is also said that extra CO2 emmissions of the like act with the ozone layer and Thicken its orignal size. Having this said, it means that LESS UV Rays will exit the earth's atmosphere, meaning MORE rays are trapped in the earth's Atmosphere. This means that the Earth's overall temperture increases, which in this case is the Greenhouse Effect. Increasing the earth's temperature, Ice caps are melting, making the water level rise, low elevation lands like California and Japan will be UNDER water level, Polar bears will drown because they have no ice plates to live on, Everyone experiences Droughts, Smogs and Heat Waves.. Millions will die and those rich greedy fat men will suffer the most in the end because he/she will always grapple that sack of cash they have. But what's the point of all that money? Money can't fixed the world, it can't make heat waves go away, it can't save Japan or California. For all we know he or she will eventually die, and have ALL that money, for what purpose? You can't take money with you wherever you go when you die, it'll just lay there beside their corpse and minutes later, someone will want it, but by that time noone WILL want money, because everyone's strugglnig to live, It's just printed paper we only use it to substitute something valuable.
-This links to why people believe the Earth's going to have another Ice age, because the Ozone layer was so thick no sunlight could penetrate it.
-For more references, go look up the recent documentary "An Unconvienient Truth" by Al Gore.
-And You people who don't recycle and think Polluting is Cool, then you can all Go Die for All i Care, because all you people do is serve nothing but negative aspects to the world. To re-enforce my point, here's a little story i jsut made right now..
There is a small hut that is as stable as a standing single chopstick. 3 people live inside, are in the middle of nowhere. In order for them to survive, they will have to learn how to look after themselves, as well being able to not make anything of waste. 1 does hunting of fish, deer, etc. the 2nd is like the housewife, maintains the house basically, while the 3rd does nothing everyday and make and excessive amount of unnecessary disposals such as killing small animals just for fun and leaving it there, destroying plants and trees NOT for Firewood, but for the purpose of having fun. 1st and 2nd survivor contribute to the survival of the 3, the 3rd does not. 1st and 2nd eat the least to conserve the food in case anything happens, while the 3rd eats the most. 3rd is very picky about his/ her food, Doesn't eat certain parts of meat of the deer so he throws it out the window, because that's happened, #3 just wasted a piece of meat which was or COULD have been useful to #1 or 2.When this everyday cycle continues, the thrown out Fresh food that was VITAL to the 3 members stacks up behind their hut, and now they can't eat it become it's covered in dirt and is infested by mice and flies.
The Animal Fur could've been their clothing and Bed sheets or blankets. The trees and plants #3 destroys begin to decay. The fact is, that tree that #3 decided to destroy into bits could've been firewood for them to keep warm and cook food on. The plants were powerful herbs that could aid them from sicknesses, but now they are trampled into mush and bugs are eating 'em. With this endless chain of wasted food and necessities, by logic, these 3 people will die sooner than would've if #3 didn't exist.
What my point is in this little story i made up as i went, is that the world can be sustained for a MUCH longer time and be MORE healthier if the people who don't maintain would Go to Hell (yes that's mean, but don't take this little stement so seriously). That way, the people would DO serve a purpose to the world live longer.
It rarely snows here in Toronto, Canada. When it Snows, IT BIG..and everyone Blasts their Heaters. In the summer, it BARELY rains because of all the extrmely hot weather, no one goes outside, everyone's inside blasting their A/Cs. Especially in the summer, When people blast their A/Cs, they consume a LOT of power, and this led to the past 2 years of Blackouts.. What makes mankind so stupid is that they don't realize that when they pump the A/Cs, they consume a lot electricity, in which the powerplants will run much more, hence polluting more, which distrupts the earth's natural habits, in this case, temperature wise. So it gets hotter with every summer, and then people will feel the need to pump their A/Cs EVEN more than the previous year, consuming EVEN MORE electricty than the preiovus year, then the Power Supllies will pollute EVEN MORE than last year. Therefore, This Global Warming thing will NEVER End, it'll only go up, the overall temperature of the Earth will become SO Hot that eventually, there will no longer be winter, it'll be too hot for that, islands again, will become underwater, like Japan, Hawaii, California, Malaysia, etc. and people nowadays still don't realize this, but this still continues in life. Big corporations don't make recylcing programs because it costs too much, they find it SO much more easier to just throw everything in the trash, people sell and grow marijuana, wasting an EXCESSIVE amount of money, to sell it and smoke it, which pollutes the air.. Hydro Dams costs too much and distrupt the natural flow of water, Nuclear Plants heat up nearby water bodies and may contaminate it with it's waste, Uranium.. Fossil Fuel plants still run, for what reason? FOR ITS LOW COST and MOBILITY. Unlike Nuclear Plants, and Dams, they don't need a source of water to be build upon, but instead can be build jsut about ANYWHERE. Wind Energy, is probably the cleanest way to Alterante energy sources, Doesn't pollute, but why don't they make them? ITS BECAUSE IT REQUIRES SO MUCH MONEY TO DO IT.. and the governemtn refuses to pay that much money to make giant wind turbines in the windy prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada. But what they DON'T realize is that they might spend a LOT at the moment, but they WILL be able to save a lot more money in maintaining the Earth as well, the place will be a mucher better place to live. Soon, Clear Blue skies and bright lush green grass can be nothing but a dream.
See now, a majority of people who are aware about this global warming issue is doing nothing about it, they are still using a MUCH more energy than they need, for example, ignoring the lights of a room that has no one in it, leaving the computer on all night when it's not being used and nothing is running, using the clothes dryer when they can hang their clothes to dry instead, use cold water for laundry rather than hot or warm water, the list goes on.
If all this doesn't clearly point out my point to why Global warming is as it is now, then you obviously cannot read. Not to be rude, but I pretty much wrote an Essay out for those who even care..
P.S. Since i was 6 years old, and feared the Y2K thing, i always kept pondering on how life was to last much longer.. And 9 years later from then, it HAS become pathetic..