God Of War IV(?)

  • Thread starter RACECAR


Keeper of the Undocumented Changes Threads.
United States

At first, I thought it was another one of those awful fanmade trailers, but this one actually seems legitimate. I'm suprised that no one has really mentioned this so it is very new to me and seeing as the ending in God of War III has left me doubting Kratos actually is dead for good, this has gotten my attention. What are your thoughts on this?
I doubt that trailer is legit, however I can't wait for another release if it were to happen.
wow, and I thought there'd be nothing else left for Kratos to kill. Who knows maybe he'll have a change of heart and revive all the gods for the sake of having something to do, then Kill them ALL OVER again :lol:

I don't see it becoming a good game (if it is real). GOW3 took ages and released March 2010..the gap between 2 and 3 were how long? March 12 2007.. that's just over 3 years... and the 3rd installment has been praised as the "final chapter" IIRC, making it a trilogy (if i'm even using that word correctly).

so for the 4th to be coming out in 2012 on another March most likely seems like it'll be a short game. I mean, the gap between 1 and 2 were two years, and most people enjoyed the first over the second (including myself)
I doubt that trailer is legit, however I can't wait for another release if it were to happen.

Honestly, this is the closest thing to being real. I strongly doubt anyone is capable of making a fanmade teaser that good no matter how good the software is.

wow, and I thought there'd be nothing else left for Kratos to kill. Who knows maybe he'll have a change of heart and revive all the gods for the sake of having something to do, then Kill them ALL OVER again :lol:

You never are tired of killing :P

I don't see it becoming a good game (if it is real). GOW3 took ages and released March 2010..the gap between 2 and 3 were how long? March 12 2007.. that's just over 3 years...

You have to take into consideration there was also a PSP game that came out about a year afterwards (and a Cell phone game I believe) as well as a giant leap from PS2 to PS3.

and the 3rd installment has been praised as the "final chapter" IIRC, making it a trilogy (if i'm even using that word correctly).

Well, John Hight was quoted as saying "while God of War III will conclude the trilogy, it won't spell the end of the franchise. We're going to be really careful about what we do next." I'm assuming that means III only concludes the story of Kratos, but the franchise will continue. I'm somewhat doubt they are done though with Kratos as the end of God Of War III just left too big of a cliff hanger to convince anyone that was it.
Kratos body disappears in the end of the video, and whats left is the image of the mythical firebird phoenix.
The myth about the firebird phoenix says that every 600-800-1000 years(not sure about the years) it dies by burning it self in to ashes and reborns from it's own ashes.

If the video is fake though, it looks brilliant.
Lets hope that is true, cause we havent heard anything from Santa Monica Studios for a long time now.
End of Story, not the franchise, sounds a lot like Hideo Kojima's intentions right now....Tactical Stealth Espionage to Lightning Action
In GOWIV, Kratos fight the gods of the nether realm for the sake of the Greek gods and to fight off the nether realms invasion.
He hasn't killed Demeter.

I'm sure she'll be on the chopping block at some point.