Going to Thai one on...attack of the relapse

  • Thread starter W3H5
I love this place. It's so far removed from where I live in China. The folk are nice, it's clean, sunny, cheap and plenty of the locals speak English. The only downside is the restriction on when they can sell beer. :(

The omlette was possibly the best one I've ever had. :sly:
No worries Neal, happens a lot. ;)

Today I'm still drunk from last night. The beer here is extremely stronger than CQ beer.

I'm not getting drunk any more on this trip.

Yesterday was crazy. I went out to take some pictures and ended up drinking all day. Like a complete alcoholic. I'm not please with myself. :(

First In sat by the river on some graas by the city wall with a few tins of Chiang beer. They turned on the sprinklers and I got soaked, refreshing but annoying. Had to move.

Passed a 7-11 and due to not serving booze between 2-5pm I stacked up with another 5 cans and found a bench. Wrote my name on it and carried on walking, trying to map the city as I went.

Finished my cans and at this point I was well out of it. Found a restaurant and met some Chinese people who I had a beer with and lent them some Chinese cigarettes because the poor guy was sick of Thai smokes. They left, I continued to build a tower out of beer cans, this time Leo beer.

Wandered some more and found another place to drink. Met a German chap and spent the whole afternoon chatting and drinking with him. Was outside the bar having a smoke when who should walk past? Mrs Shem. *insert rage face here*

I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got a thorough telling off fer being hammered. Said I'd be home after that beer. I lied.

Went with the German guy to another place for more beers. Met a Canadian, got chatting. Completely lost track of time.

Got back after getting a little lost, again. Mrs Shem no happy.

I layed on the bed unable to move from the beer while getting lectured about our relation and my drink problem. Guilty as charged.

I managed to do something right because I then got raped. Wasn't exactly rape but you know what I mean. :sly:

So, fun rape over I passes out and woke up this morning with a hangover wanting more beer. I had a moment of thought and decided the right thing to do would be not to drink any more. I't's been 5 days since I was last sober. I haven't stopped shaking for days. I think I'm killing myself here. *Reality dawns* (Leaving Las Vegas springs to mind)

I had some delicious lunch from auntie Sal though. Don't know what it was but it was good.

I'm determind to spend the rest of the day online here so I don't feel the need to drink.

Made a video too. :) (Mild language warning)

Moar pics...

DSCN2617 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
The mountain.

DSCN2615 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
The bike.

DSCN2621 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
The river.

DSCN2630 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
A temple.

DSCN2633 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
Here be beer.

DSCN2634 by SideshowShem, on Flickr
The sun burn.

IMG_0890[1] by SideshowShem, on Flickr
A rice bear.
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A day spent drinking, getting busted by the misses, a good telling off, and then getting bonked.....another day in the life of shem!
It was a bit nuts, but I think I'm going to calm down and be a good husband for the rest of my stay, not a wiley larger lout!
Hello mr rice bear
you look really nice there
not so much for us to share
and where's your 🤬 underwear?

Thanks for the update and congratulations on getting lost so much. Can you congratulate someone for getting raped? Ah sod it, well that man. Keep it up! Sunburn's certainly coming on well. Perhaps you could video yourself peeling the skin off like a sock later.

Leo beer sounds fab. 👍
Shem sounds like a robot running James May voice protocol.
I tryed to do my best Bear Gryills impression, Omnis.

Today was meant to be sober. But as luck would have it auntie Sal had other plans in store. Mainly getting me drunk.

I don't know what it is with Thai people but they seem to drink all day, beer with ice, not my favourite. But still beer.

After hours of drinking watered down beer I was persuaded by Mrs Shem to hit the market. Little did I know that I would be riding. :grumpy: So, a little drunk, and a lot agressive I took the handle bars and made our way through the traffic to the night market.

Obviously I didn't want to go shopping, being male and all, so I plotted up in a bar. Less than 3 beer later I was out of it and fell asleep in the bar. Mrs Shem came back and saw my state and was kind enough to walk me to the curb to puke before buying me a Coke and a Twix. Sugar = sober.

She rode home and we then procceded to do them adult things what couples do, trying not to get caught by auntie Sal, while eating chocolate and sausages. The sausages thing was not a metaphore. They have really good German sausages here.

So, drunk now, again, mum is picking us up at 8am to take us to the next province for more meeting and greeting and probably more beer. Yay. :(

Today = average. Woke up in a depression, fought it off, got plied with beer, puked, ate sausage and got some nookie. Not bad by anyone's standards...

EDIT: The accent is my half natural/ half teaching voice. It would have been full blown Cockney had anyone been able to work out what I was saying, save a few members from the south of England.
Today = average. Woke up in a depression, fought it off, got plied with beer, puked, ate sausage and got some nookie. Not bad by anyone's standards...

...the Pope's? :dopey:

I'm confused, who got the hot sausage? Auntie Sal? Plus, I have a feeling you're allergic to Thai Beer. Have a good night, you can always have a go at sobriety tomorrow. ;)
Doubt it, I'm leaving auntie Sal's tomorrow and going to mums house where dad will no doubt get me mashed.

I'm allergic to all beer, it has this strange affect on me...:odd:

Sober? Me? I shoud be so lucky. :mad:
Well, first Twix in 2 years is going down well, despite the pain in my tooth nerves. Chocolate is so good, especially when it's this cheap, maybe 50p a go.

Should probably go to bed now and get some rest before the onslaught of dad's drink fest begins. Oh, poor me. For once, not sacasm. :grumpy:

(Give my liver a break people!)
Don't worry, they can replace livers. It's the embarrassing pics and videos on Facebook you have to worry about!
Ha! Don't have a Facebook...well, I do but haven't used it in 3 years due to China's Great Fire Wall.

Wish I was more sober, for once, being drunk is really getting to me. 5 days with the shakes. When I get back to China and stop drinking I'm going to get the DTs I think. :(
Well, my natural accent is hard to understand. A bit like a London hillbillly. I used my half decent pronunciation to make myself a bit more user friendly. I'll get another one up soon with me drunk speaking only Cockney and then you can tell me the first accent was a good idea. ;)

Night all, back in this thread the same time tomorrow. 👍
Wish I was more sober, for once, being drunk is really getting to me. 5 days with the shakes. When I get back to China and stop drinking I'm going to get the DTs I think. :(

Oh yeah, not good. You get to that point when you wake up and the ache from your liver is worse than your head and you think, 'hmm, that can't be right. Detox time!' Been there.
I'm not feeling anything from my liver, but my hands and mental sate say otherwise. My meds really don't work when I binge like this but the last thing I want to tell the in-laws is that I'm a manic depressive that has to be medicated every day to stay sane.
I announce that I'm drunk, washed up in some Hick town and really just getting chance encounters with the internet. Travelled through several provinces, from the Arc to the modern world. Sister understands English but is too shy to speak. Great. She's 30 and smoking hot.

Today I went out on the lash, but managed to get on the p!ss with cousin who is an Arsenal fan so we ended up ignoring the women and just watching the Sunderland Vs Middlesbrough game, followed by the Gunners Villa game. I didn't have any complaints because after being allowed to drive the Hilux back to town I was presented with more beer and omelettes, much to my satisfaction.

This was after a day of visiting the temple that I rope by before realising I was at the top of the mountain.

I'm in one of them fancy hotels at the minute but will soon be going back to the foothills of the mountain where I could definitely live the rest of my life. As long as they get the internet. Some time soon. And shoot the wild dogs which keep me up at night.

...I can shoot the dogs....no worries. 👍

Be back at another internet spot. :)

(Definitely getting fired fore being a week late back to work, but life comes before existence in my mind.)
Maybe he has discovered a temple full of drunk monks. :lol:
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